Background Processes and Queues

Background processes (BGPs) allow system actions to run in the ‘background’ while giving users the ability to continue working in the user interface. Most standard background process queues display on the 'BG Processes' tab in workbench and can be accessed there.

A background process queue is a way of prioritizing system processes that ensures high-level system performance. BGP queues can be named and configured to control which processes run on which server and how many may run at the same time on each server. Background processes that share a queue also share the number of simultaneous processes that can be run for a given application server.

Information related to these aspects of background process functionality can be found in this topic:


It is expected that anyone dealing with background process queues is familiar with the BG Processes Tab topic in the Getting Started documentation here.

Additional Information

For more information regarding Background Processes and Background Process Queues, refer to the following topics:

Note: Deleting a user who is responsible for a BGP will result in errors. For more information, refer to the Working with Users topic in the System Setup documentation here.

Evaluating BGPs

Select a BGP folder (rather than an individual BGP) to display all BGPs currently in that state. Select the columns in a flipper, right-click and click Copy (or use Ctrl+C) to copy the data. Only the data visible on the screen is copied. For further evaluation, in Excel, paste the copied data using Ctrl+V and add the header row information.

Parallel and Multi-Threading Properties

In addition to integration endpoint transactional settings (refer to the Integration Endpoint Transactional Settings topic in the Data Exchange documentation here), parallel and multi-threading properties can be used manage efficient processing. The recommended priority-based BGP execution mechanism can be configured so that waiting BGPs are prioritized for execution based on the priority of the BGP and the created time. Refer to the BG Processes Execution Management topic in the System Setup documentation here.

Configuration properties allow admin users to manage system behavior for a wide range of functionality, for example, the management of background processes and web services.

Important: Ensure changes in the settings are applied with care and properly tested before promoting to production. Parallel setting and multi-threading can easily result in optimistic locking issues, which can have a negative impact on performance, rather than the desired performance gain.

The following file settings define how a legacy background process is handled:

Use the BackgroundProcess.Queue.[name of queue].Parallel=[number of CPUs] property where the [name of queue] designation is replaced with the name of the queue for which the setting applies and the [number of CPUs] designation determines how many CPUs are used.

A queue parallel of 1 means only one CPU is used for the BGP, while a queue parallel of 2 means two CPUs are used for the BGP.

Cores are the CPUs available to handle parallel processing. The CPU setting must not exceed the number of available cores. To view the number of cores on the application server, refer to the 'No of cores' parameter in the Activity tab Details section of the Admin Portal, as defined in the Activity topic in the Administration Portal documentation here.

Note: The parallel queue property's underlying implementation varies significantly based on the background process type. When starting 'X' number of jobs, you use at least 'X' times as many resources, which come from other processes and could impact performance. As such, thorough performance testing with production-level hardware and peak traffic conditions is highly recommended.

Use the BackgroundProcess.ProcessType.[process type ID].Queue=[name of queue] property where the [process type ID] and the [name of queue] designations are replaced with the actual type ID and the actual name of the queue for which the setting applies.

For steps to change your configuration, refer to the Modifying Background Process Queue Configuration topic here.

Single Application Server and Single Queue Example

This example includes inbound integration endpoints (IIEPs) but can also be applied to any feature that uses background processes.

Consider the following settings for a single server called appserver1:


Combined with these workbench parameter settings:


A configuration with these settings results in the following activity on the single server:

Two Application Servers Example

This example includes inbound integration endpoints (IIEPs) but can also be applied to any feature that uses background processes.

In addition to appserver1 described above, add a second application server (called appserver2) with the following settings:



A configuration with these settings results in the following activity on the two servers:

Single Application Server and Two Queues Example

This example includes inbound integration endpoints (IIEPs) but can also be applied to any feature that uses background processes.

Consider the following settings for a single server called appserver3:


Combined with these workbench parameter settings:


A configuration with these settings results in the following activity on the server:

Understanding Settings

Configuration properties provide system administrators with options for controlling system behavior, logging, processing, storage of information on the application server(s), and many other things. Configuration properties are specified in the or files on the application server(s). There is one file per application server so a clustered environment may have multiple files, with each containing settings local to a particular application server.

Conversely, the file is global so there will be only one file per setup, with all settings being applicable to all application servers. Most properties are set in the file, with the file being used only for those properties that expressly require it.

The file is read first, line-by-line, until the first 'include' statement—typically the file as shown below.

When an 'include' statement is found, the included file is read line-by-line (and any 'include' statements in those files are also read) before reading is continued in the file. A property can exist more than once in the properties files and the last value read is the only active value. This allows properties in the that come after an 'include' statement to overwrite the same properties in the file.

For more information on settings, refer to the Configuration topic in the Administration Portal documentation here.