SSL Client Certificates

For outbound integrations, the SSL Client Certificates node allows full management of HTTPS connection certificates for self-signed TLS or mTLS (multiple transport layer security), without any system downtime. It also provides full visibility into all configured certificates. Self-signed certificate management functionality is useful for environments where globally signed certificates are not present but the external site is trusted.

The SSL Client Certificates editor includes these sections, which are described in the sections below:

Trusted Certificates

The trusted certificates section stores public keys that identify:

  • external sites that STEP trusts

  • sites that are using a self-signed certificate (not globally trusted by the Java Global Certificate Authority (CA))


Required configuration varies based on your environment. Review the following entries to determine the configuration requirements for your environment:

TrustStore Entries

When a certificate is added to the SSL Client Certificates object, it is uploaded to the TrustStore configured via the entries in the file.

If no trust store is configured on the environment, it is automatically created when the first certificate is imported. The properties defined below must be configured to specify where the keystore file is to be stored.

For Stibo Systems SaaS environments, a default TrustStore is automatically configured.

For on-premises environments, review the case-sensitive entries to identify the TrustStore:

  • SSL.Default.TrustStore.Location

    For example:


    Note: Provide a path and a file name for this property. When implementing this property, the path (/shared/customer-config/truststore/ in this example) must already exist and the STEP application should have write access to the path.

    The SSL Client Certificates functionality is available with release 2023.3. If this property and a trust store (with JKS) was configured before the 2023.3 release, no changes are required and the certificates are automatically visible in workbench.

  • SSL.Default.TrustStore.Password

    For example:


URL Entries

For all environments, optionally, add (or verify) the values that populate the HTTPS URL parameter in the New Certificate dialog. Configure the entry that corresponds to your connection method, via the appropriate case-sensitive entry:

Adding a trusted certificate

To upload a trusted certificate:

  1. In workbench on the System Setup tab, click the SSL Client Certificates node.

  2. In the Trusted Certificates section, either click the Add Trusted Certificate link or right-click the > column and select Add Trusted Certificate, as shown in the Trusted Certificates editor section below.

  3. On the New Certificate dialog, choose a method to add a certificate:

    • HTTPS URL - From the dropdown, select the URL for the site you want STEP to trust. The dropdown is supplied by the URL entries defined above or URL entries that have been entered manually under the Tested URLs section (for which the connection test resulted in a 'Server Not Trusted' error. Click the OK button and the connection is verified to retrieve the certificate and import it in the truststore.

    • Certificate File - click the Select File button, browse to your .crt or .cer file, and click the Open button. The file is verified and the certificate is imported in the truststore.

    Note: No action is taken when a certificate that is already trusted is selected, for example, a CA certificate.

  4. On the Add Certificate dialog:

    • Review that the certificate information is as expected.

    • Add an Alias. This is a shortcut name for easy identification.

    • Click OK.

  5. Verify the new information on the Trusted Certificates section. The certificate is listed with its Subject Common Name, Alias, and the expiration date (in the Valid Until column).

  6. Test the related URL(s) under the Tested URLS section to confirm that a connection can now be established. After a successful test the Certificate Alias should also be visible for the URL.

Trusted Certificates editor

The following alerts and functionality are available directly from the editor:

  • When a certificate expires, the row displays with a red background.

  • Hide, Show All Rows, Add Trusted Certificate, and Remove Certificate options are available from the right-click menu on the > column on any row.

Tested URLs

This option allows you to verify the status of a URL and identify connection errors.

  1. In workbench on the System Setup tab, click the SSL Client Certificates node.

  2. In the Tested URLs section, either click the Add URL link or use the right-click menu as defined in the Tested URLs editor, as defined below.

  3. On the Add URL dialog, choose a method to add a Https URL:

    • Type a URL into the parameter. The value must begin with 'Https'.

    • Select a URL from the dropdown (supplied by the URL entries defined above).

  4. Click OK.

  5. Review the Test Results column for the outcome of the test. Possible results include:

    • OK - displays for sites that are globally trusted or that are tested trusted by a certificate that was already imported.

    • Malformed URL - displays for incorrectly configured URLs.

    • Connection Error - displays for a variety of errors that result in a failed connection.

    • Not a HTTPS request - displays for non-HTTPS requests; only HTTPS is supported.

Tested URLs editor

The following alerts and functionality are available directly from the editor:

  • The right-click menu on the > column on any row includes Hide, Show All Rows, Add URL, and Remove URL options.

  • The Details button () displays additional information about error messages if available.

  • The Retry button () to run the test again.

mTLS Client Certificate

This option allows you to set up mTLS authentication with an external service by downloading the STEP public key, which can be used to authenticate requests coming from STEP by an external service. This is specifically relevant for Stibo Systems SaaS environments where customer rely on Stibo Systems to provide and configure the key. For more information on mTLS, refer to the Mutual Transport Layer Security topic.


For Stibo Systems SaaS environments, a default keystore is automatically configured.

For other environments, the following configuration properties must be set:

  1. Add only one public-private keypair to the .jks file.

    Note: If multiple private keys are included in the keystore, the selection is not guaranteed.

  2. Add the following case-sensitive entries in the file on the STEP application server:

    • SSL.Default.KeyStore.Location

      For example:

    • SSL.Default.KeyStore.Password

      For example:


Download a client public key

  1. In workbench on the System Setup tab, click the SSL Client Certificates node.

  2. In the mTLS Client Certificate section, click the Download Client Public Key button.

  3. Save the certificate and add it to your external service to authenticate a STEP connection.