Other Examples
In the sections below, many other calculated attribute functions are grouped by purpose and are demonstrated in simple terms using a variety of value templates:
- Classification Functions can be used to access classification objects.
- Completeness Functions can be used to access the completeness score of an object.
- Data Container Functions can be used to access data container objects.
- Hierarchy Functions can be used to access STEP hierarchy objects.
- Lookup Table Functions can be used to access lookup table data.
- Object Functions can be used to access object information.
- Override Functions can be used to access product override data.
- Reference Functions can be used to access object reference data.
- Revision Functions can be used to access revision information.
- Workflow Functions can be used to access workflow information.
For function syntax information and links to more detailed use cases, refer to the Other Functions topic in the Resource Materials online help documentation.
Classification Functions
These functions can be used to access classification objects.
The example calculated attribute is written to use a product with the classification data defined in the following table.
References |
Product1(P1) |
ClassificationA ClassificationB |
After creating the data above, copy and paste any of the Value Template text below into the Function Editor, select the object with the defined data, and click the Evaluate button to display the Result.
Value Template |
Object |
Result |
list(iterate(classifications(), "stepid()"), "/ ") |
P1 |
ClassificationA/ ClassificationB |
Use Cases
For a scenario using the CLASSIFICATIONS function, refer to Classification Scenario topic.
Completeness Functions
These functions can be used to access the completeness score of an object.
For more information, refer to Initial Setup for Metrics in the System Setup documentation.
Copy and paste the Value Template text below into the Function Editor, select an object set up for completeness metric, and click the Evaluate button to display the defined Result.
Value Template |
Result |
completeness() |
51.282051282051284601948282215744 |
round(completeness(),0) |
51 |
Data Container Functions
These functions can be used to access data container objects on products or entities.
The example value templates require the products and values defined in the following table:
Data Container Types (ID): |
Non-Typed Data (244320) |
Technical Specifications (244321) |
Product: ALRM-01 (157618) |
Product: ALRM-02 (157619) |
{no Non-Typed Data (244320) data container exists}
![]() |
Value Template |
ALRM-01 Result |
ALRM-02 Result |
{ dclist := datacontainers(), dc_typeids := iterate(dclist, 'datacontainertypeid()') } list(sort(unique(dc_typeids)), "\n") |
244320 244321 |
244321 |
{ dc := datacontainers(), dcid := list(iterate(dc, 'value("Supplier_Cost")'), "/"), dcc := list(iterate(dc, 'datacontainertypeid()'), ", "), dc1 := listitem(dc, 1), dc2 := iterate(datacontainercomposite(), 'stepname()'), msg := "" } concatenate(dcid, " --- ", dcc, " --- ", dc2) |
0.19/0.28/0.45 --- 244321, 244320, 244320 --- ALRM-01 |
0.36---244321---ALRM-02 |
{ dc := datacontainers(), dcid := sort(unique(iterate(dc, 'value("Supplier_Cost")'))), introtext := if(listlen(dcid) <gt/> 1, "Supplier Cost ranges from ", "Supplier Cost is "), septext := if(listlen(dcid) <gt/> 1, " to ", ""), firstval := listitem(dcid,1), lastval := if(listlen(dcid) <gt/> 1, listitem(dcid, listlen(dcid)), ""), dctypes := sort(unique(iterate(dc, 'datacontainertypeid()'))), dclist := if(listlen(dctypes) <gt/> 1, list(dctypes, ", ", " and "), listitem(dctypes,1)), dctext := if(listlen(dctypes) <gt/> 1, " in Data Container types ", " in Data Container type "), msg := "Data Container examples" } concatenate(introtext, firstval, septext, lastval, dctext, dclist) |
Supplier Cost ranges from 0.19 to 0.45 in data container types 244320 and 244321. |
Supplier Cost is 0.36 in Data Container type 244321 |
Hierarchy Functions
These functions can be used to access STEP hierarchy objects.
The example value templates require the objects and values defined in the following table:
Object |
Parent |
TEXT1id |
P-family(P-family-id) |
Product hierarchy root(PRoot) |
product value |
P1(P1id) |
PFam(P-family-id) |
p1 value |
P2(P2id) |
PFam(P-family-id) |
p2 value |
P3(P3id) |
PFam(P-family-id) |
p3 value |
E-family(E-family-id) |
Entity root(ERoot) |
entity value |
E1(E1id) |
EFam(E-family-id) |
e1 value |
E2(E2id) |
EFam(E-family-id) |
e2 value |
After creating the data above, copy and paste any of the Value Template text below into the Function Editor, select the object with the defined data, and click the Evaluate button to display the Result.
Value Template |
Object |
Result |
Notes |
list(iterate(children(), 'concatenate(stepname())'),', ') |
P-family-id |
P1, P2, P3 |
These are products |
list(iterate(subproducts(), 'concatenate(stepname())'),', ') |
P-family-id |
P1, P2, P3 |
These are products |
list(iterate(children(), 'concatenate(stepname())'),', ') |
E-family-id |
E1, E2 |
These are entities |
list(iterate(subproducts(), 'concatenate(stepname())'),', ') |
E-family-id |
These are entities, not products |
parentid() |
P1id |
P-family |
list(iterate(path(), 'concatenate(stepname())'),', ') |
P-family-id |
Primary Product Hierarchy, Products, P-family |
isbelow('step://product?id=P1id') |
P-family-id |
0 |
isbelow('step://product?id=P-Family') |
P1id |
1 |
{i:=path(), parent:=listitem(i,listlen(i)-1) } iterate(parent, 'concatenate("name=",stepname(),"; id=", stepid())') |
P1id |
name=P-family; id=P-family-id |
Use -2 (instead of -1) to get name / ID of grandparent, etc. |
Evaluating Data on Child Objects
The example value templates require the products and values defined in the following table:
Parent |
Products |
BrandNameID |
RemovalDate |
Product hierarchy root(PRoot) |
J-family(J-family-id) |
J-family-id |
J1(J1id) |
Alpha |
2013-05-01 |
J-family-id |
J2(J2id) |
Alpha |
2014-05-01 |
J-family-id |
J3(J3id) |
Alpha |
2012-05-01 |
J-family-id |
J4(J4id) |
Zeta |
J-family-id |
J5(J5id) |
Zeta |
2016-05-01 |
After creating the data above, copy and paste any of the Value Template text below into the Function Editor, select the object with the defined data, and click the Evaluate button to display the Result.
Value Template |
Object |
Result |
Notes |
{all:=iterate(subproducts(), "prodval('BrandNameID')"), unique:=unique(all), oftenIndex:=1, oftenCount:=0, dummy:=iterate(unique, ' {curval:=item, count:=listlen(filter(all,"exact(curval,item)")) } if (count>oftenCount, concatenate( oftenCount:=count, oftenIndex:=index), 0)') } if (oftenCount>0, listitem(unique,oftenIndex), "") |
J-family-id |
Alpha |
Value for attribute ID 'BrandName' that occurs the most times in its children. |
{attrid:='grandchildattrid' } listconcatenate(iterate(subproducts(), 'iterate(subproducts(),"prodval(attrid)")')) |
J-family-id |
AlphaAlphaAlphaZetaZeta |
Use cautiously. This operation can drain system CPU since all grandchildren are read for each product. |
{msg := "Closest date that is less than the current date is: ", datenow := left(substitute(now(), "-", ""), 8), datelist := filter(iterate(children(), 'value("RemovalDate")'), 'substitute(item, "-", "") < datenow'), neardate := listitem(reverse(sortnumeric(datelist)), 1) } if(exact(neardate, "N/A"), "None Newer", concatenate(msg, neardate)) |
J-family-id |
Closest date that is less than the current date is: 2016-05-01 |
Returns the value of 'RemovalDate' attribute on the child objects that is closest to the current date while still less than the current date. Returns 'None Newer' if no such child exists. |
Lookup Table Functions
These functions can be used to access lookup table data.
For more information, refer to the Transformation Lookup Tables topic in the Resource Materials online help documentation.
The following templates use this lookup table data.
Asset: UOMLookupTable |
From |
To |
Ea. |
Dz. |
Case |
The examples in the following table do not require specific object data to produce the defined result. Copy and paste any of the Value Template text below into the Function Editor, select any object, and click the Evaluate button to display the defined Result.
Value Template |
Result |
Ea. |
Ea., Dz., Case |
Object Functions
These functions can be used to access object information.
The example value templates require the products and values defined in the following table:
Product |
Object Type |
TEXT1id |
TEXT1id Metadata |
P-family(P-family-id) |
Folder |
Family value |
Family meta value |
P1(P1id) |
Item |
P1 value |
P1 meta value |
After creating the data above, copy and paste any of the Value Template text below into the Function Editor, select the object with the defined data, and click the Evaluate button to display the Result.
Value Template |
Object |
Result |
stepid() |
P1id |
P1id |
stepname() |
P1id |
P1 |
stepname('step://product?id=P1id') |
P1id |
P1 |
stepurl() |
P1id |
step://product?id=P1id |
stepurl('Product','P1id') |
P1id |
step://product?id=P1id |
stepobjecttype() |
P1id |
Item |
stepobjecttype('step://product?id=P1id') |
P1id |
Item |
iterate(stepurl2objid(stepurl('Product','Level1-109267')),'stepname()') |
{any} |
P1id |
{meta := iterate(stepurl2objid(stepurl('attribute','TEXT1id')), 'value("Attribute Description")'), val := value('TEXT1id') } concatenate("\'", meta,"\'", " is the metadata on the \'TEXT1id\' attribute which contains the value: ", val) |
P-family-id |
'Family meta value' is the metadata on the 'TEXT1id' attribute which contains the value: Family value |
Override Functions
These functions can be used to access product override data.
The example calculated attributes below are written to use the hierarchy objects defined in the following table.
Family |
Folder |
Overrides |
Batteries(BatteriesID) |
Battery Items(BatteryItemsID) |
Override 1(Override1ID) Override 2(Override2ID) Override 3(Override3ID) |
After creating the data above, copy and paste any of the Value Template text below into the Function Editor, select the object with the defined data, and click the Evaluate button to display the Result.
Template |
Object |
Results |
overriddenproduct('Override1ID') |
Override1ID |
Batteries |
overriddenproduct('Batteries') |
Override1ID |
N/A |
{x := listlen(overriddenby()), z := iterate(overriddenby(), 'stepname()'), z := list2multivalue(z), z := substitute(z, "<multisep/>", "") } concatenate("This product is overridden by ", x, " product override(s): ", z) |
BatteriesID |
This product is overridden by 3 product override(s): Override 2 Override 1 Override 3 |
{x := iterate(overriddenproductobject(), 'stepname()'), z := listitem(x,1) } concatenate('This PO overrides the product "', z, '"') |
Override1ID |
This PO overrides the product "Batteries" |
list(iterate(productoverrideparents(), "stepid()"), "/ ") |
BatteryItemsID |
Override2ID/Override1ID/Override3ID |
Reference Functions
These functions can be used to access object reference data.
The example calculated attributes below are written to use the referenced object defined in the following table.
Product |
Reference Type |
Reference Target |
P1(P1id) |
BillOfMaterials |
P3(P3id) |
After creating the data above, copy and paste any of the Value Template text below into the Function Editor, select the object with the defined data, and click the Evaluate button to display the Result.
Value Template |
Object |
Result |
list(iterate(iterate(references('product', 'BillOfMaterials'),'referencetarget()'),'stepname()'),', ') |
P1id |
P3 |
Use Cases
For a scenario using the REFERENCES function, refer to Reference Scenario.
For a scenario using the REFERENCES and REFERENCETARGET functions, refer to Total Cost of Materials Scenario.
Revision Functions
These functions can be used to access revision information.
The example calculated attributes below are written to use the revisions defined in the following table.
Product |
Revision # |
Create Date |
Edit Date |
Major |
User |
Comment |
P-family(P-family-id) |
1.1 |
Wed Jul 12 12:06:16 EDT 2017 |
Wed Jul 12 12:26:55 EDT 2017 |
Complete Approval |
P-family(P-family-id) |
1.0 |
Mon May 08 11:34:51 EDT 2016 |
Tue May 09 15:09:14 EDT 2016 |
X |
Comment added by user |
P-family(P-family-id) |
0.1 |
Mon Jun 15 16:27:04 EDT 2015 |
Mon Jun 15 16:27:04 EDT 2015 |
Auto Generated |
After creating the data above, copy and paste any of the Value Template text below into the Function Editor, select the object with the defined data, and click the Evaluate button to display the Result.
Value Template |
Object |
Result |
list(iterate(revisions(), 'revisioncreatedate()'), ', ') |
P-family-id |
2015-06-15 16:27:04, 2016-05-08 11:34:51, 2017-07-12 12:06:16 |
revisionname() |
P-family-id |
1.1 |
revisioneditedby() |
P-family-id |
revisioncomment() |
P-family-id |
Complete approval |
revisionismajor() |
P-family-id |
0 |
revisioncreatedate() |
P-family-id |
2017-07-12 12:06:16 |
revisioneditdate() |
P-family-id |
2017-07-12 12:26:55 |
firstrevisioncreatedate() |
P-family-id |
2015-02-13 11:36:39 |
Workflow Functions
These functions can be used to access workflow information.
The example calculated attributes below are written to use the referenced object defined in the following table.
Product |
Current Workflow |
Current State |
P1(P1id) |
Workflow5 |
State-C |
P1(P1id) |
Workflow6 |
State-A |
After creating the data above, copy and paste any of the Value Template text below into the Function Editor, select the object with the defined data, and click the Evaluate button to display the Result.
Value Template |
Object |
Result |
workflowids() |
P1id |
Workflow5Workflow6 |
currentworkflowstates('Workflow6') |
P1id |
State-A |