PDS Integration Enhancements
The following enhancements have been made to Product Data Syndication (PDS) integration:
- A new PDS Channel Metric allows users to check data quality and completeness for specific channels before syndication takes place.
- Two new JavaScript business action binds allow administrators the ability to configure automatic publishing to PDS from the Search Screen basket based on sufficiency metrics.
New PDS Channel Metric
The new PDS Channel Metric allows users the ability to measure the quality and completeness of a product compared to the data standard of a retail channel in PDS before syndicating it to the PDS channel. The quality and completeness scores are displayed in the sufficiency panel, which is located in the Web UI.
To view the data produced by the PDS Channel Metric in the sufficiency panel in the Web UI, the add-on components 'pds-sufficiency-link' and ‘data-sufficiency’ must be installed on your system in addition to the normal update procedures for 9.3. This component provides the ability to deserialize preflight data from PDS when used in a sufficiency context; additionally, it allows PDS users that are not using sufficiencies to not have to apply a separate sufficiency component to their system.
Instructions for installing components can be found in the SPOT Program topic in the System Administration Guide found in Downloadable Documentation.
The following license must also be enabled. Contact your account manager to enable licenses for your system.
For more information, refer to the Data Profiling Enhancements release note here.
Automatic publishing to PDS now possible on Sufficiency Metrics
An administrator can configure automatic publishing to PDS from the Search Screen basket based on sufficiency metrics using two new JavaScript business action binds.
For more information, refer to the Web UI Enhancements release note here.