JavaScript Binds
The same JavaScript binds are available for all business rules, using the functionality exposed in the public Java API. JavaScript in a business rule will have access to the standard Java packages. A connection into the STEP Java API can be created via binds where Java objects are bound to JavaScript variables. For more information, click the Technical Documentation button on the Start Page, and refer to the Javadoc link under the Scripting API section.
The following documentation addresses the binds, regardless of their use. For steps required to add a JavaScript bind, refer to the Adding a Bind topic.
The Global Binds available in Matching Algorithms are different from business rule JavaScript binds. For more information about matching algorithm binds, refer to the Match Codes topic of the Matching, Linking, and Merging documentation.
Important: STEP data should only be changed via an Execute JavaScript business action. Changing STEP data via an Evaluate JavaScript business condition is not supported. Refer to the JavaScript Considerations topic for more information and suggested uses.
The STEP Scripting Java API binds are available in the groupings listed below. The top-level options are shown with a light gray background.
Bind |
Resolves to |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.Node and the sub interface for the type that the business rule is evaluated / executed against. e.g., com.stibo.core.domain.Product or com.stibo.core.domain.entity.Entity |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.Manager. |
Instance of java.util.logging.Logger. |
AI |
The AI bind category will only display if Azure OpenAI or Azure Vision functionality is enabled on your system. |
Instance of |
Approval |
For business actions, instance of com.stibo.core.domain.spi.approve.ApproveTrigger.ApproveTriggerContext and the type specific sub interface (e.g., com.stibo.core.domain.spi.approve.ApproveProductTrigger.ApproveProductTriggerContext). For business conditions, instance of com.stibo.core.domain.spi.approve.ApprovePlugin.ApproveContext. |
Assets |
Asset Analyzer Home Bind (Configuring Asset Analyzer - Setup Group Items and Business Rules) |
Asset Analyzer functionality has been deprecated and is no longer supported and/or available for new installations. |
Asset Download Home Bind (Configuring Asset Download - Business Rules and Bulk Updates) |
com.stibo.assetdownload.domain.home.AssetDownloadHome |
Audit |
Audit Message Home Bind (Audit Message Framework) |
com.stibo.auditmessaging.domain.home.AuditMessageHome |
Audit Message Topic Bind (Audit Message Framework) |
com.stibo.auditmessaging.domain.topic.AuditMessageTopic |
Automotive Mapping |
Although these binds are displayed under the Mapping top-level option in workbench, they for use with the PMDM for Automotive solution. |
com.stibo.onboarding.domain.mapper.mapping.objectmanager.BusinessActionMappingsManager |
com.stibo.automotive.domain.model.Application |
com.stibo.core.domain.Node |
com.stibo.onboarding.domain.mapper.mapping.initialobject.InitialObject |
Instance of |
Configuration |
com.stibo.assetimporter.domain.configuration.AssetImportConfiguration. |
com.stibo.core.domain.ClassificationProductLinkType |
Instance of given that the selected gateway integration endpoint is REST based (the only option). |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.ListOfValues for the selected list of values. |
com.stibo.core.domain.ObjectType |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.ReferenceType for the selected reference type. |
Refer to the Experian Email Validation Integration topic of the Data Integration documentation. |
D&B Integration |
Refer to the Configuring Multiple Direct+ API Products topic in the Solution Enablement: Customer & Supplier MDM documentation |
Asset |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.Asset for the selected asset. |
Classification |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.Classification for the selected classification. |
Entity |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.entity.Entity for the selected entity. |
Product |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.Product for the selected product. |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.businessrule.errorhandling.context.DataIssuesContext |
Hidden Bind |
com.stibo.core.domain.businessrule.conditionalvalidity.hidden.HiddenContext |
Mandatory Bind |
com.stibo.core.domain.businessrule.conditionalvalidity.mandatory.MandatoryContext |
Read Only Bind |
com.stibo.core.domain.businessrule.conditionalvalidity.readonly.ReadOnlyContext |
e-Signature |
Instance of com.stibo.basicesignature.domain.BasicEsignature. e-Signature functionality has been deprecated and is no longer supported and/or available for new installations. Additionally, the functionality is not available for SaaS customers (regardless of their version). |
Current Event Batch |
Instance of com.stibo.outbound.businessactionpreprocessor.EventBatch. |
Current Event Processor Event Batch |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.eventprocessor.batch |
Current Event Queue |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.eventqueue.EventQueue. |
Current Event Triggering Workspace |
com.stibo.core.domain.eventqueue.triggeringworkspace |
Current Event Type |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.eventqueue.SimpleEventType. Can be a derived event type (com.stibo.core.domain.eventqueue.DerivedEventType) or a basic (core) event type (com.stibo.core.domain.eventqueue.BasicEventType). |
Derived Event Type |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.eventqueue.DerivedEventType for the selected derived event type. |
Event Queue |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.eventqueue.EventQueue for the selected event queue, outbound integration endpoint or event processor. |
GDSN Product |
Instance of com.stibo.gdsn2.domain.model.GDSNProduct. |
GDSN Provider Datapool |
Instance of com.stibo.gdsn2.domain.model.configuration.GDSNProviderDatapool. |
GDSN Provider Message Exception Description |
java.lang.String. |
GDSN Provider Message Exception File | |
GDSN Provider Message Original File | |
GDSN Provider Original Node |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.Node |
GDSN Publisher Data Map |
Instance of com.stibo.gdsn2.domain.datamap.GDSNDataMap. |
GDSN Publisher Product Validation |
Instance of com.stibo.gdsn2.domain.impl.businessrules.GDSNValidationContext @Deprecated. |
GDSN Receiver Data Map |
Instance of com.stibo.gdsn2.receiver.domain.impl.businessactioncontext.GDSNReceiverDataMapContext. |
GDSN Receiver Message Exception Description |
java.lang.String. |
GDSN Receiver Message Exception File | |
GDSN Receiver Message Original File | |
GDSN Receiver Original Node |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.Node. |
GDSN Receiver Packaging Product |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.Node. |
GDSN Receiver REST CIC Status |
com.stibo.gdsn2.receiver.domain.model.cicstatus |
GDSN Recipient |
Instance of com.stibo.gdsn2.domain.model.configuration.GDSNRecipient. |
GDSN Target Market |
Instance of com.stibo.gdsn2.domain.model.configuration.GDSNTargetMarket. |
GDSN Validation Logger |
com.stibo.gdsn2.domain.validationlogger |
Import |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.importer.changeinfo.ImportChangeInfo. |
Inbound Business Rule Based Message Processor (IIEP - Configure Business Rule Based Message Processor Processing Engine) |
Inbound Execution Report Logger |
com.stibo.integrationendpoint.businessactionprocessor.inbound.domain.bind.common.InboundBusinessProcessorExecutionReportLogger |
Inbound Importer Source |
com.stibo.integrationendpoint.businessactionprocessor.inbound.domain.bind.importer.InboundBusinessProcessorImporterSource |
Inbound Splitter Result |
com.stibo.integrationendpoint.businessactionprocessor.inbound.domain.bind.splitter.InboundBusinessProcessorSplitterResult |
Inbound Splitter Source |
com.stibo.integrationendpoint.businessactionprocessor.inbound.domain.bind.splitter.InboundBusinessProcessorSplitterSource |
Integration Endpoint | |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.integrationendpoint The bind is resolvable in the 'Business Rule Based Message Processor' and in the 'Business Action' pre-processor or in the Business Action Pre-processor. In other cases, it returns an exception when used from a JavaScript. |
List Processing |
com.stibo.listprocessing.domain.impl.binds.ListProcessingExternalResponseSourceObject |
Find Similar Input Object (Find Similar Binds) |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.Node and the sub interface for the type that the business rule is evaluated / executed against. e.g., com.stibo.core.domain.Product or com.stibo.core.domain.entity.Entity |
Find Similar Match Result List (Find Similar Binds) |
Instance of type java.util.List<SimilarNode> |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.entity.Entity |
Matching |
First Match Object (Matching Binds) |
either com.stibo.core.domain.Product or com.stibo.core.domain.entity.Entity |
com.stibo.core.domain.entity.Entity |
Match Expression Context (Matching Algorithms and Match Expressions) |
com.stibo.matching.domain.matchexpression.MatchExpressionContext |
Matching Functions (Customizing Match Criteria with JavaScript Functions) |
com.stibo.matching.domain.javascript.MatchingFunctionsContext |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.value.simplevaluepair.SimpleValuePair |
Party Data Matching (Customer & Supplier MDM Configuration Guide) |
com.stibo.partydatamatching.domain.home.PartyDataMatchingHome |
Second Match Object (Matching Binds) |
either com.stibo.core.domain.Product or com.stibo.core.domain.entity.Entity |
Instance of either com.stibo.core.domain.Product or com.stibo.core.domain.entity.Entity. |
Instance of type Set<Rankscorable> created by Collections.unmodifiableSet. |
JSON Document |
A JSON object for the document that has been stored in the MongoDB database. |
MongoDB Context |
Instance of com.stibo.components.mongodbadapter.server.MongoDBActionContext. |
Attribute Validated Parameter |
User input as java.lang.String. |
Attribute Value |
java.lang.String value for the selected attribute. |
Conditionally Invalid Values |
java.util.Set<com.stibo.core.domain.Value> |
Current Asset Content Object |
Instance of com.stibo.core.asset |
Current Data Container Object |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.datacontainerobject.DataContainerObject. |
ID |
ID of the com.stibo.core.domain.Node that the business rule is evaluated / executed against as a java.lang.String. |
Lookup Table Home |
com.stibo.lookuptable.domain.LookupTableHome. |
Mail Home |
com.stibo.mail.home.MailHome. |
Name |
Name of the com.stibo.core.domain.Node that the business rule is evaluated / executed against as a java.lang.String. |
Outbound Business Rule Based Message Processor (OIEP - Configuration Section for Business Rule Based Message Processor) |
Outbound Execution Report Logger |
com.stibo.integrationendpoint.businessactionprocessor.outbound.domain.bind.common.OutboundBusinessProcessorExecutionReportLogger |
Outbound Joiner Result |
com.stibo.integrationendpoint.businessactionprocessor.outbound.domain.bind.joiner.OutboundBusinessProcessorJoinerResult |
Outbound Joiner Source |
com.stibo.integrationendpoint.businessactionprocessor.outbound.domain.bind.joiner.OutboundBusinessProcessorJoinerSource |
Outbound Node Handler Result |
com.stibo.integrationendpoint.businessactionprocessor.outbound.domain.bind.nodehandler.OutboundBusinessProcessorNodeHandlerResult |
Outbound Node Handler Source |
com.stibo.integrationendpoint.businessactionprocessor.outbound.domain.bind.nodehandler.OutboundBusinessProcessorNodeHandlerSource |
PDX | |
Instance of com.stibo.tagglo.masterdata.integration.bindcontext.PDSSubmissionContext |
Instance of |
Query |
com.stibo.query.home.QueryHome |
Streaming Message |
com.stibo.core.domain.integrationendpoint.streaming.domain |
Streaming Execution Report Logger |
com.stibo.core.domain.integrationendpoint.streaming.logger |
Sufficiency |
Instance of com.stibo.sufficiency.bindcontext.SufficiencyCheckActionContext |
Web UI Context | |
Instance of com.stibo.webui.bindaction.server.context.WebUiContext |
Current Transition |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.state.currenttransition.CurrentTransition |
Current Workflow |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.state.Workflow |
Transition Evaluation |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.state.transitionevaluation |
Workflow Action Owner |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.state.transitionevaluation, where the wfActionOwner is the logged workflow state where the business action is selected on the 'On Entry' or 'On Exit' tab |
Workflow Function Home |
com.stibo.core.domain.state.function |
Workflow Parameters |
Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> |
Workflow State |
Instance of com.stibo.core.domain.state.State |
The Global Binds available in Matching Algorithms are different from business rule JavaScript binds. For more information about matching algorithm binds, refer to the Configuring Matching Algorithms section of the Matching, Linking, and Merging documentation.