10.3-MP5 Maintenance Patch Notes
October 24, 2022
ISSUE-426181 - Fix for user with only view rights able to change asset object type
The check for user privileges has been restored. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.2-mp3.
ISSUE-463767 - Fix for Web UI show alert message not sticking on User Details screen
Now, Run Business Action alerts will not immediately disappear on the Web UI User Detail screen. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4, step-9.3-mp5, step-9.3-mp4, and step-9.3-mp3.
ISSUE-472489 - Corrected issue causing multiple lines of errors for missing timestamp
Now, a message about missing a timestamp system value on an asset will be shown at the warning level to prevent flooding the logs.
ISSUE-473507 - Fix for translation management error-free files going to error subfolder upon import
Fixed an issue occurring where import files with translations were moved to the error folder even if there were no errors during translation using those files. A step-10.3-mp4 hotfix is also available for this solution.
ISSUE-481330 - Fix for blank Smartsheet calculated attributes
Now, dimension-dependent calculated attributes will be correctly exported in cross-context mode in Smartsheet format. This solution also has a hotfix available for 10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-495555 - Solution to customer-specific issue of removing messages from business conditions
Introduced the ability to hide unnecessary messages from the Reference Other Business Condition on a Web UI Node Editor when submitting an item to another state. To toggle this property, contact Stibo Systems Support. There is also a hotfix for this solution for step-10.1-mp3 to mp6 and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-499763 - Fix for language-dependent attributes from XML missing in GDSN production
When importing multiple GDSN files with different target markets having different dimensions, attributes would not always receive updates in all dimensions. This has been fixed. A hotfix for this solution is also available for gdsn2-receiver-7.0.62 and gdsn2-receiver-7.0.63.
ISSUE-499837 - Fix for the Attribute Value bind throwing a Runtime Exception after upgrade
Fixed Runtime Exception on Web UI which occurs when a list of values is used with IDs to select values in a business condition.
ISSUE-500805 - SaaS fix for IDs shown in Web UI message instead of the product names for Packaging hierarchy
Now, in the Packaging hierarchy screen, an error message about linking an existing product for Add Higher action contains product names instead of product IDs. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-505533 - Solution to increase max file size upload
Introduced a property that overrides the standard Apache file size limit and allows admins to control a maximum uploaded file size through the Web UI Asset Import Homepage Widget. To set this property, contact Stibo Systems Support. Hotfixes are available for step-10.1-mp1 - mp6.
ISSUE-506367 - Fix for REST Receiver with large files causing BGP to be put into quarantine
Importing STEPXML containing very large assets would fail with 'out of memory' errors. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-510713 - Inheritance symbol fix for Referenced Asset Representation component
Now, an inheritance symbol will show next to an inherited reference asset representation on the Referenced Asset Representation component on the Web UI Node Editor. This fix is also available via a hotfix for step-11.0, step-11.0-mp1, step-11.0-mp2, and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-516025 - Fix for Details Overlay not loading when navigating back
Introduced ability to bypass a navigation prevention check when navigating to the previous screen with Details Overlay in Web UI and the previous screen had the unsaved changes. To toggle this property, contact Stibo Systems Support. A hotfix for this solution is available for step-10.2.mp3.
ISSUE-519623 - Security fix for HTML Injection
Fixed HTML Injection in Web UI URL parameters that allowed access to the outer resources by pasting a harmful script to Screen, Context, or Workspace parameters in Web UI URL. This solution also has a hotfix available that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-520097 - Fix for STEP logout error
Fixed issue with logout when using /webui/webui/logout link. It did not work correctly if run from external HTML page from iframe element. This solution also has a hotfix available that is applicable to keycloak-sso-7.0.14 and one applicable to step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-520278 - Fix for fatal error when applying filter on search result table
Fixed a ClassCastException related to numerous clicks on any Table Header on Web UI Node List to open a filtering dialog. This hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4 and step-11.0-mp1.
ISSUE-520814 - Fix for import of translated file creating product-to-product references
Fixed the import of a translated file, which created product-to-product references when the reference was removed after creating file for translation.
ISSUE-521634 - Fix for multi-valued attributes not clearing on import
When importing data with an empty multi-valued attribute where STEP holds a value for a multi-valued attribute, data was not cleared. Now, when importing empty multi-valued attributes, the values for a multi-valued attribute are cleared in STEP.
ISSUE-522441 - Fix for In-Design (Proof View) process that hangs
The problem was when the workbench has sent a request for a PDF/ proof to the application server. If the InDesign server was working for a long time, then the proof was never returned to the workbench. The solution keeps the connection between the workbench and the application server alive while waiting. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4, step-10.0-mp5, step-10.0-mp4, and step-10.0-mp3.
ISSUE-523054 - Fix for import configuration ignoring mandatory flag
Fixed a problem with import configuration which was ignoring a mandatory flag for data container attribute values.
ISSUE-525383 - Fix for translation configs with multiple locales exporting without description
A fix was made for 'null' translation process descriptions instead of 'Translating.' There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to step-10.2-mp3.
ISSUE-525476 - Solution for inability to display multiple warning messages with business conditions
Fixed problem occurring when only one attribute value which had a failing business condition validation was highlighted on a Web UI Node Editor screen after editing this value. Now, multiple values are highlighted if they are failing different business condition validations.
ISSUE-526346 - Fix for LOV binding inconsistency
Introduced the ability to resolve Business Rules on Web UI Node Editor to LOV values instead of LOV IDs when evaluating business conditions. To toggle this option, contact Stibo Systems Support.
ISSUE-526949 - Improved workbench performance on high latency networks
Deprecated HTTP/1.0 headers removed. A hotfix for this solution is also available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-527032 - Corrected double quote CSV format import issue
Fixed problem occurring when there was an empty double quote with a delimiter at the beginning of the imported CSV string. This caused a CSV import to fail with an exception when the 'Allow Multiple Lines' parameter was enabled for CSV conversion. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.0-mp3 to mp5 baselines.
ISSUE-527721 - Solution for export to Excel failing since upgrade
Now, an exception will not be thrown when exporting STEP data in Excel / CSV / Smartsheet format via the File Delivery plugin. An exception was related to an attempt of renaming the result file while Excel was still locking it on a file system. The exporter will now retry again, and if this retry fails, it will copy the file with the correct name and delete an original file later.
ISSUE-527816 - Fix for data inconsistency error when publications are deleted
Additional checks have been added to the remove orphan publication nodes option ('Clean orphan publication data'). There is a hotfix for this solution that is applicable to step-10.1-mp4.
ISSUE-527982 - Fix for asset format getting changed in published environment
When using STEPXML to export and import assets, the filename was lost. It was therefore not possible to set the asset mime type based on the filename extension when importing from STEPXML. This has been fixed, and a hotfix for step-10.2-mp3 is also available.
ISSUE-528220 - Fix for nested 'groupings' configured with Web UI mandatory validations that were conflicting and failing
Fix for a problem when the Action button with Enforce Validity on a Buttons component of the Web UI Node Editor screen was not enabled correctly after saving the hidden mandatory grouping options. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that can be applied to step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-530611 - Fix for event processor failing automatically
Changed the user starting a background process to be the configured user on the event processor so that it is the configured user's privileges that applies to all aspects of the processing. The configured user will appear as the 'started by' user on the background process.
ISSUE-531172 - Fix for Excel export not working
Now, an exception is not thrown when exporting STEP data in Excel / CSV / Smartsheet format via the File Delivery plugin. The previous exception was related to an attempt to rename the result file while it was locked by Excel on a file system. The exporter now tries again, and if this retry fails, it copies the file with the correct name and deletes the original file later.
ISSUE-532078 - Fixed an exception occurring during active translation
Fixed 'This operation cannot be performed while a Transaction is active.' exception occurring when a user was trying to generate Match Code statistics in workbench for a Matching Algorithm with an embedded match code with In-Memory enabled.
ISSUE-532312 - Preview template not displaying
Fixed Proof View headers that did not allow the Proof View to display in Safari or Chrome browsers. A hotfix is available for this solution and applicable to step-10.2-mp3 and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-533477 - Solution for empty CSV files generated upon export
Introduced a property that allows the system to mark changed System Setup Nodes as 'Selected' in STEP XML export when performing an event-driven export (OIEP) in STEP. This means that empty converted files are no longer generated for such OIEPs. To enable this property, contact Stibo Systems Support.
ISSUE-533802 - Fix for reference survivorship rule issue
Now, Trusted Source Reference Survivorship Rule Multi Context will not report warnings when Mapped Reference and Reference types have a difference in valid 'stibo.' attributes.
ISSUE-534684 - Fix for BGPs and other processes getting stuck
Fixed a bug that would create bad data on STEP systems running with encrypted storage, which caused BGPs not to run.
ISSUE-534687 - Fix for generation of Modify Events when changing Reference / Link Type properties
Fix for the Reference / Link Type so that when its properties are changed the Modify Events is generated. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4 and step-10.2-mp3.
ISSUE-534771 - Fix for Asset Download looping while loading asset content
When uploading new Asset content, STEP would notify Event Listeners ignoring some Event Triggering Definitions. This has been corrected. Now, Event Triggering Definitions are taken into account when uploading new Asset content.
ISSUE-535391 - Fix for full storage after update
Now, Scheduled Category profiling running on a Windows Application Server will correctly clean up the temporary files. The temporary files are created in Temp folder on a server.
ISSUE-536337 - Fix for inability to change attribute definitions
Fixed a problem where lock-free schema changes could fail for LOVs under special conditions. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-536481 - Fix for errors on basic import of STEPXML
Now, if a ModifyingUniqueKeyValueException is thrown in Replacement Rules when replacing a value for an attribute which is used by the unique key, it will not fail an entire import.
ISSUE-537409 - Fix for package object details not showing after upgrade
Fixed a problem occurring when a current Node Details selection on a Packaging Node List in Web UI was not loaded after reloading a screen upon performing a Reset Action (or any other action that reloads a current screen).
ISSUE-537514 - InDesign plugin fix
Fixed a problem occurring with InDesign plugins where an update of a commercial object mounts a table available in the structure that is not selected.
ISSUE-537556 - Fix for OIEP failing with a general contract violation error
Fixed non-transitive comparison in Domain exporter during the export of metadata values if any of the metadata values has a null persistence object. It caused a 'Comparison method violates its general contract' error in the BGP, which is now fixed.
ISSUE-538252 - Fix for business rules executed twice in Web UI setup
Now, Validation Business Conditions configured on a Node Editor screen in Web UI will not be calculated twice on a page load. This happened if a Node Editor contained a Value / Value Group component configured for an LOV attribute, which is used in the Validation Business Condition bind. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-538917 - Fix for 'Force Update Table' triggering a full update of the document
The problem was when doing a 'Force Update Table' in InDesign. If a select table was made after a cursor text selection has been made in the table, then all tables in the document were updated. The solution is to update the table designated by the table selection only.
ISSUE-539674 - Solution for authentication issues for Asset Streaming API
Fixed authentication issues occurring when using an Asset Upload endpoint with SaaS. An error was occurring when the customer sent an upload request to the Asset Streaming API and getting a 401 Unauthorized exception.
ISSUE-540182 - Fix for Import Manager freezing when trying to create import configuration
When user tried to create new import configuration, Import Manager froze if Auto Map and Transform options where used. After the fix, using these options is not freezing Import Manager.
ISSUE-540233 - Fix for proof view not getting the pictures
Fixed a problem occurring when proof view would throw an exception and fail to return all images.
ISSUE-540718 - Fix for products not grouped in Excel export via Web UI
There was a customer-specific fix around configuration properties and enabling / disabling sorting in Excel. If you have a similar issue, contact Stibo Systems Support.
ISSUE-540821 - Fix for workbench approve translation error
When approving multiple translations in the workbench, only the first translation was being approved. This has been fixed. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-540895 - Fix for asset import issue in published environment
Now, the error 'The attribute with ID 'stibo.documentvalue' could not be found' will not be thrown when importing an Asset with content and a parent classification that contains an attribute link to 'stibo.documentvalue' system attribute.
ISSUE-541330 - Fix for Matching and Linking Inheritance promotion error
Fixed a problem occurring when inherited references / links together with local links / references that are overriding them were promoted to the Golden Record via Trusted Source Multi Context Reference survivorship rule.
ISSUE-541730 - Fix for Translation execution report presentation of information
Fix for workbench problem displaying Translation process files as hyperlinks on a Translation BGP report. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-541761 - Fix for OIEP incident / endpoint export issue
Fixed backward compatibility issue for outbound integration endpoints (OIEPs) so that when multiple contexts are specified, the system will use cross-context export mode. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.2-mp3 and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-542583 - Corrected post-upgrade problems with OIEPs
Under special circumstances, the Domain Exporter did not export all sub-products below products referenced by a classification.
ISSUE-542874 - Fix for Web UI showing unresponsive message for some components upon upgrade
Fixed a performance issue for Grouping / Grouping Option components in Web UI Design Mode. They were loading for a long time even though they were not in Design Mode. Now, only a source Attribute Value for Grouping component will be loaded in Web UI Design Mode to avoid performance issues for complex grouping structures. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-542960 - Fix for Web UI exports failing intermittently
Fixed thread safety issues during the export in Excel format in STEP. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-543185 - Fixed issue preventing rejection of duplicate items from Match result
Fixed confirm / reject buttons on duplicate candidates in Matching tab in workbench.
ISSUE-543484 - Fix for a customer not being able to access the SaaS QA system
The sensor information requested from Prometheus has been fixed, so no two threads are starting to collect information for the same sensor concurrently. We recommend avoiding concurrent requests to get sensor information from the Admin Portal as these requests use a lot of memory and can contribute to the application server running out of memory. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-543547 - Customer upgrade issue fix
Fixed a problem writing to the execution report for a background process.
ISSUE-543653 - Fix for nested 'groupings' configured with Web UI mandatory validations that were conflicting and failing
Fixed a problem occurring when the Action button with Enforce Validity on a Buttons component of the Web UI Node Editor screen was not enabled correctly after saving the hidden mandatory grouping options. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that can be applied to step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-544050 - Fix for GraphQL query issues in 10.3-MP4 patch
Made comparator for display sequence in collection GraphQL queries conditional as it slows down sorting. A hotfix is applicable for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-544119 - Solution for slow BMEcat export
Fixed performance problems that occurred when retrieving linked attributes for a large classification hierarchy, and when using the 'Attributes inherited by Classification' on a large classification hierarchy. This type of mapping is often done on BMEcat exports using the ETIM classification hierarchy.
ISSUE-544256 - Solution for failure to acquire exclusive lock worker
Improved performance for extremely large multi-values. In this case, an IIEP was unable to restart. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-544853 - Fix for loader not disappearing with error on screen in Web UI
When saving a Web UI screen containing a References component, sometimes an 'Unexpected error' would be shown, and the loader would keep spinning. This has been fixed. A hotfix applicable to step-10.3-mp4 is available for this solution.
ISSUE-545170 - Solution for error upon importing table 0050 in the TecDoc Supplier Data file
Added additional logging information to the BGP error report.
ISSUE-545331 - Fix for bulk update config with Remove / Initiate to Workflow not working
Now, a saved Workflow ID in Bulk Update configurations with Remove Item from Workflow or Initiate Item in Workflow Bulk Update plugins will be correctly restored in the Bulk Update wizard when performing a bulk update from the existing configuration. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-545918 - Fix for XML import that was filling up disk with mapDB temp files
Now, temporary files created by Cassandra mapDB during the import will be cleared successfully after the import is done. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-545946 - Fix for trailing spaces added when using the Format Text on Web UI to concatenate attribute values
Now, eight (8) zero-width trailing spaces will not be added to the end of the value with multiple inline references when a user saves such a value on a Web UI Node Editor screen with the Attribute Value Component with Rich Text editing configured. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.2-mp3.
ISSUE-546020 - Fix for error that pops up when trying to run sidecar installation in 'test' mode
A timeout value solution was implemented when fetching the SCPL file during asset push set up. This solution is customer specific. Contact Stibo Systems Support if you have the same issue on your system.
ISSUE-546129 - Fix for asset upload / asset linking to product as vendor issue
A change has been made to the check used by the asset importer, now a product can be linked if the product is visible for any of the vendor groups a user is part of. Before, the product needed to be visible for all of the user's vendor groups. There is a step-10.3-mp4 hotfix available for this solution.
ISSUE-546791 - Fix for error when enabling macros
Fixed an exception occurring on Smartsheet open when a Smartsheet exceeded 33,000 rows. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-547275 - Fix for translation export not working
Fix for a NullPointerException (NPE) during the Translation Export via a custom translation component.
ISSUE-547302 - Fix for RuntimeException for text transformation
Fixed a problem occurring with Replace Value with Lookup Table transformation during the import in STEP. This solution also has a hotfix available for step-10.2-mp3 and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-547971 - Fix for revision being created when no action is taken on an OIEP
Fixed a problem occurring when the user clicked on an outbound integration endpoint (OIEP) configuration tab in the workbench and a revision was being added. Now, the OIEP does not add a revision when the user only clicks the configuration tab.
ISSUE-548026 - Fix for inaccessible system
Now, an info message is logged to the application server log when the dimension dependency is changed on an attribute or LOV.
ISSUE-548269 - Translation status can now be reset for attribute groups
In workbench, attribute groups now include a Status tab which allows a user to modify the translation status.
ISSUE-548303 - Fix for BMEcat multilingual export for assets
Fix in workbench for BMEcat export for multilingual assets when no language information is in the exported file. There is also a hotfix for this solution for STEP versions 10.1 (mp4, mp5, mp6), 10.3 (mp4), and 11.0 (mp2, mp3).
ISSUE-548687 - Fix for 'Wind Events Forward' dialog not allowing event IDs with more than nine (9) digits
Event Queue is updated so Forward to Event ID allows more than nine (9) digits.
ISSUE-549402 - Fix for Schedule Category Profiling for the products in a collection when collection is selected
Now, Scheduled Category Profiling allows profiling objects added to a collection without having to add this collection to yet another collection. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4 and step-10.2-mp3.
ISSUE-549767 - Fix for Web UI / workbench logon failure in SaaS
STEP has a set of monitoring sensors such as the one used by loadbalancer to determine readiness of STEP. However, sensor requests could be aborted if requests for other longer-running sensor requests was ongoing, which caused the loadbalancer to reject logon attempts. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-550149 - Fix for Excel translation file import issue
Now, manual Excel translation in workbench respects 'Always Excluded Attributes' configured in Translation Settings flipper of Users & Groups on the System Setup tab. There is a hotfix of this solution that is available for step-10.3-mp4, step-11.0, and step-11.0-mp1 through mp4.
ISSUE-550164 - Fix for JavaScript business rule error ReferenceSource getReferences().asList()
Fix for an occasional ClassCastException caused by a JavaScript business rule doing getReferences().asList() invocation. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-550700 - Solution for issue with conditional formatting for attribute triggered by business action
Fix for a bug in the Web UI with business condition validation on detail screens. In certain conditions, not all involved attributes would trigger the condition upon change of the value.
ISSUE-550783 - Fix for Web UI unresponsive / page load issue
In Web UI, increased loading speed occurred with multiple nested hidden Grouping Options under the Grouping component on Node Editor. This resolves page loading issues.
ISSUE-551517 - Added logging for Proof View errors when decoding Base64
Additional logging has been added for Proof View when a problem is encountered decoding Base64 is passed back from the InDesign server.
ISSUE-552058 - Fix for cutting an entity root error in workbench
Previously, an exception error about a missing parent was displayed for the entity root node being cut. Now, entity roots can successfully be cut-and-pasted in workbench when parent object types are available for the paste action.
ISSUE-552551 - Fix for In-Memory change exclude Search Condition that uses a wildcard
Now, an exclude value search with a wildcard (example: -Attribute=*) is automatically replaced by the exclamation search (example: Attribute!). Although both searches return the same result set, the exclamation search is a more efficient way to search for missing values.
ISSUE-553111 - Fix for Submit button getting enabled without selecting mandatory elements
Fix to correctly disable buttons until mandatory components are addressed under the visible grouping options on Web UI Node Editor. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-553314 - Fix for attribute validation base type inconsistency logging
Added more logging to help while investigating the problem.
ISSUE-553722 - Fix for Data Import screen throwing an error when added as Sub Screen Tab Page
Fixed a NullPointerException (NPE) that was caused by the Data Import component when it was configured with a product selection import configuration but called from the Node Editor screen when a classification is selected. Instead of the NPE, an 'Invalid Product Parent' message will be shown. This solution is also available as a hotfix that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-554128 - Fix for missing '*' (mandatory star) indicator
Fix for Web UI to correctly display the mandatory marking for attribute validated parameters on the Bulk Update With Templates dialog.
ISSUE-555693 - Fix for saving an LOV value in a data container attribute
Fix for an issue with saving an LOV value in a data container attribute in Web UI. This hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-556315 - Fix for error when navigating to Advanced Search screen
Fix for a problem loading an Advanced Search screen in Web UI. Now, if needed, all saved searches can be deleted to gain access to the Advanced Search screen.
ISSUE-556577 - Fix for less interactive error message for the business user
Fix for the error messaging being too technical in the Web UI for errors from a business action. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-556592 - Fix for NPE in Bulk Update edit
Fix for a NullPointerException (NPE) during Bulk Update with templates execution. The error occurred when the user did not supply any of the templates on Bulk Update Template Dialog in the Web UI. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4 and step-10.2-mp3.
ISSUE-557081 - Fix for business rule in Web UI - no main address can be added to a location
Fix for a problem in the Bulk Update functionality in the Web UI. Previously, a single value LOV with ID would resolve as the LOV ID in the business action and multi values would resolve the value. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-557191 - SaaS fix for missing warning on mandatory attribute
When using LOVs with Value IDs in business rules in the Web UI, sometimes the business rule received the value and other times received the Value ID. Now, the business rule always receives the value, not the Value ID. The config property WebUI.Value.ResolveLOVValueToID has been removed. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-557422 - Fix for LOV update not getting in sync from global context to children contexts
Fixed a bug with the Web UI LOV Management screen where LOV values would be saved to child dimension points (contexts) when editing a root dimension point. There is also a hotfix for this solution applicable to step-10.3-mp4 and step-10.2-mp3.
ISSUE-557428 - Fix for IIEP failing with NullPointerException (NPE)
Fix for a NullPointerException (NPE) when the imported product parent cannot be determined during the IIEP process.
ISSUE-557721 - Fix for Smartsheet on Cassandra throwing error in search option
Node Picker Search Tab on Smartsheet now works on STEP servers with Cassandra.
ISSUE-558230 - Fix for customer system crashing / slowness
Stateflow Deadline Process has new ability to not log every state having the deadline exceeded. This change benefits systems with for processes having a very large number of tasks where the deadline is exceeded.
ISSUE-558667 - Fix for pop up 'Error on upload Server Error' in the Web UI
A Multiple Pollers fix script has been updated to work with STEP 10.3 table structure. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-558729 - SaaS fix for workflow dashboard count not working
Previously, the number of active items in a workflow was not shown for a workflow profile on STEP with Cassandra. Fixed a NullPointerException (NPE) thrown when updating on-demand data for workflow profile for STEP with Cassandra. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4, step-10.2-mp3, inmemory-7.0.62, and inmemory-7.0.59.
ISSUE-558807 - Fix for business rule taking a long time to run on a Web UI via the Run Business Action button for 1,000 products
Introduced the new 'Disable Reload' parameter for the Run Business Action Toolbar component, which allows admins to disable reloading a Node List after performing a corresponding action. This solution is also available as a hotfix that is applicable to step-10.2-mp3 and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-559135 - Fix for error during unique key import versus assets with large content
Fix for importing STEPXML with AssetBinaryContent larger than 2GB which would previously fail with an Out Of Memory error. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4 and step-10.2-mp3.
ISSUE-559159 - Fix for ZIP file getting downloaded instead of XLSX Asset
Fix for a problem when the user was not privileged to access the asset system values then the XLS / XLSX assets were downloaded as ZIP files via the Asset Link component in Web UI. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-559457 - SaaS fix for Scheduled Export email file with improper naming
Now, long filename templates with non-ascii characters do not result in corrupt email delivery attachment filenames. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-559876 - Fix for reference metadata attribute not working properly
In a multi-reference Multi Edit Display Mode component in the Web UI, it was not possible to remove inherited dimension-dependent LOV values. This has been fixed. There is a hotfix also available for this solution that is applicable to step-9.3-mp3, mp4, and mp5 and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-560788 - SaaS fix for fatal error in Web UI background process list
Fix for a problem in the Web UI with the Background Process List screen if a process did not have a valid start date that caused an error when sorting or filtering. This hotfix is available for step-11.0-mp2 and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-560820 - Fix for modifying a Custom Export made by a user in Excel 97
Fix to make Excel 2007 the default Excel version for Custom Export configurations that use Excel versions that are no longer supported. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-560921 - Fix for module proofing not working
The InDesign Sidecar could incorrectly restart if the sidecar temporarily could not reach the STEP servers to report its status. This has now been fixed. This solution also has a hotfix available that is applicable to step-11.0-mp1 through mp4.
ISSUE-561466 - Fix for inability to access a background job for impersonated user in Web UI
Fixed a problem occurring when users, impersonating a supplier user who does not have privileges to view BGPs of other users, were not able to access their own BGPs on a Background Process Details screen in Web UI with In-Memory enabled. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-561562 - SaaS fix for selection of an LOV using typeahead feature shows the ID instead of the value selected
Fix for a problem when LOV values were replaced by IDs on Web UI Node Editor. This occurred when, after selecting a typeahead suggestion for an attribute with a huge LOV, the user changed focus from the Attribute Value component field. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-561604 - SaaS fix for empty references
Fix to filter out null (empty) references when calling query.asList or .forEach for queryReferencedBy business rule API.
ISSUE-562121 - Solution for Multi Context Edit component falsely suppressing references
Fix for a bug with editing references through the Multi Context Edit component of the Web UI, where previously, the wrong dimension point would be used when editing. A hotfix is available for step-11.0-mp2.
ISSUE-562401 - Fix for a missing expansion icon
Fixed a problem where a selected item on a Web UI Tree Navigator on a Global Navigation Panel did not have an icon to expand even if it had children. A hotfix applicable to step-10.3-mp4 is also available for this solution.
ISSUE-563200 - Fix for Web UI 'References Asset Representation' component not working for product overrides
Fixed a problem in Web UI Node Editor when asset references for product overrides were not displayed via Referenced Asset Representation. A hotfix is available for step-10.0-mp3, step-10.0-mp4, step-10.0-mp5, and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-563488 - Fix for BMEcat multilingual export for assets
Fix in workbench for BMEcat export for multilingual assets when no language information is in the exported file. There is also a hotfix for this solution for STEP versions 10.1 (mp4, mp5, mp6), 10.3 (mp4), and 11.0 (mp2, mp3).
ISSUE-563501 - SaaS fix for randomly changing configuration of outbound integration endpoints
In workbench, viewing an old revision of an outbound integration endpoint (OEIP) could unexpectedly overwrite the current configuration if the user then selected the 'Configurations' tab. This has been fixed. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-563886 - SaaS fix for error in creating new screen with User Password component
Fix for a NullPointerException (NPE) error on the Web UI Node Details screen that occurred when a user added a User Password component. The User Password component is only valid on a User Details screen. Now, if the User Password component is added on a Node Details screen, no error will display, and the invalid component will also not display. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-564172 - SaaS fix for poor performance of BGPs
The ability to improve performance of purging recycle bin when purging attribute values is now available. For more information, contact Stibo Systems Support. A hotfix is available for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-565269 - Fix for internal server error while viewing packaging
Now, a packaging screen in the Web UI will not immediately fail loading with an exception if there are illegal links to non-packaging nodes via the packaging link. Instead, an error message will be logged at a SEVERE level to the STEP app log that will allow users to locate such a problem. This solution is also available as a hotfix that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-567413 - Fix for issue occurring while trying to save an LOV value in a Data Container attribute
Fixed a problem occurring when an LOV value with more than 5,000 values on a Data Container Editor on a Web UI Node Editor was not able to save the LOV value if the ID started with the same prefix as other LOV IDs for this attribute. There is also a hotfix for this solution that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-568376 - Fix for out-of-date serving platform
Upgraded moment.js dependency to the latest version for the Customer MDM Data Profile component. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to step-10.2-mp3 and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-568378 - Fix for lack of authentication config endpoint access
Now, config resources will not be available for STEP system with SSO enabled if the current session is not authenticated. Fixed workbench inaccessibility issues with config resource blocked. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to step-10.2-mp3 and step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-569368 - Fix for the inability to copy values with local formatting when using User Configurable Views
Introduced the ability to enforce the 'Enable Locale Formatting' option for Table Header Values that are configured via User Configurable Views in Web UI. To enable this property, contact Stibo Systems Support. It is important to note that this property does affect all the table headers added to User Configurable Views and it only affects newly created views. This solution is also available as a hotfix that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-569586 - Fix for inability to create a product and view the product details in Web UI
Fixed a side effect causing an exception after installing HOTFIX-6019 which was related to initialization of a References component on a Web UI Node Editor. The solution is also available via a hotfix for step-10.3-mp4.
ISSUE-570924 - Additional logging added to identify Product MDM event processor error
Gathering more info in exception for better debug options. Additionally, there were JavaScript data inconsistencies that were cleaned up as part of the process of working to resolve the issue. This solution is also available as a hotfix that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4.
Patch Recipe
The 10.3-MP5 baseline patch can be installed with the following recipes:
spot --apply=to:step/platform/step-10.3-mp5.spr
spot --upgrade=step:10.3*
*Before installing the recipe provided by the SPOT --upgrade functionality, review the baseline and component versions that the system will be upgraded to before applying. Verify that the baseline and/or components are the correct versions to be applied (i.e., the versions you did testing on—and not a higher, untested version).
For on-premises systems, refer to the SPOT Program documentation for more information, including how to use the SPOT --upgrade command to also find compatible components that can be added at the same time as the baseline patch (--upgrade=all) in the SPOT Program topic of the System Administration Guide found in Downloadable Documentation. For assistance, contact Stibo Systems Technical Services. For SaaS systems, contact Stibo Systems.
Note: Customers may want to search Jira for their Maintenance Patch Issue Numbers. To do so, while in Jira, navigate to Issues (in the header bar) and then select ‘Search for Issues.’ Click on the ‘Advanced’ option on the filtering bar, and then type in ‘issue=’ and the Issue number from the Maintenance Patch Notes. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to run the query. Users will only be able to view Jira tickets for Maintenance Patch Issue Numbers that they have privileges to access. If the issue is not applicable to the user searching, then a ‘No issues were found to match your search’ message will be displayed.