Maintaining Event Queues

Maintaining an event queue includes defining the actions it should perform and then running the event queue on a schedule.

Queue Status and Consumer Read Settings

The action of the event queue is determined by a combination of the 'Queue Status' and 'Consumer Read' parameters, as defined in the table below.

Queue Status

Consumer Read


Read Events


Active - Data is delivered to downstream systems.

Read Events


Paused - The feed is temporarily disabled. Generated events continue to be read and queued, and are retained within STEP. Messages are not delivered to the downstream system until the Consumer Read setting is changed to ‘Enabled’.

Discard Events


Inactive - No new events are processed and no data is delivered downstream.

Discard Events


Transition - Allows the queue to process queued events, but does not generate any new events since new events are being handled by a different queue. Not commonly used but can be employed when one queue will take over from another, or prior to running a bulk update process when data should not be delivered downstream.

Running an Event Queue

The right-click menu of an event queue includes the following options.

For information on the Forward Events, Rewind Events, Skip All Events, Purge Events, and Republish options, refer to the topic Event-Based OIEP Event Actions in the Data Exchange documentation here.

For information on the Create/Edit Event Consumer option, refer to the Create or Edit Event Consumer topic here.

For information on the View First Event Batch option, which displays events from approved objects that were triggered, refer to the topic Event-Based OIEP Queued Events in the Data Exchange documentation here.