Initial Setup for Wiki Metadata

Note: Data Catalog Connector: This functionality has been deprecated and is no longer supported and/or available for new installations. This documentation is retained as a reference only for customers already using the functionality and for whom it remains available in the current state. The functionality will be removed in the future so customers using this should make plans to transition away from their implementation of it.

Complete the following one-time steps to set up and use Wiki Metadata.

  1. Install the XWiki platform and database on a system, noting the hardware and software requirements and following the instructions on the web at:

    Note: Although HSQL database is allowed for XWiki installation, it is not recommended for a STEP production environment.

  2. Go to the directory where you installed XWiki and execute the start file appropriate for your system (Windows or Unix).

  3. Contact Stibo Systems to activate the 'wikimetadata' component.

  4. On the STEP application server, edit the file, and add the following case-sensitive properties:

    • Wiki.OIEPID=WikiMetadataEndpoint - This property identifies the ID (WikiMetadataEndpoint) of the OIEP created upon restarting the server after applying the STEP Wiki Metadata installation license.

    • WikiEndpointImportStartPlugin.ContextID=[context ID] - Replace [context ID] with the ID of the context that should be set on the OIEP. If this property is not added, the default context is global with an ID of 'GL'. The OIEP creation requires that a context exists with either an ID of 'GL' or the context ID defined by this property. Multiple contexts can be added if needed, using a comma-delimited list of IDs.

    • WikiEndpointImportStartPlugin.User=[user ID] - Replace [user ID] with the ID of the user that should be set on the OIEP. If this property is not added, the default user is database administrator with an ID of 'DBA'. The OIEP creation requires that a user exists with either an ID of 'DBA' or the user ID defined by this property.

  5. Stop and restart the application server to create a new setup group named 'Wiki Setup Group' in System Setup, as well as a new event-based OIEP named 'WikiMetadataEndpoint'. If either the setup group or OIEP already exists, even in the recycle bin, they cannot be created.

    Important: An OIEP with an ID that matches the ID given by the Wiki.OIEPID property is required to display the wiki links in Web UI.

  6. In System Setup, manually configure the OIEP Delivery Method as required to work with your system. For details on configuration, refer to the Wiki Delivery Method topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.

  7. In System Setup, manually configure the WikiMetadataEndpoint event-based OIEP parameters:

    • On the Configuration tab, Configuration section, update the Schedule to run as required. By default, the OIEP is created to be invoked every minute. For details, refer to the Schedule section of the OIEP - Configuration Section topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.

    • On the Configuration tab, Configuration section, update the Workspace parameter if needed. The default workspace is Approved.

    • On the Configuration tab, Event Queue Configuration section, update the Queue Status parameter to Read Events. By default, the OIEP is created to discard events, and no wiki pages are created with this setting. For details, refer to the Event-Based OIEP Status and Queue Status topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.

    • On the OIEP's Event Triggering Definitions tab, verify that the triggers are adequate to generate the required wiki pages. For more information, refer to the Creating Wiki Metadata Pages topic here.

  8. In System Setup, right-click the OIEP and click the Enable Integration Endpoint option to run the OIEP based on the schedule. For details, refer to the Running an Outbound Integration Endpoint topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.

Setup is now complete. Continue by verifying that setup was successful by following the Testing Wiki Metadata steps below.

Testing Wiki Metadata

  1. In the System Setup attribute node, create a new attribute. This action should trigger the creation of a new wiki page.

  2. Right-click the WikiMetadataEndpoint OIEP and click the View First Event Batch option. The Current Event Batch dialog displays the attribute you created and a number of events triggered by the creation process.

    • If the attribute is not displayed with events, revisit the OIEP manual configuration steps.

  3. On the Current Event Batch dialog click the Close button.

  4. Right-click the WikiMetadataEndpoint OIEP and click the Invoke Endpoint option. A background process is started.

  5. On the WikiMetadataEndpoint OIEP Background Processes tab, verify the process succeeds.

    • If the background process fails, revisit the configuration of the Delivery Method on the OIEP.

  6. Right-click the new attribute and click the Go to Wiki option.

    • If the wiki page displays with the expected data, continue to the Creating Wiki Metadata Pages topic here.

    • If the wiki page does not display as expected, revisit the setup steps and update as required.