Other Functions

In the sections below, other calculated attribute functions are grouped by purpose:

  • Classification Functions can be used to access classification objects.

  • Completeness Functions can be used to access the completeness score of an object.

  • Data Container Functions can be used to access data container objects.

  • Hierarchy Functions can be used to access STEP hierarchy objects.

  • Lookup Table Functions can be used to access lookup table data.

  • Object Functions can be used to access object information.

  • Override Functions can be used to access product override data.

  • Packaging Hierarchy Functions can be used to access packaging hierarchy information.

  • Reference Functions can be used to access object reference data.

  • Revision Functions can be used to access revision information.

  • Workflow Functions can be used to access workflow information.

For examples and scenarios using these functions, refer to the list of Use Cases at the end of each section or refer to Other Examples here.

Classification Functions

These functions can be used to access classification objects.

Classification Function





Returns the metadata values placed on the links between an object and classification of the specified 'link-type'.

[link-type] is optional, all are returned if not specified.



Returns the names and/or IDs of the classifications of an asset, a product, or a product-override (classifications of product-overrides + classifications of overridden product) of the specified 'link-type'.

[link-type] is optional, all are returned if not specified.



Returns the classification object from a classification-product link.



Returns the product object from a classification-product link.



Returns sub classifications of a classification.



Returns comma-separated list with IDs of Sub Classifications for current classification.



Returns comma-separated list with IDs of Sub Classifications for current classification with specified object type.

Replace [ObjectType] with Name of desired object type.

Use Cases

For a scenario using the CLASSIFICATIONS function, refer to Classification Scenario here.

Completeness Functions

These functions can be used to access the completeness score of an object.

For more information, refer to Initial Setup for Metrics in the System Setup documentation here.

Completeness Function





Returns the completeness score of the current object as a percentage (decimal number between 0 and 100). If completeness does not make sense for the current object, an empty string is returned.

[completeness-metric-id] is optional. The default completeness metric is used if none is supplied.

Data Container Functions

These functions can be used to access data container objects.

Data Container Function





Return all data container objects of the current object.

‘data-container-type’ is optional. When specified, only objects of the specified type are returned.



Returns composite object of current data container object.



Returns ID of data container type of current data container

Hierarchy Functions

These functions can be used to access STEP hierarchy objects.

Hierarchy Function





Returns true children (not links) of an asset, a classification, an entity, a product, or a product-override. Similar to SUBPRODUCTS, but this function returns more than products.

Note: This function must be used in combination with a LIST or ITERATE function. For more information, refer to the List Functions documentation here.



Returns TRUE (=1) if the object pointed to by ‘url’ is in the parent path of the current object.



Returns the parent path of a product, entity, or a classification. The path shows the top node in the tree as the first element and the current object is the last element.



Returns the parent ID if node is a tree node.



Returns sub products of a product, product-override, or classification. Similar to CHILDREN, but this function returns only products.

Note: This function must be used in combination with a LIST or ITERATE function. For more information, refer to the List Functions documentation here.

Use Cases

For a scenario using the PATH function, refer to Comparing Localized Values Scenario here.

For a scenario using the PATH function, refer to Including Parent Info on Child Scenario here.

For a scenario using the SUBPRODUCTS function, refer to Identifying Child Objects Scenario here.

For a scenario using the SUBPRODUCTS function, refer to New Product Indicator Scenario here.

Lookup Table Functions

These functions can be used to access lookup table data.

For more information, refer to the Transformation Lookup Tables topic in the Resource Materials online help here.

Lookup Table Function




(asset-id, value)

Returns the 'value' substituted by using the transformation lookup table referred to in 'asset-id'.


(asset-id, words)

Returns what each word in 'words' is substituted by, using the transformation lookup table referred to in 'asset-id'.

Object Functions

These functions can be used to access object information.

Object Function





Returns the ID of the current object.



Returns the name of the current object.

‘url’ is optional, and returns the name of the object of the URL.


([('object-type', 'object-id')])

Returns the STEP URL of the current object.

'object-type' and 'object-id' are optional, and return the STEP URL of the object with ID ‘object-id’ and of type ‘object-type’. The object type could be product, classification, entity, asset, attribute, etc.



Returns the internal object representation of the object of the URL

Note: This function must be used in combination with a LIST or ITERATE function. For more information, refer to the List Functions documentation here.



Returns the STEP name of the object type of the current object.

‘url’ is optional, and returns the STEP name of the object type of the object of the URL.



Returns the STEP object type ID of current object.

'url' is optional and returns the STEP ID of the object type of the object of the URL.



Returns the approval status of current object.

'url' is optional and returns the approval status of the object of the URL.

Override Functions

These functions can be used to access product override data.

Override Function





Returns the product overrides for the current product.

Returns an empty list if the object is not overridden.



Returns the ID of the overridden product for the product override with supplied ID.

Returns N/A if the object is not an overridden product.



Returns the product being overridden by the current product override.

Returns an empty value if the object has no overridden product.



Returns the product overrides having this product as child.

Returns an empty list if the object is not linked into any product overrides.

Use Cases

For a scenario example using the OVERRIDES function, refer to Override Scenario here.

Reference Functions

These functions can be used to access object reference data.

Reference Function




([object-type[, reference-type]])

Returns the references to objects of type ‘object-type’ and with the reference type ‘reference-type’. Object-type could be product, classification, entity, or asset.

[object-type] and [reference-type] are optional, all are returned if not specified or blank.



Returns the owner of the reference.


([object-type[, reference-type]])

Returns the references pointing to this object from objects of type ‘object-type’ and with specified reference type. Object-type could be product, classification, entity, or asset.

[object-type] and [reference-type] are optional, all are returned if not specified or blank.



Returns the target (destination) object of reference.



Returns the ID of the reference type.

Use Cases

For a scenario using the REFERENCES function, refer to Reference Scenario here.

For a scenario using the REFERENCES and REFERENCETARGET functions, refer to Total Cost of Materials Scenario here.

Revision Functions

These functions can be used to access revision information.

Revision Function





Returns the creation date of the first revision (not the initial revision which could have been purged). The date is returned in ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".



Returns the comment of the current revision (or the most recent revision of current object).



Returns the creation date of the current revision (or most recent revision of current object). The date is returned in ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".



Returns the name of the user responsible for the change in the current revision (or most recent revision of current object).



Returns the last edit date of the current revision (or most recent revision of current object). The date is returned in ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".



Returns the Boolean 1 (=TRUE) or 0 (=FALSE) to indicate if the current revision (or most recent revision of current object) is a major revision or not.



Returns the name of the current revision (or most recent revision of current object). The revision number is shown as '0.1', '1.0', etc.



Returns the list of all revision objects for the current object. The revisions are displayed with the first revision object first and the most recent revision object last.

Note: This function must be used in combination with a LIST or ITERATE function. For more information, refer to the List Functions documentation here.

Workflow Functions

These functions can be used to access workflow information.

Workflow Function





Returns the list of IDs for the STEP workflow states that include the current object for the supplied 'workflow-id'.



Returns the list of workflow IDs for the STEP workflows that include the object.