Export Manager

The Export Manager allows you to export data on demand or at scheduled intervals and to save or modify an export configuration. The final step of the wizard allows you to save the export configuration. This is useful for frequently-used exports where the parameters and options are always, or nearly always, the same. A saved export configuration saves setup time, and is required for scheduled exports.

Setup Requirements

Setting up and using the Export Manager involves the following steps:

  1. Based on the data being exported, determine how to start the Export Manager wizard as described in Creating a Data Export here.
  2. In the wizard, choose a previously saved configuration or start a new export as described in Export Manager - Select Configuration here.
  3. In the wizard, select one or more hierarchy nodes or modify the nodes selected via a configuration as described in Export Manager - Select Objects here.
  4. In the wizard, select the file format in which the extracted information is delivered as described in Export Manager - Select Format here.
  5. In the wizard, when required, select which pieces of information are extracted per object exported as described in Export Manager - Map Data here.
  6. In the wizard, when required, specify if exported data should be converted to another output format as described in Export Manager - Advanced here.
  7. In the wizard, specify how information is to be delivered as described in Export Manager - Select Delivery Method here.
  8. In the wizard, save the configuration (if necessary), and run the export as described in Running a Data Export here.
  9. Monitor the export and download the output file as described in Monitoring a Data Export here.

Additional Information

The following information is useful once an export configuration is saved:

  1. Maintain a saved configuration as described in Maintaining a Saved Export Configuration here.
  2. Perform the selected export configuration one or more times, according to the scheduling parameters, via a background process as described in Scheduling a Data Export here.
  3. Remove a scheduled export process, which is required to run current parameters if the original configuration is modified, as described in Deleting a Scheduled Background Process within the System Setup documentation here.