Match and Merge Clerical Review - Merge

The match and merge solution is supplemented by a Web UI clerical review task list and an advanced merge screen that assist in clerical reviews for potential duplicates.

Note: This screen is only to be used with the match and merge solution. The primary users of this screen are data stewards who can decide if entities are duplicates or non-duplicates. Stibo Systems does not recommend you use the same clerical review screen for more than one match algorithm. Instead, assign each matching algorithm clerical review to a specialized user group based on the group's function. For more information, refer to the Golden Record Clerical Review Task List topic here.

The Golden Record Clerical Review Task List screen displays all potential duplicates found in a specific golden record clerical review workflow or workflow state. From this screen, golden records are grouped into tasks and can be:

  • Rejected as duplicates via the 'Reject' action button.

  • Acknowledged as duplicates and merged via the 'Merge' or 'Advanced Merge' action buttons

  • Reassigned to other users via the 'Reassign' action button.

  • Submitted to another state in the workflow via the 'Submit' action button.

To be included on this screen, a golden record must have been flagged as a potential duplicate by the relevant matching algorithm during import. This means that it fell within the clerical review threshold of the matching algorithm and was initiated into a clerical review workflow where it can be evaluated against other records. Potential duplicates that are matched together are grouped into distinct tasks in the workflow, as pictured below.

For information on setting up and using the golden record clerical review screen as well as the advanced merge feature, refer to the Golden Record Clerical Review Task List topic of the Web User Interfaces documentation here.

For information about Submit Action, refer to the Submit Action topic here.