Creating Wiki Metadata Pages

Note: Data Catalog Connector: This functionality has been deprecated and is no longer supported and/or available for new installations. This documentation is retained as a reference only for customers already using the functionality and for whom it remains available in the current state. The functionality will be removed in the future so customers using this should make plans to transition away from their implementation of it.

After the OIEP setup is complete, events are generated based on the settings of the OIEP's Event Triggering Definitions tab. For more information on how events are handled by an OIEP, refer to the OIEP - Event-Based - Event Triggering Definitions Tab topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.

Events queued by the OIEP are processed by the queue to create and update wiki pages.

Events can be triggered for: 

  • Attribute groups
  • Attributes
  • Business rules (action, condition, function, and library)
  • Integration endpoints (inbound, outbound, and gateway)
  • LOVs
  • Reference types
  • User Groups
  • Workflows

Some system setup object types include a 'Go to Wiki' link, but do not trigger an event. For details on objects or changes that do not trigger events, refer to the Events Not Triggered topic in the System Setup documentation here.

In the wiki, two pages are created for each system setup object triggered: [object ID]-STEP and [object ID]-CUSTOM. The STEP page includes metadata sent from the STEP system. The CUSTOM page includes a template for user defined content.

When the OIEP includes multiple contexts, multiple versions of the data will be included in the wiki STEP page. Data from the available contexts are displayed with the qualifier ID from the context.

Bulk Wiki Page Creation

The Republish command allows you to populate the wiki as a whole. For more details, refer to the Event-Based OIEP Event Actions topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.

Note: The time required to complete the republishing process is based on the number of objects being republished, the environment, and the server performance.

  1. Select the Workspace that should be used for republishing events.
  2. On System Setup, open the WikiMetadataEndpoint OIEP Configuration tab.
  3. On the Event Queue Configuration flipper, click the Republish button.
  4. Use the Select Setup Nodes to Republish checkboxes to select the objects that should be republished. For example, check the 'Republish all Attributes' checkbox and the 'Republish all setup nodes' checkbox.
  5. Add text to identify the Process Description. This is a required parameter.
  6. Click the Start Republish button to start the republishing background process.