Configuring PDX Onboarding Channel Configurator

The topics presented in this section outline the configuration processes that are essential for users to enable the setup of the PDX Onboarding Channel Configurator solution. The preliminary phase of the configuration is conducted via the STEP Workbench, whereas the latter segment is configured through the Web User Interface (UI).

  • PDX Onboarding Channel Configurator Solution Initial Setup here
  • Configuring Web UI for PDX Onboarding Channel Configurator Solution here


In order to access the PDX Onboarding Channel Configurator within the STEP system, it is imperative that the 'pdx-channel' add-on component is first installed on your system. Before embarking on the configuration of a PDX channel within the STEP system, the following prerequisites are fulfilled:

  1. Installation of the PDX Onboarding Channel Configurator component

  2. Installation of the Tagglo component. This includes the creation of some PDX upload folders on the STEP application server

For on-premise systems, instructions for installing components can be found in the SPOT Program topic in the System Administration Guide found in Downloadable Documentation. For SaaS systems, contact your Stibo Systems account manager.