Accessing the Admin Portal

This topic describes how to access the admin portal, including what privileges are required to do so. It also covers how to define the number of minutes that the admin portal is allowed to be idle before timing out and revoking any credentials granted to the current portal user.


In order to access the admin portal, the person attempting to log in must have a user created in STEP that is a member of a user group with privileges that include the following setup actions:

  • View Administration
  • View Context

For example:

Additional information on Actions, Users, and User Groups can be found in the System Setup documentation, under Action Sets (here) and Users and Groups (here), respectively.


The admin portal can be accessed by:

  • Typing the appropriate URL into any browser: [server name]/adminportal

  • Clicking the System Administration link from the Resources section of the Start Page

Either access method displays a login prompt:

Valid credentials must be entered for login, as indicated in the Prerequisites section of this topic. Once logged in, the admin portal displayed a series of tabs, with various functions available on each tab. The remainder of this guide provides details on these tabs and functions.


The configuration property Portal.Timeout defines the number of minutes that the admin portal is allowed to remain idle before timing out. Upon time out, all credentials granted to the current portal user until the next log in. This property is also used for the timeout of Web UIs.

For example: Adding the property Portal.Timeout=30 to the file means that the portal will remain accessible for 30 minutes of idle time before logging the current user out. The default time is 15 minutes, and if 15 minutes is the desired time, then no configuration property has to be added to the file.

Note: If the 'Inactivity timeout period' option is set with a different timeout period, it will supersede the Portal.Timeout setting. Refer to the Security Policy topic in the Users and Groups section of the System Setup documentation here.