Transformation Examples

Regardless if the data is being imported or exported, or is being used within STEP, generally the transformation options have the same effect.

Transformations are available using the STEP Workbench import and export processes for formats that require Data Mapping as discussed in the Data Exchange documentation (here), and also using Attribute Transformations for attributes in the System Setup documentation (here).

For additional help importing data, refer to the Creating a Data Import section of the Data Exchange documentation (here). And, for additional help exporting data, refer to the Creating a Data Export section of the Data Exchange documentation (here).

Transformation options and availability are defined in the Transformations topic in the Resource Materials online help here.

For examples of some of the most commonly used transformations, refer to the sections below:

  • Concatenate Column with Unit Data Example (here)
  • Concatenate Data Using Variables Example (here)
  • Concatenate into Single-Valued Data Example (here)
  • Dimension Point for Single Dimension Data Example (here)
  • Extract Characters Between and Extract Characters After Example (here)
  • Extract Characters at Position Example (here)
  • Format Number Example (here)
  • Header and Value Aspects Example (here)
  • If Equals Source Example (here)
  • Insert Text Example (here)
  • Math Operation Example (here)
  • Merge Attributes and Constant Example (here)
  • Merge Data for Multi-Valued Data Example (here)
  • Replace Substrings of the Value Example (here)
  • Split and Extract Data Example (here)
  • Replace The Whole Value Example (here)
  • Transform Date by Locale or by Pattern (here)
  • Transform Using Attribute Transformation Example (here)
  • Transformation Lookup Table Example (here)

Additional examples using the Transformation Aspects parameter, refer to the Aspect - Transform Outbound topic here.