Mounting Pages in Print Publisher

This documentation section describes the basic functionality of mounting one or more objects onto a publication template / mounting page by the 'drag-and-drop' method using a Print Publisher product template. When using a product template, you can mount one or several objects onto the page in one operation.

This section does not explain:

  • How to mount objects using version layers. Refer to the Mounting Products to Version Layers topic here for more information.
  • How to create and configure publication templates or product templates. Refer to the Publication Templates topic here and the Product Templates topic here for more information.
  • How to mount objects using Print Flatplanner and Print AutoPage. Refer to the respective documentation for these components for more information.
  • Print Flatplanner documentation (here)
  • Print AutoPage documentation (here)

Note: Though objects other than products can be mounted onto InDesign pages from STEP (including classification folders, entities, and green publication hierarchy objects themselves), the subtopics in this documentation will frequently refer to InDesign page layouts as 'product presentations' and objects to be mounted as 'products.' This is to streamline and genericize the language used in presenting this information.

This topic assumes that:

  • You have already installed your InDesign plugins and have connected to the relevant STEP environment from within InDesign.
  • You have already created and configured a product template and publication template.
  • You have already created a publication along with its relevant versions in the STEP Workbench.
  • You have a working knowledge of the STEP Structure View panel. For more information on this panel, refer to the STEP Structure View topic here.