STEP Terminology

This topic provides definitions for basic STEP terminology that is helpful to be aware of when reading the online help. Links to additional material on related topics are also provided, when appropriate. This should not be considered a complete list of all STEP terms as it is intended to cover only the more commonly used terms that users are likely to encounter throughout the online help.




Further Reading


Type of business rule that can be executed to manipulate data or perform an action. Actions can be executed by various processes and events within the system. For example, at approval of an object, within a workflow (on entry to a state, exit from a state, on the transition between tasks, or when a deadline has been met), as part of an import process, or from a bulk update process.

Refer to the Business Actions topic in the Business Rules documentation.


refer to Public API

Refer to the Technical Documentation link on the Start Page.


The process of pushing data from the Maintenance workspace to the Approved workspace in STEP. Approval can be associated with business logic that may prevent approval or may perform automated data updates during approval. Approvals are often the triggers for sending data to downstream systems.

Refer to the Approval of Objects topic in the Getting Started documentation.


Any type of digital media, such as an image, Word document, PDF, Excel file, PowerPoint, JPG, GIF, etc.

Refer to the Assets topic in the Getting Started documentation.

Asset Push

A process that exports assets from STEP to a file system. Conversion templates can be applied to transform images, for example from high res to low res, resizing, applying color scales, etc., though assets can also be sent as-is to make them available on the file system.

Refer to the Asset Push topic in the Digital Assets documentation.


The user or group to which a task is assigned for work to be performed within a workflow. User states can be assigned directly to a named user or to a user group. When a state is assigned to a user group the task is "offered" to all members of that group. To perform the task associated with the state, a member of the group has to claim the task. Once a task is claimed it is no longer visible in the group task list; only the person who claimed the task is able to view it. A user may subsequently release a task back to the group.

Refer to the Assignees in Workflows topic in the Workflows documentation.


A characteristic or detailed piece of information related to a particular object. Attributes can be one of two types, description or specification. Description attributes are available on most object types in STEP, while specification attributes are only available on objects in the Primary Product Hierarchy.

Refer to the Attributes topic in the System Setup documentation.

Attribute Group

Groups attributes, reference types, and/or link types. Attribute groups can have sub-groups.

Refer to the Attribute Groups topic in the System Setup documentation.

Attribute Value

The value stored in a particular attribute on a particular object.

Refer to the Attributes topic in the System Setup documentation.




Further Reading


A placeholder created by the user that serves as a shortcut to a previously viewed location.

Refer to the Bookmarks topic in the Getting Started documentation.

Business Rule

Automated piece of programming logic that may implement customer-defined rules, such as validations, automatic updates, notifications, data-driven workflow routing, etc. Also refer to Condition and Action.

Refer to the Business Rules topic in the Business Rules documentation.




Further Reading

Calculated Attribute

An attribute where the value is calculated according to a specific formula defined for this attribute. The formula may include static text, other attribute values, information from references on the object, and a number of other options.

Refer to the Calculated Attributes topic in the System Setup documentation.

Category Profile

View in STEP that helps product managers and data analysts to get an overview of an entire section of the Product Hierarchy through various metrics that are displayed in dashboard format.

Refer to the Data Profiles topic in the Data Profiling documentation.

Character Tag

An entry that begins with “<” and ends with “/>” such as <check/>. These tags represent characters that may not be found in the special character map in Unicode, or may be used instead of the Unicode character.

Refer to the Tags topic in the System Setup documentation.


The action that a user performs to take a task in a workflow out of a group queue and assign to himself / herself.

Refer to the Claiming and Releasing Tasks in Workflows topic in theWorkflows documentation.


A particular type of hierarchy that organizes groups of objects or assets. Objects are linked to classifications via references, and may have references to multiple classifications. Also referred to as "yellow folders."

Refer to the Classifications topic in the Getting Started documentation.


An object that holds a static set of objects, or a dynamic search criteria that can be refreshed as needed to find the latest matching objects. Using collections, the resulting data can be displayed, bulk actions can be performed, or the objects can be exported.

Refer to the Collections topic in the Getting Started documentation.

Completeness Score

A measurement within STEP, expressed as a percentage, to indicate the proportion of key data that has been completed for a particular object. This key data is configurable, as is the weighting of importance.

Refer to the Metric Visualization topic in the System Setup documentation.


A condition is a type of business rule that evaluates to either true or false, and does not change data. In relation with approval, a condition can act as validation for whether an approval action can be carried out. In relation to workflows, conditions can be used to prevent a transition from being taken if certain conditions are not met.

Refer to the Business Conditions topic in the Business Rules documentation.


A specific filter placed on the system data. Each context is a combination of different dimensions such as language, country, and so forth, for example, English US, French CA, or German DE. Data may vary based on context.

Refer to the Contexts topic in the System Setup documentation.




Further Reading

Data Container

An object type for modeling complex entity or product data structures with a single record. Data containers make use of composite attributes which are composed of other data structures, and they are intended to ensure that all create, read, update, and delete operations can be performed as a whole.

Refer to the Data Containers topic in the System Setup documentation.

Data Model

Basic system configuration defining the allowable structures and make up of data within STEP. Consists of system setup data, including: dimensions, contexts, object types, reference types, keys, component models, attribute groups, attributes, lists of values, units, and tags.

Refer to the sections within the System Setup documentation.

Dimension-Dependent Attribute

An attribute that can have different values for different dimension points, where the actual value is determined by the context in which the attribute is presented.

Refer to the Dimension Dependent Attributes topic in the System Setup documentation.




Further Reading



A group of master data that has a specific business meaning. Entities typically store product-neutral data in STEP according to client-specific groupings of information, such as customers, employees, suppliers, and addresses. Entities are also often used to store reference data that is utilized within the system. Entities can be grouped into a hierarchy using reference types that are only valid from an entity object to an entity object. A source object can be displayed as a child of the target object or the target as a child of the source.

Refer to the Entities topic in the Getting Started documentation.

Externally Maintained Attribute

A characteristic of an attribute or reference that can be set to ’Yes’ or ’No’. A ’Yes’ selection indicates that the data point is maintained externally, and a change in it does not trigger a change in approval status and/or a new revision on the STEP object on which the data was changed. A ’No’ selection indicates that the data point is maintained internally and a change in it has the potential to trigger a change in the approval status and/or a new revision on the STEP object on which the data was changed.

Refer to the Externally Maintained Attributes topic in the System Setup documentation.




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A type of business rule that allows for input parameters to produce an output. These operations are side-effect free, and it do not change STEP data.

Refer to the Business Functions topic in the Business Rules documentation.




Further Reading

Golden Record

Collection of data from a variety of sources, based on matching, linking, and survivorship rules. The Golden Record is considered the trusted data record, compiled from the various source objects.

Refer to the Survivorship in Match and Merge topic, the Survivorship in Match and Link topic in the Matching, Linking, and Merging documentation.


Graphical user interface. For STEP, this can be the workbench or Web UI. A GUI

Refer to the GUI Setup topic in the System Setup documentation or the Design Mode Basics topic in the Web User Interfaces documentation.




Further Reading


A data structure composed of parents and children.

Refer to the Object Type Hierarchy topic in the System Setup documentation.


File system of folders where data can be dropped for automatic loading into STEP, based on the particular configurations and/or code applied to the hotfolder.

Refer to the IIEP - Choose Receiver topic in the Data Exchange documentation, Configuring an Asynchronous File Exchange Service topic in the Data Integration documentation, or the Asset Importer topic in the Digital Assets documentation.




Further Reading


The unique identifier for all objects within STEP. It cannot be translated or edited once created, and cannot contain special characters.


Image Conversion

A series of parameters defining the way in which an image is transformed from the standard high resolution asset that exists in STEP to the required downstream format. Several conversion options are available by default, and additional conversions can be added via configuration and/or extensions. Note that conversions change assets as they are pushed from STEP, leaving the originating file unchanged in STEP.

Refer to the Image Conversion Configuration topic in the Digital Assets documentation.

Inbound Integration Endpoint (IIEP)

Communication channel defining how data is received by STEP. Each endpoint defines how data is received from an external system, specifying location, transport protocol, data to be exchanged and other configuration parameters.

Refer to the Inbound Integration Endpoints topic in the Data Exchange documentation.

Integration Endpoint (IEP)

Communication channel between STEP and external systems. Refer to Inbound Integration Endpoint and Outbound Integration Endpoint.

Refer to the Data Exchange documentation.


The ability to make data available in the product or classification hierarchy to lower nodes by linking it to a higher node in the hierarchical structure.

Refer to the Inherited Attributes topic in the System Setup documentation.






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Set of functions that can be reused in multiple business rules or other libraries. Libraries cannot be called independently and must be referenced from other actions, conditions, or functions.

Refer to the Business Libraries topic in the Business Rules documentation.


A parent/child relationship between objects within the STEP system.

Refer to the Reference and Link Types topic in the System Setup documentation.

List of Values (LOV)

A validation base type for an attribute that only allows a value to be considered valid if it belongs to a respective list of pre-configured values assigned to the attribute. Also used to refer to the value list itself. LOVs are also referred to as 'Domains' at times.

Refer to the List of Values (LOV) topic in the System Setup documentation.

Localized Value

An attribute value that is set directly on an object and is not inherited from any level above in the hierarchy.

Refer to the Inherited Attributes topic in the System Setup documentation.




Further Reading

Mandatory Attribute

Indicates that the product and all its sub-products must have a value for the specified attribute in order for the object to be approved.

Refer to the Mandatory Attributes topic in the System Setup documentation.

Multi-Valued Attribute

An attribute that can contain more than one value for a specific object.

Refer to the Editing Multi-Valued Attributes topic in the System Setup documentation.





Further Reading


An element within the system, for example, a product, image, classification, attribute, workflow, business rule, etc.

Refer to the Basic STEP Concepts topic in the Getting Started documentation.

Object Type

A specific label for levels within a taxonomy, given to different elements within the system. Nearly every object in STEP is labeled with an object type to help identify what it is (i.e., a product or entity rather than an image, a TIF rather than a PDF, etc.). This includes entities, products, product categories, alternate hierarchies, images and other assets, attributes, and LOVs. Through the use of object types, system administrators can control how rigid or loosely defined the database will be in terms of object creation and where objects are allowed to ‘live’ and/or be used. This labeling also becomes very important when working with exported data so that each type of object in STEP can be identified for special handling in web applications or other uses outside of STEP.

Refer to the Basic STEP Concepts topic in the Getting Started documentation.

Orphan Attribute

A specification attribute that has a value, which has been deleted from / not linked to a product node or classification and is denoted by italics.

Refer to the Linking Orphan Attributes topic in the System Setup documentation.

Outbound Integration Endpoint (OIEP)

Communication channel defining how data is sent by STEP. Each endpoint defines how data is sent to an external system, specifying location, transport protocol, data to be exchanged and other configuration parameters.

Refer to the Outbound Integration Endpoints topic in the Data Exchange documentation.




Further Reading


A plugin component within the IEP framework that allows STEP to act on the result of the import / export such as starting workflows, sending notifications, etc.

Refer to the IIEP Configuration Section of the Maintaining an Inbound Integration Endpoint topic and the OIEP - Event-Based - Output Templates Section and OIEP - Select Objects - Output Templates Section topics in the Data Exchange documentation.


A plugin component within the integration endpoint framework that allows STEP to modify the message prior to import / export. It can be used for various functionality such as pre-validation, format conversion, filtering, etc.

Refer to the IIEP Configuration Section of the Maintaining an Inbound Integration Endpoint topic and the OIEP - Event-Based - Output Templates Section and OIEP - Select Objects - Output Templates Section topics in the Data Exchange documentation.

Primary Product Classification (PPC)

Hierarchy that allows for different types of objects to be stored once in the database; each object within this hierarchy has a unique ID / identifier and may have only one location within the hierarchy. Also referred to as the 'blue hierarchy'.

Refer to the Object Type Hierarchy topic in the System Setup documentation.


One of the object super types, referring to any object within the Primary Product Classification (blue hierarchy).

Refer to the Products topic in the Getting Started documentation.

Product Template

InDesign templates that determine what type of data will appear on a printed page, including the positioning and styling.

Refer to the Product Templates topic in the Publisher (Adobe InDesign Integration) documentation.

Product Variant

Data type used to model multiple variants of a similar object. For example, T-shirts in various sizes and colors could all be variants of a single product.

Refer to the Product Variants topic in the System Setup documentation.

Print Proof View

A tab in workbench or Web UI that displays a product template view ('proof') of a selected node (typically a Product but can also be an Entity or Classification) without the user needing to access InDesign.

Refer to the Print Proof View section of the Publisher (Adobe InDesign Integration) documentation.


One of the super types, referring to objects in the publication (green) hierarchy.

Refer to the Publication Hierarchy topic of the Publisher (Adobe InDesign Integration) documentation.

Public API

The set of server-side functions that have been exposed to be used in the business logic. This includes many functions to create, get, and set data, such as values and references. It also includes various methods for logging as well as sending emails.

Refer to the Technical Documentation link on the Start Page.


Removal of an object from the database. Following purge, an object cannot be revived.

Refer to the Revisions topic in the System Setup documentation.




Further Reading


The mechanism within the IIEP framework that allows messages to be processed in an asynchronous way. The queuing concept allows separating processes from different integration endpoints as well as controlling the degree of parallel imports (a queue size of one guarantees sequential import, while a queue size larger than one allows parallel processing of multiple messages for increased throughput where sequential execution is not required).

Refer to the Background Processes and Queues topic in the System Setup documentation.




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An association between objects within the STEP system.

Refer to the Reference and Link Types topic in the System Setup documentation.




Further Reading

Setup Entity

A configuration object that is based on a generic type of object which has been expanded for the specific need. For example: Completeness Metric, Elasticsearch Configuration, Asset Importer Configuration Type.

Setup entities are identified in the URL with 'step://SetupEntity', in STEPXML within the <SetupEntities> tag, and in user privileges via the Maintain Setup Entity action set. Setup Entities can be exported using both the STEPXML and Advanced STEPXML formats.

Refer to the URL Address Field section of the Toolbar topic and the Setup Actions and Error Descriptions topic, both in the Getting Started documentation.

Also refer to the STEP-ProductInformation Tag in STEPXML topic and the STEPXML Outbound Parameters topic, both in the Data Exchange documentation.

Special Character

A character that cannot be found on a standard keyboard but can usually be found in the Windows character map. Example: Trademark Symbol - ™

Refer to the Tags topic in the System Setup documentation.


A step within a workflow to which a specific user, user group, or system can be assigned to complete the task(s) associated with the state.

Refer to the Creating a Workflow topic in the Workflows documentation.


Stibo Enterprise Platform master data software application that provides business managers a single source database to store, manage, and re-purpose product information for publication or syndication.



STEP’s plugins for InDesign that allow data from the STEP database to be pulled onto pages. This is an outdated term and has been replaced with 'Print Publisher.'

Refer to the Print Publisher topic in the Publisher (Adobe InDesign Integration) documentation.


The native XML language for STEP, which can be used for importing / exporting STEP data, as well as transferring configurations between STEP systems.

Refer to the STEPXML Format topic in the Data Exchange documentation.

Super type

A major category of data within STEP including: Asset, Classification, Entity, Product, and Publication. Refer to the specific definition for each super type for additional information.

Refer to the Object Super Types topic in the Getting Started documentation.

Super User

A user that is given administrative privileges within the STEP system.

Refer to the Action Sets topic in the System Setup documentation.

Superseded The 'Superseded' status displays with affected components and serves as guidance to admin users selecting which components to implement when configuring their Web UI.

Refer to the Web UI Component Basics topic in the Web User Interfaces documentation.




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The work and/or action that must be completed within a specific workflow state (whether by a user or via automation).

Refer to the Working with Tasks in Workflows topic in the Workflows documentation.


The change of tasks from one state to another within a workflow.

Refer to Creating a Workflow topic in the Workflows documentation.




Further Reading

Unique Key

A unique key is a system entity that represents a specific object in the STEP system. The entity is composed of one or more data points, whether utilized as-is or in a combined and/or transformed format using a specified formula. There can be exactly one record for each object for each defined key. No two objects with the same unique key for an active key can exist.

Refer to the Unique Keys topic in the System Setup documentation.

User Permissions

Rules that allow or restrict users from performing certain functions within the system.

Refer to the Privilege Rules topic in the System Setup documentation.




Further Reading

Validation Base Type

A characteristic of attributes that identifies the format of the accepted data for the attribute value, such as whether the value is a date, integer, fraction, text, LOV, etc.

Refer to the Validation Rules topic in the System Setup documentation.




Further Reading

Web UI

A web-based interface to access the STEP database in order to read, edit, or download data and assets. Multiple Web UIs can be configured for each STEP installation.

Refer to the Web User Interfaces documentation.


An interface for managing data in STEP, as well as carrying out administrative functions.

Refer to the STEP Workbench UI topic in the Getting Started documentation.


A unit in SaaS to define how a process is run, one process runs on one or multiple workers. One CPU can run on multiple workers.

Refer to the Sensors for External Monitoring topic in the Administration Portal documentation.


Business process(es) modeled as a series of states and tasks that can be executed by users and/or automatic processes within the STEP system. Workflows prompt the next step of a process to be started, by either creating a task for a user, or sending an alert. Workflows may contain a number of process steps or tasks, as well as business logic.

Refer to the Workflows documentation.


A set of independent ‘copies’ of the database objects that provides a revision-specific view of objects. Workspaces are organized into separate areas including Main and Approved. The Main workspace is where data maintenance takes place. The approved workspace is a non-editable snapshot of data that has been determined to have been acceptable for publishing to downstream systems.

Refer to the Workspaces topic in the System Setup documentation.