Print Proof View Troubleshooting

Some of the most common errors encountered when generating proof views and PDFs from the Print Proof View component are listed below.

Cannot Fetch Proof

If you cannot generate a proof view or PDF, you will typically receive an 'Error fetching proof' message like this one:

If you receive this error, one of more of the following issues may be the cause:

  • Your STEP system is not connected to an InDesign server.
  • Your InDesign server sidecar is offline, or one or more renderers on your InDesign server may be offline.
  • There is a version mismatch between the InDesign client on which you created your templates and the InDesign server that is generating the proofs. If the client is at a higher level than the server, the proofs will not fetch. For example, if you are using templates that were created using a CC 2023 version of InDesign but your InDesign server is running on CC 2022, then Proof Views will not be fetched because the server cannot open the templates.

Refer to the InDesign Queues topic here for more information on monitoring and troubleshooting the InDesign server.

  • Missing or incorrectly configured Proof View system configuration properties. Typically, configuration properties are not required for proof views, but they may be needed in certain instances.

One such scenario is if SSL is activated on your system. If so, then the following properties must be added to your file. If you are not using SSL on your system, these properties are not needed. (Note that the values provided after the = sign below are sample values only.)


Another instance in which proof view configuration properties may be needed is to control how PDFs display in Web UI proof views. Refer to the below subsection 'PDF Does not Display or Download in Web UI' for more information.

Additional proof view configuration properties and their descriptions can be viewed on the Configuration tab of your Admin Portal. For more information, refer to the Configuration topic in the Administration Portal documentation here.

Images not Visible in Proofs / PDFs

If images are not displayed in your proof views, one or more of the following issues may be the cause:

  • The asset push sidecar is not running. For more information, refer to the Asset Push Sidecar topic in the Asset Push section of the Digital Assets / Exporting Assets documentation here.
  • Images have not yet been pushed to the asset location via asset push. For more information, refer to the Starting the Asset Push Process topic in the Asset Push section of the Digital Assets / Exporting Assets documentation here.
  • The Asset Push Configuration is incorrectly configured. For example, all image files will not be pushed with image MIME types. EPS files will not push unless the MIME type of application/postscript is added to the asset push configuration, and Adobe Illustrator files will not push unless the MIME type of application/illustrator is added. For more information on asset push, refer to the Asset Push section of the Digital Assets / Exporting Assets documentation here.
  • The link to the asset push location is incorrect in the file, or the AssetPush.DTPConfiguration properties are incorrect in the file. Refer to the Linking to an Asset Location topic in the Publisher (Adobe InDesign Integration) documentation (here) for more information.
  • Missing or incorrect image tags in template.

PDF Does not Display or Download in Web UI

  • If your browser has been configured to block pop-up windows, the PDF will not display in a pop-up window.
  • If the PDF does not display or automatically download, check your browser settings and/or system configuration properties.

If the configuration property Portal.Security.ResponseHeader.XFrameOptions is set to DENY (the default), then the PDF will always be displayed in a pop-up. To always display the PDF in a frame within the proof view, deselect the 'Use Pop-up Window' checkbox and set XFrameOptions to SAMEORIGIN. However, configuration properties are typically not needed to generate and display PDFs in proof views,