Miscellaneous Bugfixes
In general, bugfix tickets are included in Change Logs. Change Logs are accessible from within the Stibo Systems Service Portal. To view the logs, log in and go to the 'Update Information' dashboard. Change Logs are linked under each update version (for all supported versions of STEP). SaaS users can access these Change Logs within the STEP Documentation that is available from their system's Start Page or from within workbench using the Help menu (F1).
Note: Customers may want to search Stibo Systems Service Portal for their Issue Numbers (if shown). To do so, while in the Stibo Systems Service Portal, navigate to Issues (in the header bar) and select 'Search for Issues.' Click on the 'Advanced' option on the filtering bar and then type in 'issue=' and the issue number. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to run the query. Users can only view Stibo Systems Service Portal issues for issue numbers that they have privileges to access. If the issue is not applicable to the user searching, then a 'No issues were found to match your search' message displays.
The list below covers fixes that were made outside of regular projects and/or customer issues and components that were updated after 2024.4 was originally made available and prior to or with the 2025.1 update.
General Fixes
Fix for the order of attributes in an export file (Excel)
Previously, when the Show Group Headers parameter was selected in the Multi Edit Display Mode, the sort order used in the Web UI was not used when the data was exported in Excel. Now, the sorting order matches. Attributes are sorted in ascending order according to their Display Sequence (if configured), or Title, or ID (ID is used if the Title is empty). This change allows users to work more efficiently since they do not need to manually reorder the list or complete other burdensome maintenance to control the order.
JavaScript logging improved for invalid binds
Exceptions caused by invalid bind errors are now logged in the js.*.log, as well as in the step.*.log.
Fix to update user email value via REST API v2
The email value for a user can now be updated using PATCH. Previously, attempting to update the email mistakenly removed its value.
Fix for empty values reported by GraphQL and REST API v2
Empty values are now reported accurately:
GraphQL no longer returns an empty ValueEntry array when the attribute has no value.
GraphQL and REST API v2 both return a value when the attribute is LOV-based, and a Value ID is selected for which there is no value in the ID-based LOV.
Metadata attributes now displayed on gateway endpoint objects
Metadata attributes that are valid on the Gateway Integration Endpoint Type basic object type are now displayed on all gateway endpoint object type instances.
Fix for hotfolder receivers using nested repositories
The internal cache mechanism introduced in the 2024.3 update to ensure enhanced performance for hotfolder receivers with large file numbers has been adjusted to also work with nested repositories.
Changes to About STEP 'Detailed version information'
Due to changes in our software build process, in 2024.4 and older updates, a setback has removed the list of components on the 'Detailed version information' link from the About STEP page. In 2025.1, the 'Detailed version information' now includes only license-enabled components and the 'change log' link provides insights for other changes included in the SaaS image on the environment. Refer to the Accessing STEP System Information topic in the Getting Started documentation.
Fix to database commit barrier for InMemory
Under certain conditions the InMemory database commit barrier was allowing unauthorized pods to commit updates to the database. This has been fixed so that only authorized pods can commit.
Fixes and improvements in change packages, including 'Before Install' and 'Install Preview'
Generally, the status was incorrect for assets included in Change Packages because the 'asset.uploaded' date and time was wrongly considered when comparing items. Since it does not impact the content of the asset, the upload date is no longer considered, which makes comparisons reliable.
Previously, sometimes comments for import configurations or setup elements such as completeness metrics, business functions, or outbound integration endpoints included extra '&' strings, which polluted analysis when displaying comparison windows. These extra strings have been removed.
Data in the 'Before Install' and 'Install Preview' cells is now correctly styled as 'read-only' and the comparison window is now accessible by clicking new ellipsis buttons.
Refer to the Statuses and Discrepancies in Change Package Items topic in the Configuration Management documentation.
Component Fixes
Fix for asynchronous translation functionality not working
There was an old behavior where it was possible to export translations when the source and the target were the same language, which has been removed. It is considered an invalid use case. However, the customer's setup relied on the old behavior and a solution was made to retain the old behavior on their systems. Any other customers with this same issue should contact Stibo Systems Support for details. (component: async-translation)
Fix for translated files not returning from Lionbridge
When doing a Lionbridge translation, the background processes in Quarantine state will no longer block for retranslation of an object. (component: async-translation)
Fix for runtime exception when pushing the objects in Main workspace or Main and Approved workspace
When upgrading indices from STEP 11.0 to the newer versions, the upgrade plugin will no longer look at the triggering workspaces assigned to the Elasticsearch configurations. From now on, it will upgrade all of them. (component: elasticsearch-integration)
Fix for ML Match Recommendation training failed; Retrying state is not creating new models and never recovers after service issue is fixed
An adjustment was made in the process of getting ML Match Recommendations: Training failure results in the whole recommendation process failure and does not trigger fail / retry logic. (component: matchingagent)
Fix for STEP single node outage
The default number of ports for the Office Preview conversion has been decreased from 4 to 2 in order to decrease the memory usage of Libre Office processes. (component: officepreview)
Fix for bug causing process to cycle endlessly
Fixed a bug in the lock mechanism used by InMemory STEP systems. On clustered STEP systems with more than one server, the lock mechanism could, in very rare cases, cause a deadlock resulting in background processes and other operations getting stuck. The only solution to this was to restart one or more of the servers. This issue has been fixed. (component: inmemory)
Fix for Elasticsearch issue
The Index Management Tab will no longer be shown on SaaS v2 systems if the customer has multi-tenant endpoints or no Elasticsearch configurations. It will still appear on Elasticsearch configurations that were indexed to single tenant. (component: elasticsearch-integration)
Fix for value generator warning threshold not working with high numbers
Fixed a problem occurring when a warning message about reaching a value generator threshold was not sent to the configured email address. (component: value-generator)
Fix for perspectives do not appear in the Configuration tool
If the configurations for Instrument contained references to system nodes that were not present on the system, reading of the configurations would fail, meaning that the configurations would not show up in the Instrument Configuration tool.
Additional summary: In Instrument when users navigate to the 'Work Areas & Perspectives' tab in configuration tool, certain configured perspectives were not appearing. This issue was caused by an ownership issue in the work area configuration. The problem has now been resolved, ensuring that all configured perspectives are displayed as expected. (component: instrument)
Fix for error: OptimisticLockRetryCountExceeded
Fixed issue where value generators would get into an optimistic lock if creating a new object and before committing the transaction applying a value generator to said object. (component: value-generator)
Fix for error preventing new product creation in Web UI
Fixed an issue in which value generators would get into an optimistic lock when creating and applying a value generator to an object in a business action. (component: value-generator)
Fix and RCA for the production environment outage
When working with very large collections, the In-Memory database could run out of memory, causing the application to crash. This has been fixed. (component: inmemory)
Fix for TecDoc problem
Corrected the third-party libraries (upgrade) to support API changes and avoid NoClassDefFound exceptions while working with zip files. (component: automotive)
Fix for ECLASS Advanced imports are failing
Added support for import of attributes / properties of URI_TYPE_Type, which broke the import. The general policy is changed to report unknown base validation types as errors but continue imports regardless. (component: eclass-advanced)
Fix for initial Elasticsearch reindexing and indexing BGPs errors and fails
Fixed a problem occurring when Elasticsearch indexing could fail if STEP Context IDs contained a backslash character, causing problems with file creation. (component: elasticsearch-integration)
Fix for compatibility issue with STEP Extension API Async Example
There was an issue in which STEP Extension API Async Example did not work due to incompatibility with Java. The compatibility issue has been fixed. (component: external-async-kernel)
Removed stibosw from the sudoers file
The requirement for the stibosw user to run commands as root has been removed and so has the configuration of sudoers that allowed it.
Fix for value generators stuck
Fixed issue where values generated in an algorithm value generator would not check if it had generated before.
Fix for issue with IIEP (inbound integration endpoint) after a 2024.2 update
An improved error message was added for when the splitter business action for a business action Event Processor did not call the addMessage() method. Instead of a NullPointerException, a meaningful error message will be shown in the execution log. (component: business-action-processor)
Fix for TecDoc Application Manager Screen - not able to configure business actions
Fixed an unexpected exception occurring when showing an Application Bulk Update automotive component in Design Mode. (component: automotive)
Fix for PDS channel status - unexpected error in Web UI
Web UI users will no longer get an unexpected error when expanding the PDS channel status row. This is fixed by refactoring toggle display logic by replacing jQuery-based DOM manipulation with native JavaScript methods. (component: pds-channel-status)
Fix for inability to create Elasticsearch Index Background Process
Fixed a problem that occurred when values longer than 4000 bytes were entered in Cassandra-based STEP systems. Prior to this fix, a small window of opportunity existed that could cause the system to produce an error like, ‘Unable to find blob segment...,’ because the blob content could be written shortly after the value object. This is now fixed. (component: elasticsearch)
Fix for leading zeros being stripped
Now, the leading zeros will be shown for the DUNS Number header on the Web UI D&B Match Candidates Screen, if the leading zeros were enabled on a system. (component: dnb-integration)
Fix for PCdb - fails on Conversion Process / Fix for PCdb Conversion NullPointerException
Fixed problem where a NullPointerException was thrown during the Autocare PCdb Conversion Import Process. (component: automotive)
Fix for GDSN - error on BMS Import
Fixed issue where import files would sometimes be ignored by the GDSN importer. (component: gdsn2-receiver)
Fix for missing extValues for attributeLinks in MongoDB
It was not possible to get the ID of a value of a List of Values in AttributeLink, because the extValues document for the AttributeLink was not exported. Now, the JSON Converter is changed so that the extValues document for the AttributeLink will be exported. Then, the LOV value ID will be accessible. (component: mongodbadapter)
Fix for Elasticsearch failed indexing / BGP disappears after a while and the configuration is stuck in an 'in-progress' state
Increasing lifespan of the Elasticsearch reindex background processes to avoid situations where customers cannot check their history or retry a failed BGP after passage of time. (component: elasticsearch-integration)
Logging for GDSN component model / new Target Market TI for Publish not working
Added logging to facilitate troubleshooting for GDSN publisher. (component: gdsn2)
Fix for work areas and perspectives do not appear in the Configuration tool
If some configurations were mistakenly marked 'preset' while being owned by a user, reading of the configurations would fail. This means that the configurations would not show up in the Instrument Configuration tool. This is now fixed. (component: instrument)
Fix to allow Instrument UI to run business rules marked as Run As Privileged
An issue occurred that did not allow business rules configured as Run as Privileged to run in the Instrument UI. A code change has been implemented that corrects that issue. (component: instrument)
Fix for Elasticsearch configurations that cannot be deleted
An error occurred that prevented deletion of Elasticsearch configurations from the STEP Workbench (if they had never been used). To correct the issue, a deletion issue was fixed for unindexed Elasticsearch configurations. (component: elasticsearch-integration)
Logging added for Elasticsearch view and export are not working
Added additional logging to the Search screen Excel export BGP. (component: elasticsearch-integration)
Fix for PIES file upload failing for Asset Description values
Fixed NullPointerException thrown when importing PIES file. (component: automotive)
Fix for SaaS DAMRDM - errors in PROD log: Could not retrieve cluster details
Removed unnecessary checks to single-tenant Elasticsearch. (component: elasticsearch-integration)