EP - Error Log Excerpts Tab

The Error Log Excerpts tab on an event processor shows data from the main Java log file related to failed background processes with Log Level > 'Info'.

The Event Log Excerpts tab is part of the event processor editor. Information about the event processor editor can be found in the Maintaining an Event Processor topic in the System Setup documentation.

Event Processor Log Flipper

In this flipper, a user can click on a hyperlink to a failed background process and correct the cause of the failed background process.

  • Background Process: Displays the ID of a Background process throwing the error. Clicking on the ID redirects the user to the Background process.
  • Log Item No: Displays the Log Item No
  • Text: Displays a brief text specifying an error message. For example: Caught IndexOutOfBoundsException at Tue Mar 14 10:44:08 CET 2017: Index: 0, Size: 0 "Failed to add 1 files to delivery due to Failed to create directory: Failed to create directory: "

Note: The functionality of the Error Log Excerpts tab is the same for event processors and integration endpoints. For more information, refer to Handling Failed OIEP Background Processes topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.