Clerical Review Task List with Matching Agent Recommendations

The following assumes you have configured the Machine Learning Match Recommendations (MLMR) for clerical review. For more information, refer to the Configuring MLMR topic here.

Clerical Review Decisions and Matching Agent Training

When a matching agent is configured and enabled, it actively tracks the data steward's merge / reject decisions. Since these decisions affect the quality of future recommendations, it is important that the user carefully considers the process around it. Examples of clerical review processes that will cause inaccurate and few recommendations:

  • Merging and rejecting erroneous data on the golden records should be resolved on the golden records before resolving the task. This does not include normal outdated data and spelling differences.

  • Rejecting tasks, for different reasons, through the golden records that are the same.

The minimum number of decisions the data steward must make is 30 merge and 30 reject decisions. Once the data steward completes this number of decisions on pair-only tasks, the recommendations will appear in the clerical review task list.

Recommendations in Clerical Review Task List

The matching agent continuously learns from the decisions the data steward makes over time. Whenever a certain percentage of additional decisions have been made, the matching agent retrains itself and updates all recommendations.

The recommendations are available as either merge or reject. If the matching agent does not recommend either, the cell will be left blank. The merge / reject recommendations are determined based on scores produced by the machine learning model and certain thresholds. For further questions about recommendations and their quality, contact Stibo Systems support.

Below is an example of how a golden record clerical review task list might appear with recommendations:

Note: Users can filter based on match recommendation. For more information on filtering, refer to the Filtering Task List section of the Golden Record Clerical Review Task List topic here.

Furthermore, when you have selected 10 or more tasks (or when using the Select All button), merge / reject actions will run as bulk operations in a background process.