Change Package Privileges

To use change packages, the user must be part of a user group that has all setup actions and all user actions applied.

For information on including users in a change package, refer to the Editing a Change Package topic.

  1. On System Setup tab, open the Action Sets node and verify or create a Setup Action with all available actions, including the 'Maintain change package' action. For information on action sets, refer to the Action Sets topic in the System Setup documentation.

    Clicking the 'Add Action' link only displays the Select Action dialog when available actions have not been assigned.

  2. On System Setup tab, open the User Actions node and verify or create a User Action with all available actions.

    Clicking the 'Add Action' link only displays the Select Action dialog when available actions have not been assigned.

  3. On System Setup tab, open the User Actions node and verify or create a User Action group with 'View' actions that include views of all root node hierarchies.

  4. On System Setup tab, open the Users & Groups node and select the group that will access the change package functionality. For more information, refer to the Users and Groups topic in the System Setup documentation.

    • On the Group tab, add users to the group as required.

    • On the Privilege Rules tab, in the Setup Privileges section, add the 'All Setup Actions' action set.

    • On the Privilege Rules tab, in the User Privileges section, add the 'All User Actions' action set.

    • On the Privilege Rules tab, in the User Privileges section, add 'View' access to all root node hierarchies.

      Important: Users MUST be given 'View' access to all root node hierarchies in order for the 'Add items' or 'add hierarchy' functionalities to be enabled.