OIEP - Event-Based - Event Queue Configuration Section
On the OIEP Configuration tab, the Event Queue Configuration section is only displayed when the selected OIEP uses the Event Queue data source, as defined on the Choose Data Source step of the wizard. For more information, refer to the OIEP - Event-Based - Choose Data Source topic.
Click the 'Edit Configuration' link to open the Edit Configuration dialog.
- For information on the 'Event Actions' buttons and the 'Days to Retain Events' parameter, refer to Event-Based OIEP Event Actions.
- For information on the 'Number of events to batch' and 'Number of event batches to include per delivery ' (which are controlled by the Event Batching and Bundle Messages parameters on the Edit Configuration dialog), refer to Event-Based OIEP Event Batching.
- For information on the 'Queue Status' parameter, refer to Event-Based OIEP Status and Queue Status.
- For information on the 'Unread events (approximated)' parameter, refer to Event-Based OIEP Queued Events.