Using the Industry Standard Mapper Solution

The Industry Standard Mapper solution addresses challenges associated with those evolving industry standards. The solution supports seamless mapping between different versions of a standard, allowing users to automate reclassification and data transfer tasks. This ensures an automated approach to handling standard upgrades.

Note: Every time there is a version upgrade, many industry standards provide a description file that contains an instruction on how to upgrade from one of their versions to their next major version, which Stibo Systems refers to as Industry Standard Mapping files. However, for easier understanding, this guide will often use the ECLASS standard as an example, and would sometime refer to them as ECLASS Upgrade files. However, the same information is applicable for other standards too.

The Industry Standard Mapper framework interprets the Industry Standard Mapping files to create Mapper Configuration setup entities with necessary mapping instructions. These created Mapper Configuration setup entities later facilitate onboarding of data from one version to another version.

To accomplish this, the Industry Standard Mapping solution provides comprehensive support for two primary use cases, each associated with distinct user roles. This guide outlines the step-by-step procedures for both admin users and generic users (data stewards) to effectively utilize the mapping system.

Admin User

The role of an admin user will be to create a new Mapper Configuration Setup Entity based on the provided Industry Standard Mapping files. The following steps are to be followed by an admin user to create a new Mapper Configuration Setup Entity from the provided Industry Standard Mapping files.

  • Download the Industry Standard Mapping files from the standard's web Page. This is a generic procedure where users have to identify their own methods to access the web page of the standard and download the relevant file version. For example, downloading ECLASS Upgrade files from the ECLASS main web page.

  • Upload the entire downloaded zip files to STEP to a designated hotfolder (using IIEP or a File Loading widget). For information about how to upload a file into a hot folder, refer to the Uploading Industry Standard Mapping Files topic.

  • Access the Industry Standard Mapping Creator Screen in the Web UI, and define the 'from' and 'to' versions to be mapped, thereby creating a Mapper Configuration setup entity. For information on how to create Mapper Configuration setup entities using Industry Standard Mapping Creator Screen, refer to the Using Industry Standard Mapping Creator Screen topic.

  • Review the newly created mapping. As part of the structural analysis, ensure to filter the warnings and disabled mappings. Each warning should be thoroughly reviewed, as disabled mappings might still be applicable in some cases, even when declared as unmappable from ECLASS. Additionally, look for any potential clashes regarding attributes changing from global to context-defined or supporting different units. Both of these scenarios require manual attention.

Data Steward / User

  • Navigate to the product requiring reclassification.

  • Reclassify the product to a different ECLASS version by executing the designated Mapper Configurations generated by the Industry Standard Mapper. This process closely resembles the execution of any other Mapper Configuration within the Data Onboarding framework. Users can adopt any of the methods from the ways described in the Executing Mapper Configuration Setup Entity topic of the Data Onboarding and Standardized Mapping documentation.