Commercial Data Scenario

This use case describes two ways to display commercial data (price list information) as an attribute value using a calculated attribute. These options allows you to use price lists and display a single price value per object in the object attributes.

Price List in a Publication Structure

The formula for this calculated attribute is:

(TermVal('SalesPrices', '0'))

In this example, object type of the commercial price list is 'SalesPrices'.

Place the commercial price list within the publication structure and select the appropriate Workbench menu, view, and version.

For more information on commercial data, refer to the Commercial Data topic of the Publisher (Adobe InDesign Integration) documentation.

Price List in an eCatalog Structure

The formula for this calculated attribute is:

TermValid('PriceListID', '1')

In this example, the ID of the commercial price list is 'PriceListID'.

For more information on commercial data, refer to eCatalogs documentation.