Homepage Widgets

A grid of widgets displays useful information on the Web UI Homepage, where users are directed after logging in. The Widget Grid displays a customizable overview of typical tasks or information a user needs to more easily work in STEP. Widgets are a quick way to get an overview of a user's tasks and an easy way to access often-used actions.

Below is a list of some of the most commonly used widgets.


It is expected that anyone configuring a Homepage widget is familiar with Web UI Designer, as basic concepts for working with the designer are not covered in this section. In addition, the user must have appropriate privileges to access the designer.

Details on how to add a widget grid and widgets to the homepage can be found in the Adding Widgets to a Homepage topic in this guide here.

Analytics Widget

STEP supports integration with data analytics tools like Tableau Server and Qlik Server in the Web UI. Data analytics dashboards can be displayed in the Web UI in either a homepage widget or in a screen.

For more information on the Analytics Widget, refer to the Visual Integration with External Analytics Tools section of the Analytics documentation here.

Asset Importer Widget

The Asset Importer Widget allows users to import assets via an asset import configuration. Multiple asset importer configurations can be mapped to the same widget. The widget can also be set up to not specify a configuration at all, allowing users to choose from a full list of all configurations available in the system upon initiating an import.

For more information on the Asset Importer Widget, refer to the Asset Importer Widget topic within this guide here.

File Loading Widget

The File Loading Widget allows users to select, or drag and drop, one or more files from their local machine for asynchronous transfer into a STEP hotfolder. More than one file loading widget can be added to a Web UI homepage, and more than one IIEP can be configured within each File Loading Widget. Depending on how the IIEP is configured, users can transfer either zipped files less than 50GB or standard files less than 600MB.

For more information on the File Loading Widget, refer to the File Loading Widget section of this guide here.

HTML Asset Widget

The HTML Asset Widget is a versatile component that will load an asset from STEP assuming that it contains an HTML document and insert it within the widget. This can be used to display a rich message that can be updated by replacing the asset content from the STEP Workbench.

Impersonate User Widget

In support situations it is often relevant to be able to view exactly what the user experiencing the issue is observing, including data and error messages. Web UI user impersonation enables a privileged user to act as another user, but using their own password so that the impersonated user's password is not revealed. When impersonating someone, all privileges, views, and access are exactly matched to the user being impersonated.

For more information regarding setup, refer to the Web UI User Impersonation Setup topic in the System Setup documentation here. For information regarding how to user impersonation, refer to the User Impersonation topic in the Web User Interfaces documentation here.

KPI Widget

The KPI Widget can be configured with a range different data profiling content. The dashboard widgets available in the Web UI can all be configured as content in the KPI Widget.

For more information on what data profile widgets are available, refer to the Data Profile Widgets in Web UI section of this guide here.

Links Widget

The Links Widget can be configured with a list of links to Web UI screens (e.g., upload screen, Import Smartsheet dialog, or processes screen), a node in STEP (product, asset, classification, entity, or publication) or to an external URL outside the Web UI. In addition, small sections of text can be placed in the list by adding a StaticText or StaticHtml component. The text components can be used to write descriptive text for the links. For more information on setting up a Links Widget, refer to the Links Widget section of this guide here.

Mass Creation Widget

Once configured, the Mass Creation Widget enables users to start the process of creating new objects in Web UI. This widget is used in conjunction with the Mass Creation screen type, which allows users to on board multiple objects into STEP using Web UI screens instead of more complex import methods such as Smartsheets.

For more information, refer to the Mass Creation Widget section of this guide here.

Policy Widget

The Policy Widget, when used in conjunction with a Customer MDM system and configured Data Policies, shows all the currently breached policies.

For more information, refer to the Policy Widget section of this guide here.

Power BI Web UI Widget

The Power BI Web UI Widget is used with the Power BI Analytics solution. The Power BI Widget is used to provide high-level summary information of Power BI analytics information made available to users as widgets on the Web UI homepage. Most commonly, Power BI dashboard tiles are embedded into widgets, though Power BI reports can also be embedded into Power BI widgets.

For more information, refer to the Power BI Web UI Widget topic in the Power BI section of the Analytics documentation here.

Search Widget

The Search Widget allows for a quick (and configurable) search of objects in the STEP system. The Search Widget can be configured to search widely through STEP, or it can be configured to search only a narrow segment of STEP (i.e., Data Containers, Golden Record IDs, and Source Record IDs), depending on the needs of the user.

For more information, refer to the Search Widget topic within this guide here.

Simple Importer Widget

A Simple Importer Widget allows Web UI users of all skill levels to reliably initiate an import on demand from the Web UI Homepage. Administrators have many options to allow their users to easily and accurately create and/or update products, entities, classifications; and their attribute values, reference types, and object type by dragging and dropping a CSV or Excel valid import file onto the respective Web UI Homepage widget. If desired, a Simple Importer Widget can also provide more advanced on demand import functionality when configured to utilize saved import configurations.

For more information, refer to the Simple Importer Widget topic within this guide here.

Smartsheet Export Widget

The Smartsheet Export Widget allows users to easily download Smartsheets. Depending on how the chosen template is configured, this can be used for both data and template exports.

For more information, refer to the Smartsheet Export Widget topic within this guide here.

Status Selector Homepage Widget

The Status Selector Homepage Widget allows a user to view tasks associated with the states of a particular workflow. If desired, the widget can also be configured to allow users to initiate objects into a workflow. Similar functionality is available on the Status Selector child component in the Global Navigation Panel in --[MAIN]--.

For more information, refer to the Status Selector Homepage Widget topic within this guide here.

Text Widget

The Text Widget allows for the display of text on the Web UI Homepage. Since all users are directed to the Homepage after login, the Text Widget is a great way to display a custom welcome message and/or instructions to users regarding next steps after logging in.

For more information, refer to the Text Widget section of this guide here.

Translation Status Widget

The Translation Status Widget is used for showing translation jobs. This widget displays the number of jobs that are in certain states for a selected Asynchronous Configuration. It is possible to navigate to a screen showing detailed information about each displayed state's job nodes.

For more information, refer to the Translation Status Widget Configuration topic in the Asynchronous Translation documentation here.

User Widget

The User Widget shows the username of the currently logged in user, and has a logout button to let the user safely log out of the Web UI.

Video Asset Widget

This widget is used to display the video content of an Asset in STEP. The assets configured in the widget has to be a video file. If it is a document or an image it will not appear in the widget.

Workflow Historical Line Dashboard

The Workflow Historical Line Dashboard widget displays historical data of the specified Workflow Profile as a line chart. This data must be generated on-demand via the Workflow Profile itself (in either STEP Workbench or Web UI).

For more information on the Workflow Historical Line Dashboard widget, refer to the Workflow Historical Line Dashboard topic within this guide here.

Workflow Profile Chart Dashboard

The Workflow Profile Chart Dashboard widget displays live data of the specified Workflow Profile as a pie or bar chart.

For more information on the Workflow Profile Chart Dashboard widget, refer to the Workflow Profile Chart Dashboard topic within this guide here.