Enhancement Requests
Customer satisfaction is top priority for Stibo Systems. When customers make software enhancement requests, Stibo Systems works diligently to meet their business needs. Many of the changes available in 9.3 are implemented as solutions to these requests.
The list below highlights many of the enhancement requests that were completed in 9.3, but this is not a comprehensive list. Additional customer-requested enhancements not listed below were completed as part of previously planned roadmap-driven projects, as well as for specific product lines and/or customers, and are therefore not globally applicable.
Solutions are listed below. A cross-reference to more details is provided, if applicable.
- A new privilege titled 'View tasks assigned to other users in my group(s)' allows users to view all tasks of all groups they are a member of, whether they are tasks assigned to themselves, assigned to others, or tasks not yet assigned to any user.
- The 'Revert to' option has been removed as an option for workflows via the Status tab in workbench. The option was not functional and the concept of reverting workflows would likely lead to invalid workflow instances.
- Support for mandatory references in workflows has been added to the workflow editor.
- Support for image watermarks has been added for image conversion configurations and image exports.
- When creating or editing transformation lookup tables, users are now given a warning when the 'Import from Clipboard' button is clicked, asking the user to confirm the selection.
- For date comparisons or manipulations, new calculated functions have been added that allow users to ask for conversions between a date and its corresponding day number (and vice versa).
- When creating a new reference type, the default size for the popup is now large enough to accommodate all data and also has a 'Search' option. As part of this change, the ID validation step now occurs as soon as the user submits the requested ID for the new reference type, which is at the start of the reference type creation process. This update has been made so that users are immediately informed if an ID is already in use, rather than finding out at the end of the process, after they have completed the configuration.
- When applying dimension dependencies to attribute or List of Values (LOV) objects in workbench, users now have the option to select the dimension point where existing values should be applied.
- When filtering Lists of Values (LOVs) in which the values use IDs, the LOV filtering dialog in the workbench now displays both the LOV's name and its ID.
For more information on the items above, refer to the Additional Enhancements and Changes release note here.
- A new GXML instruction that automatically inputs the date / time of a generated export is now included within the BMEcat 2005 Export Wizard's XML default template.
- There are a number of Industry Standards updates including support for eCl@ss version 11 (with new XML 3.0 format) and improved ETIM / eCl@ss ID matcher when using auto map in the import wizard.
For more information regarding the enhancement requests outlined in the two bullets above, refer to the Data Exchange Enhancements and Changes release note here.
Many of the Web UI changes outlined below are described further in the Web UI Enhancements release note here.
- Dynamic sizing of input fields solves layout issues involving display of unnecessary scroll bars by enabling the UI layout to react to size changes in a more responsive way.
- Multi-valued attribute values can now be sequenced (or resequenced) in the Web UI when displayed in a Node Editor or Node List.
- The number of errors that display in background processes (BGPs) can now be configured by adding two new properties to the sharedconfig.properties file.
- Image thumbnails are now enabled for display on classification and entity objects on Node List screens.
- Column widths and row heights in the Data Container Table View Editor component can now be configured either manually or via two new designer settings.
- A new header called 'Duration in Workflow State Header' is now available for configuration on Task List screens. The header can be added to display how long each object has spent in the current workflow state.
- When creating a reference to add via the Multi-Reference Editor, object types displayed in the Create Tab of the Add Reference Action dialog were shown with their ID rather than their name. Now, the Name will be displayed, if it is available, and '(ID)' will be displayed, if it is not. This aligns with the standard platform practice of showing the Name for setup objects (business rules, object types, workflows, etc) and the Name or 'Name (ID)' for data objects.
- A new filtering option called 'Is one of' has been made available for Web UI tables to allow for filter from list / search from list capabilities.
- The KPI Widget legend text that displays to the right of the pie chart has been extended.
- The default behavior of toolbars has been changed so that all toolbar actions added to Node Lists will now display in the toolbar regardless of whether or not a selection is made. And, because of this change, designers now have the option to slot individual toolbar actions into button group components, giving admin users the ability to better control the display and make the most frequently used actions more accessible.
- Viewing and editing metadata on Product to Classification links in Web UI tables (via the Target or Reference Metadata Value Header) is now possible.
- Tree item focus is now solely determined by the manual selection of the end user, so when the system selects all instances of a node, the blue hierarchy will no longer take priority focus.
- Improved Web UI table export capabilities including the user's ability to export the contents of a table without having to build a time-intensive mapping to create the export via the Custom Export Action (formerly the Simple Exporter Action).
- Actionable error handling has been added for business rules and Smartsheets.
- Advanced Search screen functionality now allows users to search for objects based on attributes with a Date, ISO Date, or ISO Date and Time validation base type without having to determine which date format is correct prior to executing a search.
- When applying dimension dependencies to attribute or List of Values (LOV) objects in the Web UI, users now have the option to select the dimension point where existing values should be applied.