BG Processes States
The following states are possible for a background process that has started.
Queued Processes
This shows the list of processes which are in queue but have not yet been started. When the queued process is started it moves to the active process node.
Active Processes
This shows the list of processes which are currently being executed.
Active processes that have failed remain in the active process node but are highlighted with red colored text.
- For failed IIEP processes, refer to the Handling Failed IIEP Background Processes topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.
- For failed OIEP processes, refer to the Handling Failed OIEP Background Processes topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.
To abort an active BGP, select it, open the Maintain menu, and click Delete. The process is moved to the Ended Processes folder.
Completed with Errors Processes
Processes that partially completed but also had errors. The minor errors are displayed with the details, but the events that can be processed will eventually complete.
Note: 'Completed with Errors' option is only available for a limited number of processes including Asset importer process, Import Manager pipeline, Match Code processes, Smartsheet Import, and StateflowDeadline.
Ended Processes
This displays a full list of all the processes which have been processed without any errors.