Using the Experian Email Validation Integration with the Event Processor

The Experian Email Validation processing plugin can be used in an event processor with an event triggering definition on changes in an attribute holding email data.

The Experian plugin takes batches of events and for each batch starts an ‘Email Validation BGP’. For each successfully started process, the events are consumed up front and the BGP alone is responsible for executing the Experian email validation.

For further information about the execution process, refer to the Experian Email Validation Execution Process topic.

Limits and Recommendations

  • There is a limit of 100,000 emails to be validated in the Experian Service API, and since entities typically hold multiple email addresses, the ‘Number of Events to Batch’ is recommended not to exceed 50,000.

  • There is a limit in the Experian service API of max 5 running parallel ‘email validation jobs’, so the event processor is limited to start a maximum of 5 concurrent BGPs.

  • Event Mode is recommended to be set to ‘Deduplicate’. This removes duplicated events in other batches to avoid validating the same emails several times. This results in batch sizes that are lower than the configured ‘Number of Events to Batch’ in those other batches.