Event Processors

An event processor can be used to monitor events within STEP. Each event processor has many parameters but most notably the collective configuration of a processing plugin, a processor queue, and event triggering definitions. These allow for the collected events to be logically processed, and actions automatically performed, based upon each event processor's specific configuration.

Event processors can be used to automatically perform actions based on triggering events, however much of what an event processor can do is controlled by the processing plugin. Before creating an event processor, you should know the processing plugin to be used. For a complete list of STEP processing plugins, refer to the Processing Plugins documentation.


Before an Event Processor can be created / configured the one-time setup tasks described in the Initial Setup for Event Processors topic must be completed to allow for the creation of event processors.

It is expected that anyone configuring an event processor is familiar with how and when events are generated. For more information, refer to the Events topic.

Setup Requirements

Setting up and using an event processor involves the following steps:

  1. Perform one-time setup tasks to allow for the creation of event processors as described in the Initial Setup for Event Processors topic.
  2. Launch the event processor wizard as described in the Creating an Event Processor topic.
  3. In the wizard, add an ID, name, and object type as described in EP - Identify Event Processor topic.
  4. In the wizard, specify the processing and error handling as described in EP - Configure Event Processor topic.
  5. In the wizard, specify the information specific to the processing plugin selected in the previous step as described in EP - Configure Processing Plugin topic.
  6. In the wizard, specify how often the event processor should start as described in EP - Schedule Event Processor topic.
  7. In the wizard, populate the send report to address parameter as described in EP - Error Handling and Reporting topic.
  1. Confirm / Update triggering definitions as described in EP - Event Triggering Definitions Tab topic.
  2. Set Queue Status Events to 'Read Events' as described in the 'Queue Status' section of the EP - Event Processor Tab topic.
  3. Enable the event processor as described in the 'Enable Event Processor' section of the Running an Event Processor topic.

Note: An event processor definition can be exported as comments and submitted to an external source control system for comparison purposes. For details, refer to the Configuration Management documentation.

Event Processor Results

An event processor has no delivery method, but is otherwise similar to an event-based outbound integration endpoint (OIEP). Event processors can be used alone when the results are only required internally to STEP. However, if the delivery of the results of the event processor is required externally, the event processor can be used in conjunction with an OIEP. For more information, refer to the Outbound Integration Endpoints section within the Data Exchange documentation.

Monitoring the progress of an event processor from an external system is available by way of a STEP Monitoring Sensor. For details, refer to the Monitoring an Event Processor via External System documentation. For information on the recommended practices for Error Handling, refer to the Error Handling Recommended Practices topic in Resource Materials online help documentation.