Machine Learning Matching Agent

During clerical review for a match and merge solution, a data steward could face thousands of records that must be either merged or rejected. The machine learning matching agent (MLMA) eases the workload by providing recommendations for merging or rejecting based on the data steward's decisions.

The machine learning engine is part of Stibo Systems' ASPiRE cloud environment. The MLMA analyzes and learns from the data steward's decisions within the clerical review task list. After the data steward meets the threshold of decisions, the matching agent provides merge and reject recommendations within the clerical review task list, which the data steward can either heed or disregard.

Solution Overview

Within a matching algorithm, the user can create a matching agent. Once enabled, the matching agent collects merge and reject decisions made in the Clerical Review Task List, and the matching agent stores these decisions as a local copy. The ASPiRE environment then uses these decisions to train a machine-learning model using the configured matching agent data model enabled by a REST gateway. With the trained model, the ASPiRE environment produces merge and reject recommendations, which are shown in the clerical review.

The machine learning training process runs as a background process (BGP) on the matching agent, and it runs continuously and automatically every time new Clerical Review merge and reject decisions increase by a predetermined percentage. After each training process, a separate ‘Recommendation’ BGP starts, which will update all Clerical Review tasks with the latest merge and reject recommendations.

The matching event processor updates new tasks and changed tasks with a new merge / reject recommendation. This happens when an enabled matching agent exists that has successfully completed the training process.

The MLMA functionality is in the ramp-up phase and is only accessible through an early adopter program. As part of this program, Stibo Systems will provide a client ID and passphrase, which are needed to configure the authentication REST gateway. To learn more about the ramp-up phase / status, refer to the License and Component Lifecycle topic in the System Release and Patch Notes section of online help here. To participate in the early adopter program, send an email request to

The following topics outline the setup and function of the MLMA:

  1. Configuring MLMA (here)

  2. Maintaining the MLMA Data Model (here)

  3. Matching Agents (here)

  4. Adding MLMA Recommendations to a Clerical Review Task (here)

ASPiRE License

ASPiRE uses the Dedupe library with an MIT license.