Deprecations and Lifecycle Changes

Stibo Systems is focused on the most relevant capabilities for our customer base. When a component status changes, it is to simplify the component list, minimize support on components that have an improved substitute, and remove clutter and uncertainty as to which component(s) to use. The same concept applies when functionality changes within a component's lifecycle.

This topic contains details around deprecated, superseded, withdrawn, and deleted STEP components and functionality. This topic should be read with an understanding of the following:

For changes to Extension API, refer to the Change History accessible within the Technical Documentation accessible at [system]/sdk or from the Resources section of the system's Start Page . You can also go directly to: [your system]/sdk/doc/extension/changereport/html/ChangeReport.html

Below is a list of components / functionality that has been deprecated, superseded, withdrawn, or deleted. For future known changes, it is recommended that you refer to the latest update's Platform and Software Support Changes note in the System Update and Patch Notes documentation. Actions listed in the Actions column are necessary to continue access to the same or improved functionality.

2025.1 Update

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
FAB-DIS exchange format No enhancements Transition to alternate format None specified
Syndigo Deprecated Transition to alternate syndication functionality PDX
Use of reflection in JavaScript business rules Future change; To be removed in 2025.3 Users should rewrite the reported rules to use publicly available methods. None specified

2024.4 Update

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
Address Normalizer v1 Superseded For SaaS v2 systems, transition to alternate Address Normalizer v2, Machine Learning Matcher
e-Signature functionality Deprecated Transition to alternate verification methods if needed None specified
macOS 12 (Monterey) for Mac clients Deleted Transition to a newer version macOS 15 (Sequoia), macOS 14 (Sonoma), or macOS 13 (Ventura)

Important: The 2024.4 update is the final update for on-premises systems and other non-SaaS environments. Support of these deployments will continue until December 31, 2027. During this transition period, we will continue to provide security updates and critical fixes as needed. All subsequent feature updates will be exclusive to SaaS customers.

2024.3 Update

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
Asset Analyzer (Google Vision API) Deprecated Transition to alternate Azure OpenAI, Azure Vision
Acrolinx Integration (Acrolinx Sidebar) Deprecated Transition to alternate tools or integrations None specified
Business Rules (File System Access) Future change This is a future restriction. Users should transition away from file system access. Review existing business rules and plan alternate solutions
Dashboard Screen in Web UI Future change This is a recommendation. Users should transition to Data Profile Widgets for profiled data display. Data Profile Widgets in Web UI
Data Catalog Connector (Wiki Metadata) Deprecated Transition to alternate tools or integrations None specified
Image Deduplication Deprecated None specified None specified
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux 7.9 (ended on June 30, 2024) Deleted Transition to a newer version Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3 / 8.9 or higher version; Oracle Linux 9.,3 / 8.9 or higher version

2024.2 Update

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
Adobe InDesign® CC 2022 Deleted Transition to a newer version Adobe InDesign® 2024 or Adobe InDesign® 2023

2024.1 Update

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
Attribute Classification Mapping plugin (Industry Standard Mapper) Deleted None specified None specified

2023.4 Update

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
IBM WebSphere MQ direct integrations Deprecated Transition to alternate Dynamic JMS Receiver / Delivery Method
macOS 11 (Big Sur) for Mac clients Deleted Transition to a newer version macOS 14 (Sonoma), macOS 13 (Ventura), or macOS 12 (Monterey)

2023.3 Update

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
Adobe InDesign® CC 2021 Deleted Transition to a newer version Adobe InDesign® 2023 or Adobe InDesign® 2022
JSON option for STEP to PDX integration Deprecated Transition to alternate STEPXML outbound integration
Mongo Delivery delivery method Deprecated Transition to alternate Mongo Delivery (from release 4.2) delivery method

11.2 Update

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
Parallel processing of multiple records in the same request (Match & Merge Web Service) Deprecated For customers upgrading from a previous version and with existing configurations of a parallel degree higher than 2, contact Stibo Systems to re-enable. Contact Stibo Systems to re-enable

11.1 Update

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
Chain option for IEP Transactional Setting Deprecated Transition to another transactional setting None specified
ECLASS Advanced Screen Superseded Transition to alternate ECLASS Advanced Editor Screen
macOS 10 (Catalina) for Mac clients Deleted Transition to a newer version macOS 13 (Ventura), macOS 12 (Monterey), or macOS 11 (Big Sur)
REST API V1 Deprecated Migrate to alternate REST API V2

11.0 Update

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
Adobe InDesign® CC 2029 and 2020 Deleted Transition to a newer version Adobe InDesign® 2022 or Adobe InDesign® 2021
Detailed Event Mode option in workbench Withdrawn Use standard or new efficient processing mode Renamed 'Standard' in the 2023.4 update
Data Container Table View Editor in Web UI Deprecated Transition to alternate Globally Configured Multi Edit Data Container
Data Container Table View Editor Web UI component


Transition to alternate Table-based Data Container Editor supports multivalued attributes
Embedded Analytics Platform (EAP) components in Web UI Withdrawn None specified Power BI
MS Windows-based servers Deleted Contact Stibo Systems to review your options for making the transition to a supported platform. Another type of server (i.e., Linux)

Updates Prior to 11.0

This list does not include all lifecycle changes that occurred prior to the 11.0 Update. However, these components or functionality are mentioned in the current online help.

Component / Functionality Lifecycle Stage Actions Alternate Component / Functionality
Asset Thumbnail Component in Web UI Deleted Transition to alternate Referenced Asset Representation Component
AsyncTranslation.TargetLanguageLookupTable configuration property Deprecated Transition to alternate AsyncTranslation.TargetLanguageLookupTable.Across
Corner Bar components in Web UI Superseded Transition to alternate Global Navigation Panel
Data Quality: Match Duplicates operation Deprecated Transition to alternate Send Republish Event
Date validation base type Superseded Transition to alternate ISO Date and/or ISO Date and Time
eCatalogs Terms List settings Deprecated None specified None specified
GDSN Publisher Product Validation bind Deprecated None specified None specified
Golden Record ID header in Web UI Superseded Transition to alternate Golden Record Information header
KPI Table Widget Deprecated None specified None specified
Maintain promotional pricing setup-action Deprecated None specified None specified
Quicksheets Withdrawn Transition to alternate Smartsheets
SFTP (Deprecated) delivery method Deprecated Transition to alternate SFTP delivery method
Status Selector Widget in Web UI Superseded Transition to alternate Status Selector Homepage Widget
STEPXML Comparison Tool Superseded Transition to alternate Change Packages functionality
Year Search Box component in Web UI for the Automotive solution Superseded Transition to alternate Attribute Search Box component