Event Queues

The Event Queues node on the System Setup tab can be used to create, modify, and schedule export events from STEP to a local file system. An event queue extracts the data messages and a stylesheet is used to render the messages as static HTML that can be viewed in a browser. The configuration of an event queue can allow for data or assets to be exported, and actions to be automatically performed.

Note: An event queue definition can be exported as comments and submitted to an external source control system for comparison purposes. For details, refer to the Configuration Management documentation here.

The types of queues are available for outbound information include:

  • Event Queue legacy functionality for data messages

While manually creating a data event queue is allowed, improved functionality for exporting data messages is available in an outbound integration endpoint (OIEP). The event queue for an event-based OIEP is created automatically when creating the OIEP. For more information, refer to the Queue for Endpoint Processes section of the OIEP - Configuration Section topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.

For information on a manually created event queue, refer to the Creating a New Event Queue topic (here) and the Maintaining Event Queues topic (here).

  • AssetPush Event Queue and sidecar for assets

An event queue for Asset Push must be created manually as defined in the Creating and Maintaining Asset Push Event Queues topic of the Digital Assets documentation here.