Categories tab page
The Categories tab within the Settings screen allows users to add categories that their retailers use. The categories can be created in multiple levels.
If a user selects the 'industry standard' option when originally creating the channel, the Categories tab will be prepopulated with some categories under the Root Category folder. For additional information on using the 'industry standard' option, refer to the Creating configured channels topic. If a user has selected the 'Datastandard from scratch' option, the Categories tab will contain an empty Root Category folder. The tab displays as shown in the below screenshot.
To add a category, click the collapsed menu icon () and then click the 'Add categories' icon (
) to display the 'Add categories' dialog as shown below.
How are your values delimited: This field provides options for a delimiter.
By tab: This option is used when pasting data from multiple columns in Excel.
By enter: This option is used when pasting data from multiple rows in Excel.
Custom delimiter: Selecting this option displays an additional field called 'Specify your custom delimiter.' This option allows users to specify the character to be used as a value delimiter, such as , . - | /.
Category names: You can add a category name manually or by pasting from an Excel spreadsheet provided by the retailer. If a category name is added manually, it must match the name provided in spreadsheet.
Location: This field allows users to define the folder where the newly added categories will be nested. Clicking the dropdown next to the Location field shows all the category folders available. The Root Category folder appears by default.
Below is an example screenshot of the 'Add categories' tab when all fields are populated:
Once all necessary categories are created, click the 'Save' button. Invert the carat to show the dropdown of created categories that reside under the Root category. The categories under the Roots category can contain their own subcategories. Highlight the category to contain subcategories, click the collapsed menu icon (), and then click the 'Add categories' icon (
) to display the 'Add categories' dialog. Subcategories can then be added through the same process as the original categories were created and added.
Once categories have been added, the Categories tab page is split into two columns. The left column of the tab page lists all the categories related to the channel, and the right column displays the detail about the category.
A populated Categories tab page is composed of the following:
Search field: This field allows users to search for a category available from the list. Click on the typeahead field and type in the category's name that the user intends to explore.
Root Category: This category folder resides at the top of the hierarchy in the category structure. The Root Category can neither be deleted nor moved.
Category / sub category: These are the actual categories that the retailers use and that the products are assigned to.
Expand / collapse arrow: This type of arrow displays next to those categories that have subcategories residing under them. Clicking on this arrow will show or hide the categories residing inside the parent category folder.
Collapsed menu icon: This icon will bring down the following three additional icons:
- Add categories (
): This icon allows users to open the 'Add categories' dialog (explained above) to add more categories.
- Move category (
): This icon allows users to move the category into a different hierarchy.
First, select a category listed in the left panel and click the move icon () to open the 'Move category' dialog (shown below).
Next, click the dropdown in the 'New parent category' field to find and select the new category folder, and click the Move category button.
Note: The categories are always listed in alphabetical order on the left column. The 'Move category' icon can only be used to switch the hierarchy of the category. It cannot rearrange the order of its listing.
- Remove category (
): This icon removes the category from the channel. Standing on the desired category in the left column and clicking the 'Remove categories' icon (
) will display the 'Delete category' dialog as shown below. Further, when a category is initiated for deletion, an option will be displayed to either delete or move the subcategories to the parent hierarchy. Users must select an option and click the Delete category button.
- Category name: This field allows users to edit the name of the selected category.
- Templates canvas: This canvas allows users to add an Excel spreadsheet, which will act as the output template defined explicitly for the category selected in the left column. The output template added for a category will override the generic template defined in the Output tab. Adding an output template within this canvas is optional for users. If no output template is added for a given category, then the generic output template defined in the Output tab will be used for submissions in the category.
Attributes canvas: This canvas displays all attributes relevant to the selected category. The attributes can be directly linked to the category or inherited by its parent hierarchy. Users can also link new attributes to the selected category within this canvas. This section cannot be completed until attributes have been added in the attribute tab. For more information on creating attributes in the Attributes tab, refer to the Attributes tab page topic.
Below is an example of the Attributes canvas displaying attributes that are directly or indirectly linked to the category 'Tarts.'
The Attributes canvas is composed of the following:
- Typeahead / dropdown field: This field brings down a list of attributes relevant to the channel. Users can search and select the required attribute and then click the Link attribute button to link an attribute to the category.
- Link attribute button: This button will link an attribute to the category. By default, this button remains grayed out. It will be activated only when the user selects an attribute in the typeahead field.
- Link all button: This button will link all available attributes in the channel to the selected category.
- Rearrange icon (
): This icon allows users to rearrange the order of listing by clicking and dragging the icon. The attributes are generally listed in a random order within the canvas. Only the attributes that are directly linked to the selected category can be rearranged. Inherited attributes cannot be rearranged unless the user navigates to the parent category where the attributes are linked.
- Required column: The toggle switch (
)available within this column determines whether to make the attribute within the category mandatory or not. Turning the toggle switch on will make the attribute mandatory to the selected category only, enabling a visual indicator in the product to prompt users to populate the value. The value must be populated on such an attribute for all the products belonging to this category.
- Attribute name column: This column displays the name of the attribute.
- Attribute type column: This column displays the validation type of the attribute.
- Inherited from column: This column displays the name of the parent category that the attribute is inherited from.
- Family type column: This column provides a choice to select between the following options:
- Regular: Selecting this option defines that the values of the attributes can vary across family and variant products
- Family: Selecting this option defines that the value within the attribute should be the same across all products in the family
- Variant: Selecting this option defines that the value within the attribute can vary across products in a family
- Delete icon (
): Clicking this icon for an attribute will remove the attribute from the category.
9. Publish button: Changes on the Categories tab page will be executed to the channel only when the user clicks the Publish button.