Match Code Generator: Address

The Address match code generator is used to ensure comparison of addresses when an organization entity spans several address numbers on the same street, so it does not include street numbers.


It is recommended to combine an address with a name for better matching.

  • For individuals and B2C customers, address as a match code alone compares spouses and anyone living on the same street. Instead, use the Match Code Generator: Person Name and Address (here) so the match code combines the address with the person name.

  • For organizations, match codes including addresses are often used together with match rules that score addresses and score person or organization names. Instead, use the Match Code Generator: Organization Name and Address (here) so the match code combines the address with the organization name.

Configuring an Address Match Code Generator

After adding the match code generator in the Match Code Generators flipper of the Decision Table dialog (defined in the Match Criteria topic here), configure it as follows:

  1. Click into the Match Code Generator column and click the ellipsis button () to access the configuration dialog.

  2. On the Address Match Code Generator dialog:

    • For the required Address Normalizer, use the dropdown to select the associated normalizer or enter a case-sensitive ID for the normalizer. Refer to the Data Element: Address Normalizer topic here.

    • For the ZIP code + Street Name, when checked, the ZIP code digits defined in the following parameter are appended to the street name for the match code.

    • For the optional ZIP code digits, enter the number of ZIP code digits, starting from the beginning, to include in the match code. When this entry is 0,  the entire zip code is used in the match code.

    • For the Metaphone3 City + Street Name,  when checked, the Metaphone 3 algorithm (which expands on Soundex) compares names based on their pronunciation. It works well on English words, non-English words familiar to Americans, first names, and family names commonly found in the United States. For more information on Metaphone 3, search the web.

    • For the optional Match Code Prefix, enter a prefix to identify the source of the match code.

  3. To test the configuration:

    • Click the ellipsis button () for each Select Nodes parameter and select two objects for comparison.

    • Click the Evaluate button.

      The Common Match Codes parameter displays 'Yes' when the same match code is generated for the selected nodes. When 'No' is displayed, either one or both nodes have no value, or the generated match codes are not the same.

      When red text is displayed, hover to review information about the record. For example, a record that has been deactivated, and so it produces no match code and thus no match score.

      Adjust as indicated by the Evaluator results and repeat the evaluation if necessary.

  4. Click OK to save and display the configuration in the Match Code Generators flipper.

  5. Ensure the Active checkbox is checked to create match codes with this generator.