D&B Integration Configuration and Easy Setup

The Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) integration Easy Setup creates all the needed files, attributes, and data containers. Follow this topic to ensure your data model allows the D&B integration to function properly.


Define the relevant data structures required for the easy setup component model:

  1. Create the objects for the new D&B organization entity records as returned from D&B:

    • Organization Entity Type - entity object type for the customer records.

    • D&B Organization Entity Root - root where D&B records are saved.

    • D&B Organization Entity Type - entity object type for the D&B records.

    For more information, refer to the Object Types and Structures topic in the System Setup documentation here.

  2. Create customer reference types and links for the D&B records that are referenced by a customer record:

    • D&B Match Candidate Reference Type - reference type for D&B match candidates. A reference is made from each candidate to the applicable customer record; once a match is made all the non-matched records are removed from the system and this reference is no longer needed for that particular customer record since matching is complete.

    • D&B Organization Reference Type - reference type for D&B matches. Once a match candidate selection is made, the D&B record is linked to the customer record with this reference type.

      Ensure both reference types have the following settings:

    • Only one selection for the Valid Source Types flipper which holds the information to be compared.

    • Only one selection for the Valid Target Types flipper which is the D&B record that holds the D&B results.

    For more information, refer to the Reference and Link Types topic in the System Setup documentation here.

  3. Consider creating calculated attributes based on attributes in the organization entity to display data for synchronous and asynchronous matching.

  4. Request a Consumer Key from Contact Stibo Systems. By default, customers can access up to 500 free D&B ‘match’ transactions. When the 500 ‘match’ transactions are used, customers may purchase ‘match’ and ‘enrich’ licenses directly from Stibo Systems.

    Note: The ‘enrich’ license includes access to both ‘match’ and ‘enrich’ transactions. One transaction of ‘enrich' gives you the ability to do a match first and then obtain a detailed company enrichment. Regardless of the license you choose, only one license key will be provided to cover both ‘match’ and ‘enrich’ transactions. Contact Stibo Systems for more information.

Configure D&B Integration

Follow these steps to configure the D&B Integration.

  1. Configure the system with your D&B Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for Direct+. Contact Stibo Systems with questions about this process.

    In the sharedconfig.properties file on the application server, for the case-sensitive DnBDirectPlus.Credentials.# parameter, using the example below, add the name to display in workbench (any string except for special characters, e.g., DnB Production), consumer key, and consumer secret for use in the REST Gateway Integration Endpoints. Multiple entries can be added by increasing the number represented by #. DnBDirectPlus.Credentials.[#]=[Name],[Consumer Key],[Consumer Secret]

    For example:

    DnBDirectPlus.Credentials.1 = dnbConfig1,consumerKey,consumerSecret
  2. Verify or configure the gateway integration endpoint. For details, refer to the Initial Setup for a Gateway Integration Endpoint topic (here) in the Data Exchange documentation.

  3. On the System Setup tab, open the Component Models node, and select D&B Integration.

  4. Right-click D&B Integration and click the Easy setup of D&B Integration option.

  5. On the 'Easy setup of D&B Integration' dialog select the objects and set the options as follows:

    Click the ellipsis button () or click the dropdown for each parameter to make a selection:

    • For the Organization Entity Type parameter, select the entity object type for the customer records.

    • For the D&B Organization Entity Type parameter, select the entity object type for the D&B records.

    • For the D&B Organization Entity Root parameter, select the root where D&B records are saved.

    • For the D&B Match Candidate Reference Type parameter, select the reference type for D&B match candidates.

    • For the D&B Organization Reference Type parameter, select the reference type for D&B matches.

    • For the D&B Consumer Key parameter, select the Consumer Key received from your Stibo Systems representative.

    • For the Setup D&B for asynchronous processing parameter, check the box to allow match and enrich processing using workflows. For example, doing matching (perhaps overnight) and enriching automatically when matching is complete.

      Note: Prior to STEP version 10.2, all D&B processing was done asynchronously.

      • For the Event Processor Executing User parameter, select the user to be associated with all of automatic event processing done as part of the D&B processes.

      • For the Event Processor Context Language parameter, select the STEP Context that the event processor will use.

    • For the Setup D&B for synchronous processing parameter, check the box to allow individual match and enrich processing manually when onboarding (outside of a standard workflow).

    • Click the Apply button. The component model displays the information provided, the setup folders are created, and candidate matching can begin.

  6. Configure Web UI based on your D&B processing selections, refer to the D&B in Web UI topic here.

  7. For synchronous processing only, update the name of the 'Select Candidate Screen' to match the name of your Web UI screen configured for synchronous processing. (Asynchronous processing is handled differently, and this update is not required.)

    • Open the business action 'D&B Match Request Sync Wrapper (DnBMatchRequestSyncWrapper)'.

    • Edit the JavaScript highlighted in the image below: webUI.navigate('<name of synch Select Match Candidate screen>',currentObject);

    • Click the Save button.

  8. Open the configured D&B REST Gateway endpoint and on the Configuration tab click the Check Connectivity button.

    • If the connectivity result fails, review the setup steps and gateway configuration steps to correct the error. For more information, refer to the Configuring a Gateway Integration Endpoint - REST topic (here) in the Data Exchange documentation.

  9. Open the Component Models node, select the D&B Integration node, and review the selections.

    • D&B Match Confidence is a candidate reference attribute that is set by the D&B response (from 1 to 8) based on the quality of the matched record.

    • If there were issues with the easy setup and values were not mapped, the issues are displayed within the component model. The Description column provides context for how the object types, reference types, or attributes / data containers are to be used.

    • The following Request Attributes (aspect values in the component model) map to the corresponding D&B Attributes:

      * D&B Match Reason Code is only needed when submitting match / enrichment requests for companies located in Germany. The attribute assignment is blank in the component model by default and must be created if needed.

      Request Attributes D&B Attributes
      D&B Match Address Line 1 streetAddressLine1
      D&B Match Address Line 2 streetAddressLine2
      D&B Match Country Code countryISOAlpha2Code
      D&B Match DUNS Number duns
      D&B Match Organization Name name
      D&B Match Postal Code postalCode
      D&B Match Registration Number registrationNumbers
      D&B Match Registration Number Type registrationNumberType
      D&B Match State/Territory addressRegion
      D&B Match Town Name addressLocality
      D&B Match Phone Number telephoneNumber
      D&B Match Reason Code* orderReason
      D&B Match County addressCounty
      D&B Match Email email
      D&B Match URL url
  10. For all D&B users, on the D&B Organization Entity Root (D&B Enrichment Records (DnB Enrichment Records) in the images above), add the 'Delete entity reference' action, for the D&B Organization Entity Type (D&B Organization (DnBOrganization)), so that possible D&B Record candidate references can be removed when a single candidate is selected. For more information, refer to the D&B Matching topic here.

  11. To prevent privilege errors during auto matching, review all D&B business actions and check the 'Run as privileged checkbox. For details about editing business rules, refer to the Editing a Business Rule or Function topic in the Business Rules documentation here.

  12. This completes the setup and users can begin matching existing customer records.