Business Condition: Validate Product Variant

A product variant family is a group of products where the members are considered to be the same product except for variations in the predefined attributes.

For example, a product folder named 'Shoes' contains children products and has one variant attribute: Size. This condition can be used to identify the duplicate sizes (variants) within the product variant family.

This condition works on the Product Variant level and returns 'False' if the product variant is a duplicate.

Note: This condition can affect performance based on the number of siblings and variant attributes to be checked.

For more information and required configuration, refer to the Product Variants topic in the System Setup documentation here.


Before using this business condition:

  1. Verify the configuration on the Product Variant Families is correct since it is used by this condition.
  2. Create a business rule as defined in the Creating a Business Rule, Function, or Library topic here.
  3. Edit the business rule to configure the operation as defined in Editing a Business Rule or Function topic here.


  1. On the Edit Operation dialog, select Validate Product Variant from the dropdown.
  2. Click the Save button to add the operation to the business rule editor.