Business Condition: OR Condition

This operation references one or more other business conditions and returns True if any of the referenced conditions return True.

For example, if this operation references three other business conditions, but only two of them return true, this operation still returns true.


Before using this business condition:

  1. Create a business rule as defined in the Creating a Business Rule, Function, or Library topic here.
  2. Edit the business rule to configure the operation as defined in Editing a Business Rule or Function topic here.


  1. On the Edit Operation dialog, select OR Condition from the dropdown.
  2. For the Referenced Business Condition parameter, click the ellipsis button () to display the 'Select Business Condition' dialog, and browse or search for the desired business condition.

Press the plus sign to add additional business conditions to the operation.

  1. For the When referenced Condition is non-applicable, this Condition will be parameter, select True or False in the dropdown. This selection determines the return value of the referenced condition in cases where the referenced condition is not applicable.
  2. For the Override Message parameter, enter a custom message to display if this operation evaluates to false. This is an optional parameter that overrides the default messaging behavior. If this parameter is not configured, in the event that all conditions evaluate to false, the individual messages will be combined into a single message.
  3. Click the Save button to add the operation to the business rule editor.