Viewing Wiki Metadata Pages from Web UI

Note: Data Catalog Connector: This functionality has been deprecated and is no longer supported and/or available for new installations. This documentation is retained as a reference only for customers already using the functionality and for whom it remains available in the current state. The functionality will be removed in the future so customers using this should make plans to transition away from their implementation of it.

Once the setup is complete, the OIEP is running, and the wiki is running, additional steps may be required to access the wiki from Web UI as defined in the Prerequisites section below. Using the default setup, invoking the OIEP creates and modifies wiki pages.

The availability of a 'Go to Wiki' link is restricted only by the display of the system setup object and no additional privileges are required. Although many system setup objects include a wiki link, not all of them are supported in creating a wiki page. The objects that do trigger events for wiki are listed in the Creating Wiki Metadata Pages topic here. For a list of objects that do not trigger events or wiki pages, refer to the Events Not Triggered topic in the System Setup documentation here.


  1. For the 'Go to Wiki' link to be displayed in Web UI, the OIEP must exist in workbench. Creation of the OIEP is handled by the Wiki Metadata installation, as described in Initial Setup for Wiki Metadata here.
  2. Enabling the 'Go to Wiki' link involves the following setup, based on the screen or component, as defined in the following Using a Web UI topics:
  • For components that include the Display Context Help parameter, when that parameter is enabled, the link is displayed on the information popup. For configuration information, refer to the Attribute Help Text in Web UI (here).
  • For the Attribute Link Editor Screen (here), the Attribute Link Wiki Header can be added in the Headers parameter.
  • For the Attribute Management Screen (here), on the Tab Control child component > Tab Page (Attribute Details) > Node Editor > Row child component > add the Wiki Link Value component.
  • No additional configuration is needed to display the link on the Status Selector Homepage widget or the Status Selector Homepage Widget (here).

View Wiki Pages

In Web UI, the 'Go to Wiki' link can be accessed from the blue information icon which is displayed by hovering over a label.

Click the link to display the wiki page in the user's default browser with the object's ID as the title.

Page Not Found

When a 'Go to Wiki' link is clicked but an event has not been processed by the OIEP to create a wiki page, as shown below, a message is displayed by the wiki that the requested page is not found. In this case, you can make a change on the object to trigger an event, or use the republish option to generate the missing page as described in the Creating Wiki Metadata Pages topic here.