Import Error Messages

The following table shows most of the types of error message that you are likely to encounter, with a brief explanation of the most common reason for the error. The most common errors allow users to troubleshoot and then perform the import. There are instances where issues are not related to the import file and are related to the servers, network latency, etc. For these scenarios, contact the Stibo Systems Support team for assistance.

The error messages marked with an asterisk (*) are errors that you will only encounter when you load an XML file. That is because in an XML import, the wizard does not prevent you from entering an invalid value. However, when importing CSV or XLS files, since you often select values from a list, you cannot select an invalid value.

Error Message


Illegal value x for attribute y in product z

The value in the load file does not meet the validity or other constraint that is set up for the attribute.

Not in legal values list

You tried to load an attribute value into an attribute that uses an LOV, and that value does not exist in the LOV, and it is set up not to accept additional entries.

This error is not displayed when an LOV is configured to 'Allow Users to Add Values = Yes.'

Attribute not legal for object type

The product’s object type is not valid for the attribute. That is, the attribute is not allowed to hold a value for products with the specified object type.

*Illegal unit x for attribute y in product z

In the XML file, you have tried to assign a non-existing unit to an attribute.

Unknown Classification x in product y.

In the XML file, you have probably requested a product-to-classification link using a specified reference type, but the classification you specified is not found.

Unknown Parent product x for product y

You tried to assign a product to a parent ID, but that parent ID cannot be found in the system.

*Unknown product reference target

You attempted to link one product to another via a reference type, but the target product does not exist.

*Unknown attribute

You specified an attribute in the XML file, but that attribute does not exist.

Unknown unit

The unit encountered in the load file does not exist in STEP.

Rejected new product x

You set the option to "Reject New Products" in the wizard, and a new product was encountered in the load file.

Illegal unit for attribute

The unit exists but is not valid for the attribute you are trying to load the value into.

*Illegal Object Type for product position

You tried to create a new product via an XML load and you specified an object type that is not a valid choice, given the parent product that you specified.

*Unknown Object Type

You specified an object type (e.g., for a product) in the XML file, but that object type does not exist.

*Unknown reference Type

You specified a reference type (e.g., for a product-to-product reference) in the XML file, but that reference type does not exist.

Insufficient privileges to ...

You do not have permission to carry out one of the following actions (specified in the error message):

  • set value
  • set name
  • create product
  • move product
  • modify Object Type
  • classify product
  • create product reference

For more information, refer to the Action Sets topic in the System Setup documentation here.

Product x contains more than one reference to product y of Type z, reference data will not be imported.

You cannot make a product-to-product reference from the same source product to the same target product more than once.

Product x contains more than one reference to asset y of Type z, reference data will not be imported.

You cannot make a product-to-asset reference from the same source product to the same target asset more than once.

*Classification x contains more than one reference to Classification y of Type z, reference data will not be imported.

You cannot make a classification-to-classification reference from the same source classification to the same target classification more than once.

*Reference Type x is not valid for importing a product cross reference from a to b.

In your XML file, you have asked for a product reference that refers to a non-existent reference type.

*Reference Type x is not valid for importing an asset cross reference from a to b.

In your XML file, you have asked for an asset reference that refers to a non-existent reference type.

*Reference Type x is not valid for importing a Classification cross reference from a to b.

In your XML file, you have asked for a classification reference that refers to a non-existent reference type.

*Product x already contains a reference to Classification y but it is invisible in the specified context. The reference and any data on it will not be imported.

You have probably made a product-to-classification link dimension-dependent, and the context you are importing into cannot "view" that link, but it is still there.

Conversion Error

This run time exception error is returned when the XML file is loaded is poorly formed. Download the error file, make the indicated correction, and import the file again.

Conversion Error: Not a Valid STEPXML File (Encoding)

When any encoding type other than UTF-8 is entered in a STEPXML import file, this error is displayed in wizard on the 'Select Format.'

Unknown validator

Importing STEPXML that includes an attribute with a validator type that does not exist in STEP.

Validation types with multiple words must replace the space with an underscore. For example, 'Numeric Text' must be written as 'Numeric_Text.'

Context ‘XYZ’ not found

Importing STEPXML where the Context ID is either misspelled or does not exist.

No ContextID specified in STEPXML to import

Importing STEPXML without a Context ID.

No WorkspaceID specified in STEPXML to import

Importing STEPXML without a Workspace ID.

Workspace ID should always be an editable workspace, often 'Main.' Since the Approved workspace cannot be edited, it cannot receive imports.