Attributes tab page
The Attributes tab within the Settings screen allows users to add attributes that the retailers want the manufacturer to publish.
The appearance of the Attributes tab while configuring a new channel depends on the option selected within the 'Starting point data setup' field while creating the shell of the new channel. If the user has selected the 'Datastandard from scratch' option, the Attributes tab will be empty. However, if the user has selected the 'Industry standard' option while creating the shell of the new channel, the Attributes tab will be prepopulated with some attributes. For more information on selecting this option, see the Creating configured channels topic.
Below is a screenshot of the available datastandard template and output format if a user selects the 'Industry standard' option.
Below is the screenshot of how the Attributes tab would display where the user has opted for the 'Datastandard from scratch' option. This screen appears if no attributes have been created. Once attributes have been added and saved, additional attributes can be added by clicking the collapsed menu icon () and then clicking the 'Add attributes' icon (
Either method described above will display the 'Add attributes' dialog that allows users to add attributes. The dialog has three main fields that are explained in detail below.
- How are your values delimited: This field allows users to select a delimiter. This delimiter can either be a special delimiter or a custom delimiter. Following are the options available for selection within this field:
- By Tab: This option is used when pasting data from multiple columns in Excel
- By enter: This option is used when pasting data from multiple rows in Excel
- Custom delimiter: Selecting this option displays an additional field called 'Specify your custom delimiter.' This option allows users to specify the character to be used as a value delimiter, such as , . - | /.
- Attributes name: Users can enter the attribute name manually within this field or copy-paste it from an Excel spreadsheet provided by the retailer. However, when typed in manually, the attribute names must match the format in the Excel spreadsheet provided by the retailer. To ensure this consistency, creating the attributes by copying and pasting them from the spreadsheet is recommended.
- Category: This field allows users to assign categories for the attributes added above. Clicking the dropdown next to the Category field shows all the categories defined in the Categories tab. The dropdown will automatically default to the highest level in the category hierarchy. Users can then navigate to other hierarchy categories. If no category is selected, the Root Category will be automatically assigned.
Note: Best practice is to assign common attributes that are required across all categories to the Root Category instead of assigning them to each category. This ensures that the common attributes are inherited down through the category structure. Users must be cautious about the level of the category while assigning the attributes to the category.
Below is an example screenshot of the 'Add attributes' dialog when the 'Attribute names' are populated. Once all the necessary fields are populated, click the Save button to reload the Attribute tab page listing all the defined attributes in the left column of the tab page
The loaded Attribute tab page is split into two columns. The left column contains the list of attributes, and the right column displays the details of the attribute. A populated Attributes tab page contains the following:
- Select All / Deselect All checkbox: This checkbox allows users to select / deselect all attributes listed in the left column of the tab page
- Search field: This field allows users to search for an attribute. Click on the typeahead field and type in the name of the attribute that you intend to search
- Attributes: These are the attributes that will be syndicated to the retailers. Click on any attribute name, and the selected attribute will display on the right column of the tab page
- Attribute name: The selected attribute's name displays at the top of the right column
- Collapsed menu icon: This icon contains two hidden functions. Clicking this icon will bring down the following two additional icons:
- Add attributes:
Clicking this icon opens the 'Add attributes' dialog (explained above), allowing users to add further attributes.
- Remove attributes:
This icon removes the selected attribute from the channel. Users must select the desired attributes from the left column using the checkbox and click the 'Remove attributes' icon.
- Attribute definition canvas: This canvas is composed of the following:
- Name: This field allows users to edit the name of the selected attribute.
- Description: This field allows users to enter a description that best describes the selected attribute.
- Type: This field allows users to change the validation base type of the selected attribute. Depending on the type selected within the field, the following options are displayed within the canvas:
List of values: This field is displayed only when the String option is selected within the Type field. Selecting the option Yes will set the validation type of the attribute to be a LOV. Users need to add LOV values within the 'Type validation' canvas (explained below).
Searchable in list: This field is displayed only when the Date, GTIN, String, Integer, or Decimal option is selected within the Type field. Selecting the option Yes will allow the attribute to be searchable in the channel.
Multi value: This field determines if the attribute can be multivalued or not.
- Type Validation canvas: This canvas allows users to edit validation rules for attributes. The fields in this canvas are displayed depending on the option selected within the 'Type' and the 'List of values' fields that are available in the 'Attribute definition' canvas
- Custom metadata on attribute canvas: This canvas allows users to add metadata for the attributes in the channel. Click the 'Add new metadata' link to add new metadata. The added metadata can be accessed by both Velocity output files and Excel output files. For example, if you add metadata "shouldBeSkippedInOutput":"true" to multiple attributes in the channel, and then in Velocity template, while iterating over your attributes, you can add a check that says: "if attribute.metadata.get("shouldBeSkippedInOutput") == "true", then skip the attribute.'
- Publish button: Changes on the Attributes tab page will be executed to the channel only when the user clicks the Publish button.