2023.4 Release Notes

These release notes describe the new, enhanced, and changed features provided with the release. Some changes require action, so review these notes carefully. These notes complement the Stibo Systems Enterprise Platform (STEP) Online Help, which includes in-depth information on previously existing and new system functionality, including detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions for use, when appropriate.

Release highlights:

  • Configuration Management: Building upon the foundation laid in the 2023.3 initiative, this release introduces the ability to generate a change package from a configuration previously exported to Git. This enhancement allows users to export a configuration to Git, perform edits and merges within Git, and subsequently create a change package that can then be imported into a target system, enabling an impact analysis to be conducted before installation. (MDM Platform)

  • ESG Data Management: As part of our ambitious environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy, Stibo Systems introduces the first iteration of our ESG Data Management solution for solving sustainability compliance data management needs. (Product MDM, MDM Platform)

  • Faceted Search Optimizations: Overall performance and robustness of the consistent cross-domain search experience released in 2023.3 has been improved to enable users to interact quicker with data in a more efficient manner. (Customer, Supplier, and Location MDM)

  • Multiple Language Automation: Stibo Systems now supports new language specific functionalities (conditions, channel attribute names, and LOVs) enabling a multilingual syndication strategy. (Product Data Exchange, Product MDM)

  • Instrument: The UI is generally available with this release. (Product MDM)

Stibo Systems is continuously adapting to the changing needs of the market and our customers by implementing various enhancement requests in all of our releases. Information regarding these requests as well as the enhancements / initiatives summarized above, plus a wide variety of other improvements and changes, are included in this release note set. Release notes are accessible by clicking on the links below:

Note: Product Data Exchange (PDX) release notes and online help are available in the PDX solution. Once logged into the tool, click Help Center > Documentation using the left navigation panel. Documentation will open in a new tab.

Reminder: Quarterly Releases

Releases are identified by year and quarter in which they are introduced to customers. The first four digits (2023) indicate the year of the release. The last digit (4) indicates the calendar quarter. To learn more about release frequency, including target release times, and end-of-life baseline support dates, refer to the new STEP Update and End-of-Life Information topic in the System Update and Patch Notes documentation.

Upgrade Guide

In addition to the individual release notes, upgrading customers should read the 2023.4 Upgrade Guide. This guide provides information that existing customers need to know prior to upgrading. This includes actions required for deprecated components and unsupported functionality.

The Upgrade Guide includes information about actions that need to be taken prior to upgrading.

Important: Some functionality described within these notes is controlled via licenses and/or component installations and may not be available on your system. Questions should be directed to your Stibo Systems account manager or partner manager.

Academy and Community Resources

Stibo Systems Communities

All customers and partners are encouraged to join their respective Stibo Systems Communities to collaborate with other users. These release notes and other release materials, including videos, are also available within each Community. Find out more by going to Stibo Systems website at https://www.stibosystems.com.

Stibo Systems Academy

Maximize your investment in Stibo Systems Master Data Management (MDM) by taking Academy courses and completing our certification programs. The MDM Academy offers customer and partner hands-on training options to expand your knowledge on Stibo Systems MDM solutions. Class and program details are available on our website: https://www.stibosystems.com/services-support/mdm-academy.

Installing STEP 2023.4

For SaaS environments, upgrades can be done in the SaaS Self-Service UI or (if not available) by raising a request with Stibo Systems Support. More information on the upgrade process in the SaaS Self-Service UI can be found in the Upgrade Environment section in the in-build User Guide.

For on-premises customers, the baseline (and additional components) can be installed using these commands:

./spot --upgrade=step:2023.4

For on-prem systems, refer to the SPOT Program documentation for more information, including how to use the SPOT --upgrade command to also find compatible components that can be added at the same time as the baseline patch (--upgrade=all) in the SPOT Program topic of the System Administration Guide found in Downloadable Documentation. For assistance, contact Stibo Systems Technical Services.

For customers that have custom add-on components and/or if Stibo Systems Support is deploying your system upgrades and patches, submit an upgrade request via the Stibo Systems Service Portal.

This document is intended for use by active Stibo Systems Enterprise Platform (STEP) users and partners and describes the above and other new functionality and improvements in greater detail. It does not serve as a replacement for the Online Help, which includes additional information on previously existing and new system functionality, as well as more detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions for use, when appropriate.