Web UI and Instrument Enhancements and Changes


The following enhancements and changes have been made to the Web User Interface:

  • The Web UI homepage has been updated to reflect a more updated look and feel.

  • Users can control available Contexts and Workspaces through the intersection of Global Representation Lists and workbench-specified GUI Settings.

  • Object type icons have been updated for the STEP Workbench and Web UI.

  • Many enhancements have been made within Instrument UI, currently being used by early adopters.


Visual update to Web UI homepage

The Web UI homepage has been given a visual update to contemporize the interface. Continuing to align with the principles set forth in Google's material design, the primary aim of the changes has been to accentuate usability and seamless operation. To this end, the most noteworthy changes to the Web UI are:

  • homepage widget corners are now rounded

  • all pop-up and modal dialog corners are now rounded

  • widget headers are now plain white

  • subtle shading has been added to the homepage background

In addition, more directed improvements have been made to specific homepage widgets. For instance, styling changes have been made to the 'User Widget,' and table styling in the 'KPI Widget' has been updated.

For more information on the Web UI homepage and homepage widgets, refer to the Homepage Widgets topic in the Web User Interface documentation.

Displaying context and workspace per user in Web UI

In the Web UI, admin users can now control which workspaces and contexts are available for specific users and user groups. This is achieved through a combination of configuration settings applied on the Web UI's relevant Global Representation List components and workbench-specified GUI settings. These updates allow users with varying privilege levels the ability to view only those contexts and workspaces relevant to them even while working in the same Web UI. This gives Data Stewards more flexibility in how they configure access for their users, and provides a better user experience for users who view only what is pertinent to them.

Additionally, admin users can also determine whether users, based on their privilege level, will have access to the Workspace and Context settings found in the 'System Settings' options in the Web UI's Global Navigation Panel.

These restrictions will also be reflected in components throughout the Web UI where users have a context or workspace selection option, such as the Multi Context, Multi Language, and Multi Workspace Screens.

Previously, which workspaces and contexts were available for a user were restricted via the Global Representation List components, but this provided a global restriction only, meaning the access settings were applied to the Web UI, but made no distinction between users or user groups.

For more information on Contexts and Workspaces, refer to the Contexts and Workspaces topics in System Setup documentation.

Object type icons are updated for Web UI

An updated set of object type icons are now available with this release. In the STEP Workbench, admin users can select from a series of SVG icon images to assign to object types. The icons set there will also display in the Web UI. For more information on this change, refer to the 2023.3 (11.3) Upgrade Guide and the General Enhancements and Changes

Accelerator for Retail with Instrument enhancements

Customers utilizing the Instrument UI* will benefit from a number of enhancements, including:

Refer to the Instrument Documentation that is included when Instrument is enabled on a system. It is located on the Start Page under Resources.

*The Instrument UI is in ramp-up status. It will initially be enabled only for specific early-adopter deployments. To learn more about the ramp-up phase / status, refer to the License and Component Lifecycle in the System Update and Patch Notes section of online help.