List Processing Bulk Update Operations

The bulk update operations listed below are available in List Processing. Details are included in the Bulk Updates documentation which can be accessed as shown below.

After adding all necessary operations, continue with Web UI setup as defined in the Configuring List Processing in Web UI topic here.

Set Name

The 'Set Name' operation sets the name of records in the list. For more information, refer to the Set Name Operation topic in the Bulk Updates documentation here.

Set Object Type

The 'Set Object Type' operation changes the object type of the records in the list. For more information, refer to the Set Object Type Operation topic in the Bulk Updates documentation here.

Run Business Rule

The 'Run Business Rule' operation allows users to specify an optional condition and/or a mandatory action that will be evaluates based on the list records with the limitations noted below. For more information, refer to the Run Business Rule Operation topic in the Bulk Updates documentation here.

The following business actions are supported:

Parent Menu Name Operation Supported Comments
Attribute Values Merge Attribute Values Partially Attribute links and workspaces are not supported
Data Quality Standardize Address Yes  
References and Links Add Reference Partially Only with entity references
References and Links Automatic Classification Partially Only with entity references
References and Links Remove Reference Yes  
Value Generator Release a Value Yes  
Value Generator Assign a Value Yes  
  Execute JavaScript Yes  
  Reference another Business Action Yes  
  Send Email Partially Not supported with workflows
  Set Attribute Yes  
  Set Name Yes  
  Set Object Type Yes  

Attribute values > Merge Attribute Values

The 'Merge Attribute Values' operation combines the values of a set attribute value into a specified destination attribute. For more information, refer to the Attribute Values: Merge Attribute Values Operation topic in the Bulk Updates documentation here.

Important: Since workspace setting and linking attributes only make sense for master data entities in the STEP database, these settings will not affect list records as these records are stored in isolation.

Attribute values > Set Value

The 'Set Value' operation allows users to first specify a system attribute and then apply a value to all records with that attribute in the list. For more information, refer to the Attribute Values: Set Value Operation topic in the Bulk Updates documentation here.

References and Links > Add Reference

The 'Add Reference' operation creates a reference between records when using a list. For more information, refer to the References and Links: Add Reference or Add Referenced By Operations topic in the Bulk Updates documentation here.

References and Links > Remove Reference

As an inverse of the 'Add Reference' operation, the 'Remove Reference' operation removes pre-populated references on records in a list. For more information, refer to the References and Links: Remove Reference Operation topic in the Bulk Updates documentation here.

Data Quality > Standardize Address

The 'Standardize Address' operation ensures that the records in the list have the expected information and format of addresses. For more information, refer to the Data Quality Standardize Address Operation topic in the Bulk Updates documentation here.

Important: A CASS Certification Report Event Processor must not be configured.