Product Data Exchange (PDX) Enhancements

2024.3 Enhanced Features

This update includes functionalities highlighted in the 2024 Updates released this year. Click a topic link for additional details on that functionality.

Extension to value transformation

A new checkbox has been added to the Value Transformation 'Lookup table.' This checkbox ensures that 'key' values are transformed or replaced only once.

Sometimes, a value needs to be transformed when it appears both as a 'Key' and a 'Value'. For example, in line 2, the number '24' should replace the key number '2.' In line 3, '24' also exists as a key value and should be replaced by '0.75.' Similarly, in line 5, the key value '730' should be transformed to '24.'

Initially, the transformation would replace 2 with 24, 24 with 0.75, and 730 with 24. However, because the system performs recursive transformations, in the second transformation, '24' in lines 2 and 5 would be transformed to '0.75'. An example is below:

Note that when using the 'Replace only once' feature, a user would get the expected outcome:

Toolbar redesign

The toolbar on the channel screens has been redesigned. This new design provides a better overview of the functionalities to the user as well better navigation, improving the user experience. All previously existing features will continue to be available.

Searchable attributes settings expanded

The settings for which attributes appear in the search list, originally introduced in the May 1, 2024, update, have been expanded. Channel admins can now select attributes related to specific categories, not just those linked to the root category. This change also applies to the searchable attributes settings in Direct Channels.

Update to labels

Labels and ‘Info’ Sections in 'Application Features' under 'User Management' have been updated. The names of certain permissions have been updated. For example, 'Master Data' is now 'Master data (edit), and 'Channel setup' has been renamed 'Channel Management,' among other changes. Additionally, the descriptions in the information boxes for these permissions have been revised. It's important to note that there have been no changes to the access these permissions provide, and no new permissions have been added.

New import flow introduced

In the latest update, the import process within PDX has been streamlined for simplicity. While the fundamental components and stages of the import process are unchanged, the user interface has been improved. Navigation now displays horizontally instead of vertically, with all steps conveniently integrated within the import wizard interface—eliminating the need for a separate window for the mapping step.

Additionally, there have been modifications to the default settings. Users are now required to manually activate the Auto assignment feature, which contrasts with the previous setting where it was enabled automatically.

The objective of these changes is to offer a more user-friendly and intuitive import experience.

Updated instructions are available for the Import Data Screen.

Amazon pre-validation added

Users with any Amazon market channel can now perform a pre-validation action to confirm that a product will meet all downstream validations by Amazon prior to submitting the product. This aims to reduce the number of submission attempts required to get a product accepted by Amazon, especially in cases where teams want to ensure products are valid before setting them live on Amazon.

New configured channel output options added

New output options for sending product data in Configured Channels have been added to email and HTTP output types.

New email options:

  • Specify sender name to be shown in email to recipient

  • A direct link to the submitted file(s) replaces the current link to a download splash page. This direct link will remain valid for up to seven days, or until it expires based on the receiver's link expiration setting.

New HTTP options:

For HTTP output receivers, users can now use the PATCH method in addition to the existing POST and PUT methods supported previously.

Improved PDX route hierarchy

improvements have been made to the PDX route hierarchy, which is moving away from a mostly flat structure to a channel and area specific structure. Note that saved bookmarks and links might become invalid after the update.

Process overview added

A new Process overview has been added to PDX, which provides the user with an overview of many of the processes that are running in PDX.

The Process overview's purpose is to provide better visibility into the processing of many time-consuming operations and provide the user with a status on different processes, such as import, add to channel actions, mappings, and preparation of submissions.

The Process overview can answer questions such as the following:

  • Did the system acknowledge my request?

  • Has the job I started been completed?

  • When can I expect my job to be completed?

  • How much time went by before my job was picked up for processing?

  • How much time was spent processing my job?

  • Which other jobs have been queued up?

Users can also see information about the following:

  • When a large process has begun

  • When a large process has completed

  • Provide a overview for historical long-running processes

  • User can see metadata on the processes

The Process overview has three tabs corresponding to process statuses: ‘Queue,’ ‘Active,’ and ‘Completed.’ Users can access information about 16 different processes used in PDX. Additionally, users can view the status of processes initiated by themselves or other team members. Processes initiated by PDX will be labeled as ‘System’ in the ‘Created by’ column.

The ‘Queue’ tab displays information about processes awaiting pickup. The overview includes details such as ID, Process type, Channels (with relevant channel names displayed), creator, and creation timestamp.

In the ‘Actions’ column, users can cancel processes. Only processes in the ‘Queue’ or ‘Active’ status can be canceled. Regular users can cancel processes they initiated. Client Admins have broader cancellation privileges: they can cancel their own processes, processes initiated by teammates, and even processes initiated by the ‘System.’

In the ‘Active’ tab, users can see information about ID, Process type, information about channel and receivers, Created by, Created at, Started at and, Estimated time to complete. In the ‘Actions’ column, users can select and cancel active processes.

In the ‘Completed’ tab, users can view information as in the other tabs. This tab includes a status column: processes that are done have a ‘Completed’ status, canceled processes display as ‘Canceled,’ and failed processes show as ‘Failed.’ The completion time is also provided.

Note: In this version of the Process overview, the ‘Channels’ column only displays receiver names if the user first selects receivers and then initiates a submission. If the user is in the channel and selects ‘Submit’ before choosing receivers, the channel name will also be displayed.

Some processes are triggered only if they involve more than 100 products. For example:

  • The ‘Add to channel’ process in Master Data and from a channel is triggered when it involves more than 100 products.

  • The ‘Update Product Attributes (CH)’ process is triggered when more than 200 products are selected.

Note that the ‘Prepare submission data’ process in the 1WorldSync Channel and Brandbank Channels is not displayed in the Process overview because these channels’ submission processes are not ‘workflow’ enabled in PDX.

Permissions to view processes in the Process overview include the following:

  • Information about ‘Import’ processes can be viewed by all users.

  • If an ‘import to channel’ is performed, a user needs access to the specific channel to see the import process in the overview.

Improved accessibility and usability

The application’s accessibility and usability by enabling keyboard navigation in the sidebar menu. Additionally, users can now close pop-up dialogs using the ‘ESC’ key.

Mapping details updated display

In order to better utilize AI in the PDX application, a clean-up of the displayed mapping details section within the mapping screen has been performed. Below is an example of how the mapping screen looked previously:

Users will now be able to find an updated version with more details within each of the new panel sections and subsections. It should now provide the user with a better overview of the mapped data, as well as the option of closing the mapping details side-screen. Below is an example of the updated version: