Data Flow for Contact Onboarding Self-Service

Category Manager: Contact Onboarding & Supplier Account Association

Category Manager creates a new contact for an existing supplier

To create a new contact, the category manager will click the ‘Create new contact’ link from the Web UI homepage. This creates a new contact entity within the onboarding workflow. Initial enrichment of matching data elements, such as name, address, email, & phone occur. Additionally, the contact must be designated to a specific supplier to create a reference link. Upon save, a "find similar request" is executed and the category manager is required to action any potential duplicates prior to submit, by either rejecting the potential duplicate or canceling the current onboarding task. Further details on the cancel state within central onboarding are available in the Governing Potential Duplicates topic here. Once submitted, further enrichment on non-match data will continue.

Important: Contacts must be onboarded after the corresponding supplier account has been created.

The category manager now has the option to approve the contact, or submit for further review. Further review may occur with the procurement team or the suppliers directly. If review is requested, the supplier or procurement team will have the opportunity to approve or continue the review cycle.