Adding Widgets to a Homepage

Any number of widgets can be added to a Widget Grid. Web UI designers should add all widgets to a single Widget Grid component.

To add a widget grid and widgets to the Homepage:

  1. Enter Web UI design mode.
  2. On the Home Page Properties, in the Child Component section on the to Content parameter, edit an existing Widget Grid.

  1. Double click on the Widget Grid to display its properties.
  2. Select Add in the Widgets Child Component section to display the Add Component dialog.

  1. Choose the widget. In the example, Status Selector Homepage Widget is selected. Click Add to close the dialog and return to the Widget Grid Properties.

  1. Configure the Widget Properties based on the parameters shown. Each widget has a different set of properties. Refer to the documentation specific to each widget for additional information.

  1. When the configuration is complete, select Save and Close the designer.

  1. The widget appears on the Homepage.