Configuring a Gateway Integration Endpoint - Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

A gateway integration endpoint (GIEP) allows STEP to communicate with an external storage system. Once a GIEP has been created and Microsoft Azure Blob Storage is selected, the configuration settings allow you to identify the location of the required data.


To use the Gateway Integration Endpoint Configuration dialog for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, the following case sensitive properties must be set up first in the file on the STEP application server.

Note: Sensitive configuration values that will be filtered from view are denoted with 'Secret.' This means that the actual values will not be visible to users or to Stibo Systems, for example, via Admin Portal configuration lists and remote diagnostics.

Changes to the properties file, outlined below, are implemented when the server is restarted.

  • Connection Info

The syntax for specifying the connection details is:


The <connection-string-alias> and <connection-string-alias2> will be displayed in the ‘Connection Info’ dropdown menu for the Gateway Integration Endpoint (explained in the next section), showing the alias instead of the actual connection string value.

More information about connection string values and how to find or create them can be found online at (go to Storage Accounts >> Your-Storage- Account >> Access Key >> Connection String).

  • Container Name

The syntax for specifying the container name is:


The <my-container-name> and <my-other-container-name> will be displayed in the ‘Container Name’ dropdown menu for the Gateway Integration Endpoint (explained in the next section).

Note: Two of each property are shown above; however, you can have numerous config properties by adding a unique integer at the end (e.g., .1, .2, .3, etc.). When duplicate integers exist, only the last value is displayed in the dialog.

Example configuration:


It is also possible to use a Shared Access Signature (SAS) credential for the ConnectionString.

The SAS token must be created directly on the blob storage account itself (and not the corresponding container); and as a minimum, it must have Service, Container, and Object specified as its 'Allowed resource types' as well as Read, Write, and List for its 'Allowed permissions' to grant the proper access rights to STEP.

These resource types and permissions are required to allow STEP to perform all the needed operations to deliver the content (blobs) to the specified Azure Blob Storage account's container.

Important: If the SAS token has insufficient privileges, the delivery will result in an error message similar to this one:

If you are using a SAS token, and the server returned the error message 'Signature did not match', you can compare the string to sign with the one generated by the SDK. To log the string to sign, pass in the context key value pair 'Azure-Storage-Log-String-To-Sign': true to the appropriate generateSas method call. Before going to production, disable 'Azure-Storage-Log-String-To-Sign' as this string can potentially contain PII.

Status code 403, "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Error><Code>AuthorizationResourceTypeMismatch</Code><Message>This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this resource type. RequestId:836910b1-801e-001a-4da2-900fc9000000 Time:2022-07-05T19:11:07.4796215Z</Message></Error>"

An example using a SAS configuration is below:


Configuring the Gateway Integration Endpoint

Once the properties as described above are entered into the file, the options outlined within these properties will display in the dropdowns in the configuration dialog. If the dropdowns are empty, then the properties are not set up or set up incorrectly.

  1. On the Gateway Integration Endpoint Configuration dialog, use the following parameters to specify which external system the gateway integration endpoint will access.

    • Connection Info - The desired Azure connection.

    • Container Name - The Azure container name to use.

    • Proxy config - Select the desired HTTP proxy configuration if the delivery connection must first pass through a proxy server with its own login requirement.

    • Connection timeout in seconds - The connection timeout on the request in seconds. If left blank, the driver default will be used.

      Note: For more information regarding proxy configurations, refer to the topic HTTP Proxy Configurations in the Data Exchange documentation here.

  2. Click Save to complete the configuration.

  3. Enable the endpoint as defined in the Running a Gateway Integration Endpoint topic here.

  4. Test the connection from the gateway as follows:

    • On the Gateway Connectivity flipper, click the Check Connectivity button.

    • In the Check Connectivity dialog, in the Java Script Check Code section, add:


    • Click the Check Connectivity button and verify success or make the necessary corrections to connect.

Using the Gateway Integration Endpoint

Configuration of a GIEP is required to set up:

  • Asset Publisher Event Processor

    For more information, refer to the Asset Publisher Processing Plugin Parameters and Triggers topic in the Event Processors section of System Setup documentation here.

  • Cloud Blob Storage Delivery Method

    For more information, refer to the Cloud Blob Storage Delivery Method topics in the OIEP Delivery Methods (here) and the Export Manager Delivery Methods (here) sections of the Data Exchange documentation.