Wiki Metadata (Data Catalog Connector)

Note: Data Catalog Connector: This functionality has been deprecated and is no longer supported and/or available for new installations. This documentation is retained as a reference only for customers already using the functionality and for whom it remains available in the current state. The functionality will be removed in the future so customers using this should make plans to transition away from their implementation of it.

Configuration Governance involves capturing data that explains how your system works and how to use it. This could include metadata that documents, for example, the purpose of an attribute or integration endpoint, the owner of an LOV, or the process to request a change to a workflow. For STEP, the wiki (also known as Data Catalog Connector) provides a way to capture configuration governance metadata on many system setup objects, and displays it via a 'Go to Wiki' link.

The Wiki Metadata functionality requires installation of the XWiki advanced open source enterprise wiki platform and database, which reside outside of STEP. However, the XWiki content pages can be launched from both workbench and Web UI, and the content can also be searched. For information about XWiki, review the content found on the web at:

Executing the Wiki Metadata STEP installation recipe includes creation of a pre-configured, event-based OIEP to handle creation of and updates to wiki pages. After a successful installation of both STEP and XWiki, links to the wiki are included in the workbench and in Web UI.

Additionally, an MDM system provides support for Information Governance functionality such as policy evaluation, creation, and collaboration, as well as policy change management and impact analysis. For more information, refer to the Data Governance documentation here.

Setup Requirements

Setting up and using the wiki involves the following steps:

  1. Install, configure, and test the Wiki Metadata as defined in Initial Setup for Wiki Metadata here.
  2. Generate new wiki pages as defined in Creating Wiki Metadata Pages here.

Additional Information

The following information is useful once the wiki is set up:

  1. Display a wiki page for a selected system setup object as defined in:
  • Viewing Wiki Metadata Pages from Workbench here
  • Viewing Wiki Metadata Pages from Web UI here
  1. Modify the data on the wiki page as defined in Editing Wiki Metadata Pages here.