11.1-MP1 Maintenance Patch Notes

December 2022

New Features

Proof View in Web UI expanded to include classifications and entities

In the Web UI, Proof View is now enabled for classifications and entities. This expands the capabilities of customers who use non-product objects to model their data in STEP.

With this change, some of the parameters in the configuration properties are renamed to reflect the additional object types available: Product Proof Publication is now Publication; Product Proof Publication Version is now Publication Version.

For configuration information, refer to the Print Proof View section in the area Print Publisher of the Publisher (Adobe InDesign Integration) documentation here.

Keep ended BGP processes

In Integration Endpoints, 'Maximum number of old processes' and 'Maximum age of old processes' parameters have been renamed to 'Maximum number of failed processes' and 'Maximum age of failed processes' respectively.

Also, two new parameters 'Maximum number of succeeded processes' and 'Maximum age of succeeded processes' are introduced.

  • Maximum Number of Failed Processes - specifies the number of failed background processes that will be retained. When the number of failed background processes exceeds this number set, the system will purge the excess at regular intervals, starting with the oldest, until the number of failed background processes matches this number set. The failed background processes will display one of the following statuses - 'Aborted', 'Failed', and 'CompletedWithError'. The default value is 100.

  • Maximum Age of Failed Processes - specifies the maximum allowed age for failed background processes. The failed background processes older than the age specified will be purged at regular intervals. The failed background processes will display one of the following statuses - 'Aborted', 'Failed', and 'CompletedWithError'. The default value is 1 week.

  • Maximum Number of Succeeded Processes - specifies the number of successfully completed background processes that will be retained. When the number of successfully completed background processes exceeds this number set, the system will purge the excess at regular intervals, starting with the oldest, until the number of successfully completed background processes matches this number set. The default value is 100.

  • Maximum Age of Succeeded Processes - specifies the maximum allowed age for successfully completed background processes. Successfully completed background processes older than the age specified will be purged at regular intervals. The default value is 1 week.

For more information, refer to the Inbound Integration Endpoints topic in the Data Exchange documentation (here) and Outbound Integration Endpoints topic in Data Exchange documentation (here).

The Add Dialog in data container sorts the attributes as configured in the Headers parameter

In the Multi Edit Table View of the Globally Configured Multi Edit Data Container component, the Add Data Container dialog will show the valid attributes as per the order of the configured headers in the Headers parameter of the Multi Edit Table View in Global Data Container Representations. However, the ID will always be shown and that to as the first field irrespective of its configured order in the Headers parameter. Furthermore, the key / mandatory attribute(s) should be appropriately configured if a user wants to add a data container instance. If a key / mandatory attribute(s) is not configured in the Headers parameter, then the '+ Add' toolbar action button is disabled.

For more information, refer to the Data Containers in Web UI topic in the Web User Interfaces documentation here

New healthchecks identify data inconsistencies for Cassandra

The Admin Portal Healthchecks functionality now includes the following new healthchecks that run on schedule for Cassandra systems to identify data inconsistencies related to Value Links:

  • The data error healthcheck 'Value Link with no Value Model' reports inconsistent data which results in a failure to load an LOV or older soft values, such as those used for system attributes. Applying the available fix recreates the missing value model objects when possible and runs for all problems that can be repaired, regardless of selection in the Detected Problems section.

  • The data error healthcheck 'Value Links with no Owner' reports inconsistent data in LOV or older soft values, such as those used for system attributes. Applying the available fix deletes value links that have a non-existing node and runs for all problems that can be repaired, regardless of selection in the Detected Problems section.

These two new healthchecks do not appear in the Performance Analysis Tools but are available in the Admin Portal (accessible from the System Administration link on the Start page). For more information, refer to the Healthcheck Test Index topic in the Administration Portal documentation here.

Updated Loqate Local engine

The Loqate Local engine used by STEP has been updated to the latest available version. For more information, refer to the Loqate Release Information page at https://support.loqate.com/release-information/. To find the current version of the Loqate engine within STEP, refer to the Loqate Local License Key & Data Package Update topic in the Data Integration documentation here.


ISSUE-486425 - Fix for Flex Attribute does not acknowledge LOV sorting

Changed GraphQL and GraphQLv2 LOV behavior so that it takes into consideration 'Use ids for sorting' when no explicit sorting is specified.

ISSUE-498909 - SaaS fix for different behavior on Event Queue

Previously, events for the outbound queues were not generated in all cases during import of terms. This has been fixed.

ISSUE-530412 - Fix for navigate on suggestion click on Web UI Homepage Search Widget

Now, on Web UI Homepage Search Widget component, the Search Widget search history is updated when user navigates via suggestion.

ISSUE-540556 - Fix for description of Web UI Breadcrumb functionality not working for assets

On the Breadcrumb component in Web UI Design Mode, the information text for the Root Object Type parameter has been updated to clarify the functionality.

ISSUE-541469 - Fix for error in Web UI Advanced Search screen

Information about the current Web UI Advanced Search is now stored in local storage so the search can be rebuilt when using the browser's back button.

ISSUE-550936 - Fix for 'Mark Different' in Web UI not displaying the mark when the different value is the inherited value

Now, Mark Different / Hide Equal actions will work correctly when hiding / marking content with an inheritance icon on the Compare Records screen in Web UI.

ISSUE-554260 - Fix for Java error showing when doing data profile updates

If a data profile contained a number attribute with a unit, then the application log file may have contained severe messages about a NumberFormatException. These messages will no longer be written to the logs. This solution is also available via hotfix for step-10.1-mp3 through mp6.

ISSUE-561466 - Fix for inability to view a background job for impersonated user in Web UI

Fixed a problem occurring when users, impersonating a supplier user who does not have privileges to view BGPs of other users, were not able to access their own BGPs on a Background Process Details screen in Web UI with In-Memory enabled. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4.

ISSUE-561744 - Fix for MQ SSL connection on OIEP not working

Previously, it was possible to select a key / trust store from a list of stores, but the password was provided in a property. This meant that all key / trust stores had to have the same password. Now, a parameter has been created for each of the two (2) stores where the password may be provided. If these parameters are left empty, then the password property is used as before.

ISSUE-564275 - Fix for idle Matching Event Processor

Improved parallel tasks constraints resolving and parallel tasks processing to avoid Event Processor locking. There is a hotfix available to apply this fix to step-11.0-mp4.

ISSUE-566189 - Fix for an issue with uploading password protected asset

Fixed the issue with uploading password protected asset using Asset Push. A hotfix is available for step-10.0-mp3 through step-10.0-mp5.

ISSUE-566839 - Fix for memory leak occurring when handling a lot of large revised values and causing app server to crash

A bug that caused large values to be read when not needed is now fixed. The issue could cause both performance problems in speed and memory usage. A hotfix is available for inmemory-7.0.62 and 7.0.66.

ISSUE-567409 - Fix for 'Send diagnostics' not supporting multiple app servers on SaaS

It is now possible to upload diagnostics from a STEP cluster to Stibo Systems, even when there is no SSH access between the nodes in the cluster. This solution is also available as a hotfix that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4 and mp5, step-11.0, step-11.0-mp1 through -mp4.

ISSUE-568549 - Fix for special characters limiting to show LOVs values in Web UI in SaaS

The LOV values in the workbench stored as 'Capri Sun > 25%' and 'Capri Sun < 25%' are displayed in Web UI as 'Capri Sun <gt/>25%' and 'Capri Sun <lt/>25%'. The solution has been implemented to display '<gt/>' and '<lt/>' as '<' and '>' for LOV values in Web UI.

ISSUE-569105 - Fix for bulk update executed with wrong search result

Users are no longer able to perform bulk updates from search result on items that the user does not have privileges to view.

ISSUE-569798 - Fix for BGP created timestamp later than first timestamp in the execution report

Previously, a BGP creation date could be reset when the BGP started executing. A hotfix is available for step-10.0-mp3 through step-10.0-mp5.

ISSUE-570082 - Fix for log starting number of 'null' for Revisability Settings to generate a new revision

Previously, editing the Users & Groups 'Threshold (hours) for changes by same user to generate a new revision' parameter within the Revisability Settings flipper, a change was logged before any changes were made. This has been fixed.

ISSUE-570562 - Fix for reference and link privileges not reflecting in Smartsheets

Now, references / links cells in exported Excel Smartsheets will be mark as read only if the user who exported a Smartsheet does not have privileges to edit these references / link types. There is a hotfix also available for this solution and it is applicable to step-10.1-mp4 through mp6.

ISSUE-571639 - Fix for translation process naming with individual meaningful names missing in 10.3-MP4

Introduced the ability to automatically name a translation BGP according to the selected item for translation. If a translation is started from configuration, by default, a name for BGP is set as the chosen translation configuration. To enable this functionality, contact Stibo Systems Support.

ISSUE-571905 - Fix for change flags in translation view not working after upgrade to 10.3-MP4

Previously, on a language dependent product, if only the name was changed and some attributes were excluded from translation, the translation status was not updated correctly. This has been fixed.

ISSUE-572280 - Fix for Web UI URL taking longer time than usual to load

When loading the Web UI, the Noto Serif font is no longer retrieved from Google APIs. The font is now available on the STEP server. This hotfix is available for step-11.0-mp4.

ISSUE-572489 - Fix for linking products into a Publ.Structure via 'Product to Classification Link Type' shows up twice for SaaS

Previously, while performing schema change operations on the link type (e.g., changing it to externally maintained), the workbench view of classification-to-product-links could display twice in the navigator tree and the sub-products tab of classifications. This has been fixed. This has been fixed and a hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4 and step-10.3-mp5.

ISSUE-573240 - Fix for a performance issue in the Web UI Children Of Types screen

For a performance improvement, a new default limit for the Children Of Types screen in Web UI is now set to 5,000 items. This limitation aligns this screen with the limitations of other Node List screens. To increase the limit, contact Stibo Systems Support.

ISSUE-574226 - Fix for BMEcat export: adding a classification as Catalog Group leads to more products being exported than selected

This fix restricts export to only the selected products in a BMEcat export when a classification is added as Catalog Group.

ISSUE-574397 - Fix for Web UI XML not formatting for screens

When adding new screens or editing existing screens, XML tags were not formatting automatically. The exported Web UI XML view showed one line for whole XML script. Now, XML indent will be enabled again in the Web UI configuration if a corresponding config property is set. Contact Stibo Systems Support in order to enable this property. A hotfix for step-10.3-mp4 and mp5 is available for this solution.

ISSUE-574997 - Fix for filter criteria not working in Multi Reference Table Web UI

Previously, when applying filters on the Web UI Multi Reference Screen, if the first filter was applied to Reference Metadata header, and a second filter was applied to Table Header Value, an empty filtering dialog with no options was shown for the second filter. This has been fixed.

ISSUE-575293 - Fix for KAFKA Receiver import performance issue

The importing of terms adds an audit log entry with how many terms were changed to the terms list. If this is done at a high rate, the audit log fills up and is automatically pruned. If such imports occur concurrently, two imports may try to prune the same audit log at the same time, which could lead to deadlock and fail the import. This has been fixed by letting the deadlock be detected and handled without failing the import (and this is also true for other BGPs that make audit log entries). A hotfix is available for step-11.0-mp4.

ISSUE-575295 - Fix for KAFKA Receiver import failure

Some Background Processes (BGPs) add audit log entries. If the audit logs become big, they are automatically pruned. If two processes (or sub-processes) start the pruning at the same time, deadlock errors can occur. This can cause the process to fail, which could lead to incomplete processing. This has been fixed so that the probability of a deadlock is far less. If a deadlock happens, it only logs and continues the process since the pruning of old audit logs is not relevant for the process. A hotfix is available for this solution that is applicable to step-11.0-mp4.

ISSUE-575831 - Fix for packaging product rejected by business rule

The 'Import Change Info' JavaScript bind now supports changed data container values during import. A hotfix is applicable for step-10.3-mp4 and step-10.3-mp5.

ISSUE-576108 - Fix for custom graphics in Extension API not working with STEP 11.0-MP4

Now, custom icons configured as a part of custom Extension API component will load even if they cannot be cached. A hotfix is available for step-11.0-mp4.

ISSUE-576449 - Fix for change package creation that included a special attribute that it should not

Fixed a problem occurring when invisible copies of attributes (with 0 bits prefix) were included into change packages which caused problems with change package installation. There is an associated hotfix for step-11.0-mp4.

ISSUE-576648 - Fix for healthcheck 'Revised node missing a front revision' including false positives

On In-Memory systems, previously the 'Revised node missing a front revision' healthcheck could return false errors. This has been fixed.

ISSUE-576986 - Fix for NullPointerException (NPE) when opening commercial list with In-Memory

Fixed an NPE when user was opening Trade Term (Price List) content in workbench with In-Memory enabled, if a term contained a product which has already been deleted and purged from system. This has been fixed. A hotfix is available for inmemory-7.0.59.

ISSUE-577037 - Fix for vendor's impersonating list is not in order

Previously, when the user clicked on User Settings in Global Navigation Panel, vendors under suppliers were not in alphabetical order, which was inconvenient for the user. Now, the list is sorted after loading.

ISSUE-577047 - SaaS fix for Clerical Review auto-submit not handling 3+ potential duplicates

Now, on a Web UI Deduplication List screen with the Auto-Submit option enabled (via Design Mode), deduplication items are not submitted automatically if there is at least one potential duplicate left on the screen.

ISSUE-577230 - Fix for inability to clear filters in the Web UI Background Process List

Fixed NullPointerException (NPE) occurring on the Background Process List screen in Web UI when any of the background processes did not have a start date. A hotfix is applicable to step-11.0-mp4.

ISSUE-577321 - Fix for internal application errors when linking stock numbers to a subrange

Fixed NullPointerException in workbench related to a specific custom-component dialog initialization.

ISSUE-577359 - Fix for optimistic locks showing in Web UI

Now, optimistic lock exceptions are not shown on Web UI screens when alert notifications are about to be deleted in multiple threads. A hotfix is available for step-10.0-mp1 through step-10.0-mp5, and for step-10.2-mp3.

ISSUE-577591 - Fix for search criteria for 'null' searches not working after upgrading to 10.3-MP4

An error was occurring in Web UI when having collection criteria search assets with a 'null' extension. This was due to a problem in value filtering that is now fixed. A hotfix for inmemory-7.0.62 is available for this solution.

ISSUE-577611 - Fix for issue with Match and Merge and potential duplicates not merging

Now, attributes that are used for live Unique Keys will be ignored by Value Default survivorship rule plugins during Matching.

ISSUE-577905 - New healthcheck to find and fix problems with missing BLOBs

The new Cassandra-only healthcheck 'Values missing content' now identifies and addresses inconsistent data with BLOBs.

ISSUE-578249 - Fix for InDesign STEP Tasks menu not showing tasks

When trying to fetch tasks from the InDesign client, an exception could occur. This has been fixed.

ISSUE-578696 - Fix for misaligned upload button text on Homepage widgets

Now, the text for the Web UI Homepage upload widgets is aligned by the center of the button. This is true for both English and French locales.

ISSUE-579047 - Fix for OIEP not progressing for a long period

The fix is to ensure Oracle uses the correct indexes when deleting events.

ISSUE-579097 - Fix for Web UI GraphQL error when navigating to an object on SaaS

Missing fields have been added to the GraphQL schema.

ISSUE-579200 - Fix for System Admin issues

Upon deserialization, XML files with profiling data will be sanitized (i.e., characters that are illegal in XML will be replaced with question marks). A hotfix applicable to step-11.0-MP2, MP3, and MP4 is also available for this solution.

ISSUE-579498 - Fix for system unusable due to slowness

Fix for retrieving user groups and for getting impersonable users (via 'Impersonate User' action). This improves performance, for example, for the Web UI 'Primary Navigation' component. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4 and step-10.3-mp5.

ISSUE-579694 - Fix for Product State Proof button default title and new configuration option

If the Product State Proof component in the Web UI was configured so that 'Automatic Fetch' was disabled, the component incorrectly displayed the JPEG button with the text 'null.' A new Web UI configuration option 'Fetch Button Text' with the default value 'Get Proof' has been added to the component. This button text can be changed via Web UI design mode.

ISSUE-580001 - Fix for password reset link expired

After submitting the password recovery form on 'Forgot STEP password' page, clicking the email link displays 'The link has expired.' This has been resolved with a fix for caching of the signing key. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4 and step-10.3-mp5.

ISSUE-580371 - Fix for suppression of selection bar in the Web UI Proof View component

In Web UI, on the Proof View component, when the 'Automatic Fetch' checkbox was not checked, the Proof View toolbar could be incorrectly hidden. This has been fixed.

ISSUE-580566 - Fix for class path error in ad hoc queries on SaaS

Added class cache to PQLScriptExtrasClassLoader to improve System Administration (admin portal) loading.

ISSUE-580708 - Removed 'Misconfigured' JavaScript bind

The 'Misconfigured' bind has been removed from workbench bind editor for JavaScript business rules.

ISSUE-580839 - Fix for a performance issue on production system

Fixed performance issue when loading Table Header Value Group on Web UI Node List. A hotfix is available for step-10.0-mp3 through step-10.0-mp5.

ISSUE-580853 - Fix for Web UI URL taking longer time than usual to load after upgrade to 11.0

When loading the Web UI, the Noto Serif font is no longer retrieved from Google APIs. The font is now available on the STEP server. A hotfix is available for step-11.0-mp4.

ISSUE-580945 - Fix for invalid error on product's data container after upgrade to 11.0-MP4

Fix for hidden copies of attributes used by In-Memory. Previously, these were configured as Data Container Type key definitions and prevented users from adding a data container of this type.

ISSUE-582094 - Fix for inbound not updating multi value List of Values attribute

When using STEP Match and Merge web service, fixed a problem when importing multi value attributes with LOV IDs but without values. Previously, the respective attribute value was deleted instead of being updated. A hotfix is available for step-11.0-mp4.

ISSUE-582288 - Fix for Completeness Bars for Business Function and standard value

A completeness score is now shown correctly in Web UI when metric details cannot be retrieved. A hotfix is available for step-11.1.

ISSUE-582506 - Fix for email delivery in report generation is not working as expected

Previously, an empty email body in workbench reports caused the whole process to fail even though the email body is not mandatory. This has been fixed and a hotfix is available for step-11.0-mp4.

Fix for TecDoc importer misinterpretation of table data on SaaS

In TecDoc, sequence numbers were not being correctly interpreted. This has been fixed.

Fix for PIES files with file names greater than 40 characters refuses to import

Fixed problem with Importing PIES files with file names greater than 40 characters that refused to import.

New healthcheck to find and fix problems with missing BLOBs

The new Cassandra-only healthcheck 'Values missing content' now identifies and addresses inconsistent data with BLOBs.

Fix for Null Pointer Exception (NPE) when opening commercial list with In-Memory

Fixed an NPE when user was opening Trade Term (Price List) content in workbench with In-Memory enabled, if a term contained a product which has already been deleted and purged from system. This has been fixed. A hotfix is available for inmemory-7.0.59.

Fix for TecDoc reference data import seems not to consider correct LOV Filter settings

Fixed a problem with TecDoc Reference Data import not using correct LOV Filter settings. A hotfix is available for automotive-7.0.45 and automotive-7.0.48.

Fix for Web UI Hierarchy Representation component

Fixed a Null Pointer Exception (NPE) in the Hierarchy Representation component on the Web UI main screen when user was choosing an object type for representation. This hotfix is available for companydata-visualization-7.0.17 and companydata-visualization-7.0.18.

Fix for AutoCare Web UI is populating [ACES Application to Qualifier] attributes correctly

The AC_QdbText attribute is only used when user overrides a qualifier. However, when exporting a qualifier <text/> node that is not overridden, it is populated based on the qualifier's template. For example, if a user adds the same qualifier three times and overrides the first two, the export could be:

<Qual id="945">
	<param value="12"/>
	<param value="45"/>
<Qual id="945">
	<param value="56"/>
	<param value="78"/>
<Qual id="945">
	<param value="90"/>
	<param value="10"/>
	<text>90 Starter # 10</text>

The third occurrence of the qualifier is not overridden, and therefore <text/> contains the associated template resolved using provided parameters. A hotfix is available for automotive-7.0.45.

Documentation Updates

Clarification of Event Mode parameter in EP and OIEP documentation

For event processors (EPs) and outbound integration endpoints (OIEPs), recommendations about when to use the Detailed (renamed 'Standard' in release 2023.4) and Efficient (renamed 'Deduplicate' in release 2023.4) settings for the Event Mode parameter have been updated. For information on EPs, refer to the EP - Event Processor Tab topic in the System Setup documentation here. For information on OIEPs, refer to the OIEP - Event-Based - Manual Configuration topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.


The 11.1-MP1 baseline patch can be installed with the following recipes:

spot --apply=to:step/platform/step-11.1-mp1.spr

— OR —

spot --upgrade=step:11.1*

*Before installing the recipe provided by the SPOT --upgrade functionality, review the baseline and component versions that the system will be upgraded to before applying. Verify that the baseline and/or components are the correct versions to be applied (i.e., the versions you did testing on—and not a higher, untested version).

Refer to the SPOT Program documentation for more information, including how to use the SPOT --upgrade command to also find compatible components that can be added at the same time as the baseline patch. SPOT Program information for on-premise systems can be found in the System Administration Guide within the Downloadable Documentation. For assistance, contact Stibo Systems Technical Services.

Note: Customers may want to search the Stibo Systems Service Portal for their Maintenance Patch Issue Numbers. To do so, while in the Service Portal, navigate to Issues (in the header bar) and then select 'Search for Issues.' Click on the 'Advanced' option on the filtering bar, and then type in 'issue=' and the Issue number from the Maintenance Patch Notes. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to run the query. Users will only be able to view Service Portal issues for Maintenance Patch Issue Numbers that they have privileges to access. If the issue is not applicable to the user searching, then a 'No issues were found to match your search' message will be displayed.